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Sunday, April 9, 2017

Not everything must have a kosher for Passover certification

Medicines On Pesach
The general rule regarding medicine on Pesach is that if the medicine is tasty, such as a syrup or lozenges, one must check if it is kosher for Pesach. As long as it is not known that it is kosher for Pesach, swallowing it is forbidden. Only someone who is dangerously ill, and whose medicine has no equivalent substitute, is permitted to swallow it, because ‘pikuach nefesh’ (the saving of life) overrides the prohibition of eating chametz.

A tasteless medicine, however, does not require kashrut, because even if chametz that was previously edible was mixed in the medicine, since now it is not fit to be eaten even ‘b’shat ha’dachak’ (in times of distress), because it is unfit even for animal consumption, it no longer has the prohibition of chametz.

Some meticulously observant people try to avoid even bitter medicines that contain chametz. They show concern for the opinion of the few poskim who maintain that medicine is not considered unfit for animal consumption since we deem it significant, and it is thus rabbinically prohibited. But according to the opinion of most halakhic authorities, it is permitted to swallow without checking a medicine that is not fit to be eaten.

It should be added that the chances of medicines containing chametz are very slim, and even more so today when many people are sensitive to gluten, and ingredients containing grains are not mixed into medicines by drug companies without cause, and they prefer substitutes that are gluten-free.
Consequently, the thick pamphlets that the HMOs publish are superfluous, and should be focusing on the flavored medicines. By not doing so, they prove the rule: “tafasta merubeh, lo tafasta” (“If you have seized too much, you have not seized” - i.e. if you overdo it, you miss the main issue). Because of their preoccupation with tasteless drugs, no effort is being made to clarify the composition of the flavored medicines, the only ones for which clarification is important.

Poskim disagree whether body ointments that contain chametz may be used on Pesach. While soaps, shampoos, and creams are not made from chametz, they sometimes contain grain alcohol or other chametz derivatives, leading to queries about their status on Pesach.

Poskim disagree whether body ointments that contain chametz may be used on Pesach. While soaps, shampoos, and creams are not made from chametz, they sometimes contain grain alcohol or other chametz derivatives, leading to queries about their status on Pesach.

Some say that applying an ointment is equivalent, by rabbinic enactment, to drinking. Consequently, even if the chametz in these products is not fit for a dog’s consumption, it retains the status of chametz because it is suitable for anointing, and thus it is forbidden to use them on Pesach. Accordingly, one must use soaps, shampoos, and creams that are kosher for Pesach.

Others maintain that the Sages only equated the application of ointment to drinking with regard to Yom Kippur and anointing with oil consecrated as teruma (priestly gift). All other Torah prohibitions relate to eating alone, not anointing. 

Although it is forbidden to derive benefit from chametz, the chametz in these products was rendered unfit for a dog’s consumption even before Pesach began and thus lost the status of chametz. It is therefore permissible to derive benefit from them and apply them to the body during Pesach.

In practice, even if we know that chametz not fit for a dog’s consumption was mixed in these products after Pesach commenced, since it is a ‘safek d’Rabbanan’ (rabbinic law that is not incontrovertible), the halakha goes according to the lenient view. In practice, the vast majority of cosmetic products produced in Israel do not contain wheat-derived alcohol (Peninei Halakha: Pesach 8:9).

Toothpaste and Lipstick

Toothpastes and lipsticks must be certified kosher for Pesach because they are flavored, and thus like any other food product.

Be Careful of Products that Look like Chametz

Just as our Sages forbade baking bread with milk lest one come to eat it with meat and transgress the prohibition of the Sages (the prohibition from the Torah is only when meat and milk are cooked together), similarly it is forbidden to eat products whose ingredients are kosher for Pesach but look like chametz products – lest one err, and come to eat chametz products themselves.

Therefore, wafers and cookies, which do not have a very significant change in their shape, even if they have kashrut for Pesach certification, should not be eaten on Pesach. In this matter, credit goes to the kashrut department of the Chief Rabbinate, which insisted on clarifying the halakha, and applying it. However, sometimes it takes years for all the factories to comply with the directive, and in the meantime, consumers have to be careful.

Dishwashing Liquid

There is no need for kosher for Pesach dishwashing liquid. Although it comes into contact with food utensils, because its taste is completely foul, even if chametz was mixed in it, it is no longer prohibited. True, if a person intends to eat chametz that is unfit for a dog’s consumption, since he considers it as food, he thus transgresses a rabbinical prohibition; but in this case, since no one is interested in tasting the dishwashing soap, even if the dishes were not rinsed well and taste of the soap remains on the dishes, there is no prohibition.
Consequently, the kashrut bodies that provide kosher for Pesach certification for dishwashing liquid mislead the public and make their Torah “a spade with which to dig” - i.e. using Torah for financial profit.

The Foundation of Freedom

Sometimes it seems that values ​​of religion clash with values of freedom, to the point where 
for many people the value of freedom seems alien to Judaism. But the truth is that the value of freedom is the foundation of the Torah, and the entire exodus from Egypt and Pesach – ‘z’man cherutainu’ (the time of our freedom) – is meant to reveal the value of freedom: that through freedom, the soul that God instilled in man can be revealed, and by means of it, one is able to choose good, reveal the image of God within him, and become a partner with God in repairing the world.

The value of freedom is so important that to be properly understood, the people of Israel had to emerge out of the terrible enslavement in Egypt, which the Torah describes as “the house of bondage”, in order to fulfill the great and awesome Divine mission – to redeem the world from its servitude, and repair it with kindness and truth.

Between Freedom and Free Will

However, the difference between ‘freedom’ and ‘free will’ must be understood. A free person is a person who has no external power forcing him to behave in a particular way, but in practice, such a person is not truly free because he is enslaved to his visceral inclinations and public opinion. He can be convinced that he himself has made all of his own decisions, but the decisive influence of his predispositions and that of public opinion on his decisions, can easily be detected. In contrast, a truly free person is one who is able to choose his path according to his own free will. The person with ‘free will’ is swept away with the flow, while the truly free person shows the way, and shapes the flow.

The Torah Grants Freedom

The Torah gives man the ability to be free, consequently, the follow-up of the Exodus is the giving of the Torah, as our Sages said (Avot 6: 2) concerning the verse: ‘The Tablets were made by God and written with God’s script engraved on the Tablets’ (Exodus 32:16): “Read not “engraved” (charut) but “liberty” (chairut) – for there is no free individual, except for he who occupies himself with the study of Torah.” Only through the absolute and eternal word of Hashem, which is engraved and fixed on the tablets, can man be released from the enslavement to his desires and public opinion.

HowHowever, it is not sufficient to simply fulfill the Torah, but it must also be learned, because as a result of such study a person renews himself, his soul is enlightened, and consequently, he receives inspiration and ideas on how to add good, and improve the world.

The Goal of the Exodus is to Enter the Land

Receiving the Torah and learning it are not enough – all this must take place in Israel. 

Therefore the goal of the Exodus and the giving of the Torah is for Israel to inherit the Land promised to our forefathers, for only in the Land of Israel can the nation of Israel live in freedom, and create its own unique lifestyle, and as a result, shower blessing to the entire world, as Hashem said to Moshe: “I have indeed seen the suffering of My people… I have come down to rescue them from Egypt’s power. I will bring them out of that land, to a good, spacious land, to a land flowing with milk and honey…” (Exodus 3:6-7). In contrast, in exile we are enslaved, as it is stated: “There you will serve gods that men have made out of wood and stone” (Deuteronomy 4:28).

Therefore, the vision of the exodus from Egypt is entirely related to the mitzvah of settling the Land of Israel, as stated in the response to the wise son: “In the future, your child may ask you, ‘What are the rituals, rules and laws that God our Lord has commanded you?’ You must tell him, ‘We were slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt, but God brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand… to bring us to the land He promised our fathers, and give it to us” (Deuteronomy 6:20-25).

This is because in the Land of Israel the nation of Israel is able to reveal the unifying ‘emunah‘ (faith), to connect heaven and earth, faith and action, to reveal their talents and to be a blessing to all peoples, as God said to Abraham: “Go away from your land…to the land… I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you great. You shall become a blessing… all the families of the earth will be blessed through you”(Genesis 12: 1-3). The Torah also says: “Now Israel, listen to the rules and laws… so that you will remain alive and come to occupy the land… safeguard and keep these rules, since this is your wisdom and understanding in the eyes of the nations. They will hear all these rules and say, ‘This great nation is certainly a wise and understanding people” (Deuteronomy 4:1-8). The Sages taught that “wisdom and understanding” refers to the secular knowledges that receive their positive blessing from ‘emunah’, Torah and mitzvot (Shabbat 75a).

Thus, precisely through the acceptance of the yoke of Torah and mitzvoth, the Jewish nation is capable of finding the true meaning of life in this world. This “yoke” does not entail the closing-off of possibilities, but rather, the opening of innumerable potentials, because Divine goodness is revealed in countless expressions and varieties, and man must choose which areas to invest his energies in ‘repairing the world in the Kingdom of God’.

Religious Institutions and Freedom

Sometimes, in an effort to preserve the path of Torah and mitzvot, we forget the value of freedom. This situation is a carry-over from the burden of ‘galut‘ (exile) and impulses. For many generations we had to direct almost all our energies to guard ourselves from any foreign influences, and we forgot how to reveal the good thoughts in our souls, for the glory of Torah and the world.

In order to free ourselves from the yoke of ‘galut‘, we must strengthen the vision of Israel’s life in its land, and as a result, the value of freedom will receive its important standing, and encourage initiative and creativity stemming from ‘emunah’ based on the goodness of Hashem, and a sense of mission to repair the world. The more successful the heroes and pioneers of ‘emunah‘ are, the more people will follow in their path. And all the people of the world will know and realize that precisely within a religious framework, true freedom emerges in its most profound and original way, redeems man from his material enslavement, visceral inclinations and distress, and gives him the opportunity to reveal his Divine soul. And as a result, we will merit complete redemption, speedily in our days.
This article appears in the ‘Besheva’ newspaper, and was translated from Hebrew. 

A Charedi writer's open letter to anti-IDF rioters

by Isaac Kohn 

Dear Yerushalmi Faction member:

Let's understand each other before you read any further.

I am considered Charedi, my children are considered Charedi and so are my grandchildren. As such, no one is in a better po‎sition to look carefully at who you are, what you represent, what your goal is and what you are really accomplishing.

Basically speaking, let's face it: you are a hooligan, a law-breaker and a wretched model of what a Yeshiva Bochur (yeshiva student, ed.) should not be. How dare you! Your wild and reckless rioting will never result in the army rescinding its draft guidelines. Your ugly shenanigans perpetrated against the rest of the innocent public will only cause the full extent of the law to come crashing down around your ears.
And so it should be. And the sooner the better.

I always tried to compare 'our' children to those who live in Gaza and the Palestinian Authority-administered territories. I always marveled at the wide schism of normal and human be‎havior exhibited by 'our' children in comparison to the youth across the border. Ours were taught manners, respect, decency, kindness and the relationship between man and G-D. We were taught that as human beings, our lives need to emulate that of the One Above. They, on the other hand, are taught that life has no value, decency is non existent, politeness is a waste of time and their Allah is an angry, blood thirsty deity.

And then you came along, exposing yourself to the world as a spoiled, useless piece of work who doesn't care about the rest of society. Just who do you think you are? Your name in Hebrew, Peleg Yerushalmi, using the word peleg, says it all. Peleg means to divide, to split up, to shatter. Shame on you.

I've been watching you all these weeks. I saw you following the precepts and orders of leaders who are detached from reality. I noticed that you and your fellow hoods truly believe that the world is yours. You've been blocking traffic, threatening, pushing, kicking and rioting in order to accomplish... what?

I watched you and your little brothers, the 8,10,12, and14 year-olds, harass drivers and innocent by-standers only because you don't agree with their attire. You insulted, cursed and physically mauled a woman who happened to walk by while you were displaying your ugliness on the streets of Jerusalem. You disgust me. Shame on you!

You are a disgrace. As a Charedi, I am telling you that you are an unworthy imitation of a frum [religious] Jew who needs to be taught a swift, harsh lesson. I strongly believe that the army and police are treating you with too much compassion, with kid gloves. I believe the time has come for the authorities to engage you as the terrorist you are. Because you are.
It's only a matter of time until the frustration you are creating for drivers by blocking and delaying them will explode in your face. It will only be a matter of time until a frustrated driver runs you down. That anger was demonstrated already in the city of Bnei Brak as a furious driver came out swinging with a stick. How much longer before someone cracks your head? And deservedly, too.

In addition to your grotesque be‎havior, you are a total hypocrite. You are demonstrating against the draft because the Torah is what you are concerned about. Right? Not so fast.
What you really want is to be left alone to continue on your merry way of doing absolutely nothing with your life. Because you are obviously not learning. Seeing the hundreds of hours you've wasted, learning is the last thing on your mind. How many precious hours, days, 
weeks have you already squandered in this manner? How many enemies to the Torah way of life have you created during that wasteful time? Can't count, can you?

The audacity and ugliness which you portray, have no limits. In your audacious chutzpa you have no qualms about calling our soldiers and police officers the vilest of names. How dare you spit the word Nazi and hurl it at a Jewish son, my nephew, your neighbor? These are the same 'Nazis' – you moron - who'd sacrifice their lives to protect your worthless one. These are the same 'Nazis' who will not hesitate for a second to save you, the one who vilifies them with vile epithets. When you need them, you appreciate their presence and sacrifice, don't you? Shameless ingrate.

Were I in a position to do so, I would treat you quite differently, my young idiot. I would give you an hour ultimatum, sixty minutes exactly, to cease and desist and if you don't, I would then follow up with riot-control methods you haven't yet experienced. Believe me, your eagerness to riot and damage and sit in front of cars will quickly dissipate as you and your colleagues disappear like smoke in the wind.

And then....I would send my 'Nazis' to knock on your door and your friend's and his buddy.........every single, rioting young man. There will be no more extensions or postponements for you and the rest of your gang. You will be drafted immediately and sent for training, not to be furloughed for the next number of years. You will be cured of your sickness, believe me.

And your brother, when he reaches the draft age, will meekly, politely and precisely sign the registration papers without a whimper.

That time is coming.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Jewish terrorist that attacked the Frum IDF Tzaddik in Meah Sharim Will Spend Entire Pesach in Jail

So this Rasha will now have to eat, nebech, machine matzoz with his marror ... and have plenty of time to contemplate his actions of raising a hand to a fellow Jew! 
He can if he wishes, have some Arab hating Jews at his seder.

האריכו את מעצרו של חרדי שתקף חייל לובש מדים במאה שערים

 דוברות המשטרה (ירושלים):

בית המשפט נעתר לבקשת המשטרה והאריך עד לתאריך 9.4.17 את מעצרו של החשוד שנעצר אתמול בשכונת מאה שערים בגין תקיפת חייל לובש מדים בשכונת מאה שערים.

כב' השופטת בנקי אמרה בהחלטה בעניינו כי *"המשיב נעצר ביום 5.4.17 בחשד לקשירת קשר לביצוע פשע, תקיפה סתם על ידי שניים או יותר,תקיפת עובד ציבור,* *השתתפות בהתפרעות והעלבת עובד ציבור.*
*חומר החקירה מקים חשד סביר למיוחס למשיב לעניין תקיפת עובד ציבור והעלבת עובד ציבור.*
*מסוכנות המשיב נלמדת מן המיוחס לו ונראה כי אין זו הפעם הראשונה בה הוא מעורב באירועים מסוג זה".*

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Frum Soldier attacked in Meah Shearim ....6 Frum "Terrorists" Arrested

Police this afternoon made at least six arrests after persons attacked a chareidi IDF soldier.

However, this time the police were ready for the attack, as multiple undercover officers had been stationed in the area awaiting this type of incident that has become a common occurrence in the Meah Shearim area.

Police are continuing to operate in the area, seeking additional suspects.

Police decided to station the extra officers in light of the increase in attacks against chareidi soldiers.
Among those arrested was a child.

Satmar News Blog "VIN" Headline About the Frum Lady Murdered by an Arab " Jewish Woman Found Dead Outside Her Paris Home"

A Frum Lady gets murdered by an Arab Savage screaming "Aluah Akbar" ....and VIN  a Satmar News Blog copies the anti-Israel views of the secular News Media ......

Read this from VosIzneis VIN:

 Police in Paris arrested a 27-year-old man in connection with the death of his neighbor, a Jewish woman whose lifeless body was found outside their apartment building.
Sarah Halimi, 66, died Monday night. Police have not said whether they have a theory as to what led to her death or whether she was pushed from her window on Vaucouleurs Street in the crime-ridden 11th district of the French capital, according to a report Wednesday by the Actualite Juive weekly.

Now read what really happened, and it is interesting that the report below is from the exact news sourc, the JTA, news  agency that VIN used, but VIN chose to copy and paste only those paragraphs that are vague about the motive......
Why would VIN do that? You ask ....
VIN does this all the time when it comes to news that a Jew was murdered in Chultz Le'Aaretz ....... because it doesn't fit into the Satmar anti-Zionist agenda....that Arabs murder Jews in Chutz Le'aaretz as well .......and they do not want Jews making Aliyah .....

Jewish French Woman Stabbed To Death By Man Shouting 'Allahu Akbar' To Be Buried in Israel

A Jewish woman who was stabbed in her bed then thrown from the 3rd floor of her home by an Arab man shouting ‘Allahu Akbar.’ is to be buried in Israel today at Har Hamenuchot in Israel, today at 11:30.

The deceased’s name is Luci Halimi.
Paris police have arrested a 27-year-old Arab man in connection with Halimi’s death.
The National Bureau for Vigilance Against Anti-Semitism believes the murder was premeditated and aggravated by racial hatred, the watchdog’s president, Sammy Ghozlan, told JTA on Wednesday.
Ghozlan, a retired police commissioner, said relatives of Halimi said that she had previously experienced anti-Semitic harassment by a relative of the man under arrest.
It is unknown at this moment if she is related to Ilan Halimi, who was a young French Jewish man of who was kidnapped on 21 January 2006 by an anti-Semitic group called the Gang of Barbarians. Halimi was subsequently tortured, over a period of three weeks, resulting in his death. He was reburied in Har HaMenuchot cemetery

Another Pesach Program Cancelled .... this one in San Diego

Organizers of a Passover getaway for 700 New Yorkers say they feel passed over after a California hotel allegedly canceled their stay despite a $1 million deposit.
Joseph Allaham, of kosher steakhouse Prime Grill, has organized Passover trips under his Prime Experience brand since 2014.
This year, his lawyer Mark J. Heller claims, Allaham booked a 10-day event at the Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines in San Diego back in November, but “the Hilton organization refuses to honor their commitment to host this event or to return the proceeds they received as an advance.”
He says one family paid $230,000 to bring all their kin on the April trip meant to include guest speakers, rabbis, a kids’ camp and entertainers.
Heller told us, “Just as the pharaohs in ancient days caused the Israelites to suffer and endure starvation, the Hilton management in La Jolla . . . has chosen to ‘pass over’ . . . [guests] by refusing to welcome them.”
The dispute is now headed to arbitration in California.
A Hilton spokesperson said it “does not comment on matters in pending litigation. The rules applicable to the arbitration which the hotel filed in California against the Passover group prohibit us from further comment.”

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Ben Gurion Airport prepares for haredi demonstrations

After disrupting movement on the country's roads, especially but not only in the Jerusalem area, haredi protesters against recruitment and cooperation with military authorities are moving up a level ahead of Passover and mobilizing to demonstrate at Ben Gurion airport.

The "Committee for the Torah World" has decided to disrupt movement of Israelis leaving and entering the country during the days before Passover and even during the holiday.
The organization committee makes it clear that the aim of the demonstration is to expose the entire world to the ongoing ruination inflicted by the State of Israel on haredi human and religious rights.

The organization's announcement, published in the haredi magazine Hakotarot states: 

"In view of the escalation of government harassment of prisoners of the Torah community, it was decided to broaden the protest so that it will reach the ears of the entire world. In order to send a message to the countries of the world, mass protest measures will be held in the area of the airport in front of foreign tourists arriving in Israel and returning to their countries. Protest signs in English and other languages will wave. Due to the expected traffic congestion in the area of ​​Ben-Gurion Airport during the protest events, passengers are advised to follow up on announcements that will be published in the next few days so that they can change the date of their flight or, alternatively, arrive many hours early to the airport before the traffic problems are created in the area."

The announcement also stated that
"if the early publication, intended for the benefit of the public, will lead to hostile deployment in the area that will interfere with and prevent protest measures, we will be forced to carry out the protest at different times without notice."

Apparently the intention is to arrive at the airport posing as tourists or prospective passengers, and simultaneously to commence the demonstrations to unleash mayhem at the airport.

This Auerbach "savage" Brutally Beat Up a Married Lady Grabbed Her Phone and Ran

Erev Pesach In The Lower East Side – 1932

Monday, April 3, 2017

Israeli Artists Paints Amazing Miniature Paintings on Eyelids

Tal Peleg, is an Israeli artist who has already amassed over 300,000 followers on Instagram from her specialized art form.
Peleg paints miniature illustrations on eyelids. It combines her love of makeup, illustration, and photography and the results are astounding.
She said she receives messages from all over the world, even from countries that are considered enemy states to Israel. She says that they know she is from Israel and despite that they say they are such big fans of hers in their countries of origin.
Watch the video here:
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Crooks steal sacred texts worth $233G from Boro Park Bais Medrish

A trio of burglars broke into a Brooklyn synagogue and stole about $233,000 in sacred texts early Sunday, police said.
Cops said the three crooks broke into the back door of the Congregation Maase Rokach on 12th Ave. at 55th St. early Sunday morning, then made their way into the library.
They stole nine texts, and made off in a white SUV, cops said.
Police have not yet made an arrest in the case.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Auerbach Crazy Bouchrim Now Threaten Protest At Ben-Gurion Airport

The Peleg faction, led by Shmulie Auerbach, continues threats of protest, this time Ben-Gurion International Airport towards interrupting pre-Pesach airport traffic. 

The notice says in response to authorities stepping up activities, they will protest so they are heard around the world including in the area of the airport where tourists arriving and leaving Israel will see it and report it. They will carry signs in English and other languages too.

Due to the heavy airport traffic expected ahead of Pesach when the protest will take place, persons are advised to check regarding flight schedules to determine if there are changes.

It concludes that if the advanced notification will result in a hostile response that will prevent protesting, future events will be held without prior notification, which means the public and police will not be alerted ahead of events. 

Frum IDF Soldier Had To Be Rescued From Meah Shearim Seforim Store By Police this morning

Friday, March 31, 2017

"Moshe My Friend" - Written by a Friend of a Baltimore Teen Who Got Killed in a Car Accident

Published on Mar 29, 2017
Moshe Moskowitz was known for his caring personality and his willingness to help others. He always made a point to be on the giving end and doing so without recognition.

He was an inspiration to his family and friends

This song was composed by a close friend of Moshe who wanted to make sure that Moshe's legacy would live on.

Composed & sung by Yeshaya Moshe

Arranged, recorded & mixed by Sonic Duo Mendy Hershkowitz & Chesky Breuer.

Produced by Sarah Mendlowitz of Sheya Mendlowitz music

Sheya Mendlowitz Productions

Sponsored by some Special Individuals In klal Yisroel

Video production: Chani Singal of CS Production

Borough Park Pervert Arrested After Targeting Boys In Stolin Shul

I feel like our children aren't safe anywhere

A Borough Park resident who made allegedly suggestive comments to three young boys was arrested Thursday night and charged with three counts of acting in a manner injurious to a child.

Police said that 59 year old Menachem Tyk of 1415 47th Street reportedly left notes in the tefillin bags of two boys while they were davening at Congregation Aron V’Yisroel Stolin on 16th Avenue over the past two weeks, and made direct comments to a third.

In the first incident, which took place on March 19th, Tyk allegedly left a note for a 15 year old boy, that read “Please call me. It’s very important.”
The note also included Tyk’s phone number.
When the teen called the phone number a voice said, “I like the way you daven.  Meet me at my house.”
A 13 year old boy told police that the note that he received on March 24th had Tyk’s phone number and the words “Call me. It’s important.”  When the boy placed the call the person who answered asked him if he “touched himself” and then hung up.

And a 14 year old boy reported that Tyk approached him three times while at the synagogue on March 26th and invited him back to his home.  Tyk reportedly told the boy he would remove his clothing and “pet him everywhere.”
Tyk, a known figure at the Bobov and Emunas Yisroel synagogues in Borough Park, was arrested and arraigned on Thursday night.
He has two prior arrests:  one in 1986 for patronizing a prostitute and a second in 1988 for assault and criminal possession of a 
Tyk lives alone and at least one neighbor seemed surprised by his arrest, as reported by The Daily News (http://nydn.us/2nDfyer).
“I would never believe he was a child molester,” said Zissy Twersky. “He talks to all the boys in the building, but nothing more than a friendly hello.”

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Child Molestation and Calling for the Murder of Fellow Jews by Chareidim

It is nothing new that certain elements among our fellow Jews want to have nothing to do with the draft into the IDF. 

They have found multiple ways to show their displeasure and, in doing so, to disrupt the public thoroughfares , cause severe damage to public property, inflict bodily harm on security personnel and other actions–all in the name of G-d.

A subset of this population  is a group of fringe elements, who have now gone even further, beyond any terrible actions to date. 

Carrying signs that declare that one must resist the draft to the point of יהרג ואל יעבור (better to choose death than to “transgress”), this group (known as the Jerusalem Faction, among others) has decided that drafting into the IDF is akin to the three sins for which one must forfeit his\her life: Idolatry, murder and immorality.

If that was “all” that they did, then, Dayenu…but wait, there’s more!

Public declarations from these individuals have been made, in the name of Jerusalem Faction leader Shmuel Auerbach, to resist enlistment “until the last drop of blood.” If that phrase sounds familiar, it should. It is nearly the very same words used by our mortal enemies, Hamas, the PA, etc. They,too, call for defending Al Aksa “until the last drop of blood.” So, apparently, this whole draft issue is worth bloodshed OF FELLOW JEWS!

And if that was “all” they did, Dayenu…but wait, there’s more!

Leaflets calling for the death of Maj. Yaakov Roshi were strewn outside of his parents’ house in Petach Tikva, representing an escalation in the campaign of harassment and intimidation against haredi soldiers and their recruiters, the Behadrei Haredim Hebrew news site reported.

These leaflets were left outside of the house with the phrase, “G-d will break the arm of the wicked,” and calling Roshi and his colleagues “hunters of souls.”
“Therefore, the great Torah scholars instructed that one should do the same as our forefathers did when a wicked person rose up against them, to cry to the Creator of the world that He should spare and comfort us and remove sins from the earth,” the letter continued.

“And in all places, they will pray that the memory of his name will be in disgrace, Yaakov Menachem Ben Naomi, and they will say about him what is written in Psalms, Chapters 10 and 109, about the loss of the wicked, and the Lord will hear our prayers and save us from the wicked Yaakov Roshi, may his name and memory be blotted out,” the letter concluded.

The prayer that an individual’s name and memory be blotted out is reserved by normative religious Jews for perpetrators of genocide against the Jewish people, such as Haman and Hitler. 

According toBeHadrei Haredim, a haredi news site, the prayer for the death of a fellow Jew crossed a new red line and showed that “anything goes” in the fight against enlistment. (Arutz-7)

And if that was “all” that there was to report, then, Dayenu. But wait…yes, sadly, there is much more!

On Monday, thanks to an ongoing undercover investigation, the Israel Police arrested more than 20 Jewish ultra-Orthodox men as suspected sex offenders whose alleged crimes were known to their insular communities but concealed from the authorities.

The twenty-two men, aged 20 to 60 and from communities in Jerusalem, Bnei Brak, Beit Shemesh and  Beitar Ilit, allegedly committed sex crimes against women, youths and children from their communities over the past two years, police said. (Ynet)

Another horrific case of a community protecting pedophiles, rapists and those who prey on women and children. Once again, the police expose communities with a mindset that one must sweep under the rug all the dirty little secrets; a mindset that protects the vermin of society, while prolonging the agony and pain of the victims.

And this is the part where some of my readers begin to chant: “Haredi basher!” And I say to all who declare that: GET YOUR HEADS OUT OF THE SAND! I don’t care if the ones saying these things and doing these things are Dati LeUmi, Reform, Conservative or have nose rings and belly button piercings: 

No, these are not the acts of “Haredim.” These are acts of the lowest stratum of society. 

If I am bashing anyone, it is the leaders who say nothing; who protect the abusers; who encourage their followers to murder (yes, MURDER Jews). 

I am bashing every one of those who carry signs that going into the IDF is an issue of יהרג ואל יעבור.  To say that the actions of these people reflects all of Haredi society is merely a statement of ignorance.

Why do we accept this? 

Why do we not have massive counter-demonstrations against such horrific behavior?

 Why do we allow our Judaism to be hijacked by hooligans, miscreants, misfits and ne’er-do-wells?

While this post can be much longer, I will stop here, as I believe I have made my point.
The next step? Suggestions…ideas…actions?

Frum Meshiginer Claiming to be Moshiach Walks Around With His Wife's Decapitated Head in Teveria Gives New Meaning to "Burning the Chumetz"

Murder Scene

A man was arrested on suspicion of decapitating his ex-wife and burning the body on Wednesday in the northern town of Tiberias. According to eyewitnesses who spoke with Hebrew media, the man was seen walking in the street holding the victim's head. 

Police said they found the victim in her 30s burnt and headless in an apartment that was engulfed in flames on Nachmani Street in Tiberias.

The incident occurred at approximately 12 p.m. when police were alerted to a man walking in the streets with his clothes stained in blood and an apartment fire. The suspect was arrested shortly after police arrived to the scene.

An eyewitness told The Jerusalem Post's sister publication Maariv, that the man was seen in the street covered in blood and only later did they understand that he was apparently holding the woman’s head. “A young ultra-Orthodox man was walking around the street with his wife's head in his hands, covered in blood. No one understood what was going on and why he had so much blood on him. Only later did they realize he was holding the woman’s head.”

Maariv also reported that the man previously claimed he was the Messiah and visited a psychiatrist, who said he was not a public danger. 

Large police forces responded to the scene, located the suspect and then found the woman’s body in the apartment after firefighters were able to subdue the apartment fire. According to police the couple has no children.

“At 12:13 p.m. the MDA was informed about a dead woman with severe signs of violence. Paramedics determined the death of a woman in her 30s,” the Magen David Adom said in a statement.

Police are still investigating the incident and a gag order was placed on all details of the investigation and details of the suspect and the victim.

Sanity???? Men and Women Sitting Together?

Violent Crazed Auerbach Protesters Kick And Beat Woman, Call Her Names Until Rescued By Cops

This clip was played on Tuesday night on Channel 2 and other news outlets in Israel, when a woman had to be rescued from a pack of violent “Peleg Yerushalmi” protesters who kicked and beat her. 

She was called “Shiksa” and the police were called “Nazis” as they rescued the woman. 

Now watch below: Part one of the attached clip is a group of “Bochrim” from the “Peleg Yerushalmi” which is under the leadership of Bachelor Shmuel Auerbach, as they violently attack an Egged bus in Jerusalem on Tuesday night causing damage to the bus. The second part of the clip is where protesters from the Peleg Yerushalmi throw rocks at a police car which had to be escorted out of the area under heavy guard. 

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Wonder what the Bochrim do Bein Hazmanim? They don't open a Sefer.... they protest

There is a law in the State of Israel that you must register for the draft, period... you can then ask for a "petur" which is an exemption if you are enrolled in a Yeshivah .... 

ALL Gedoilei Yisroel have instructed Bochrum to register for the draft, and just this morning the Satmar Rebbe in Monroe agreed, and instructed Bochrim residing in Israel to register...

There is on guy, who is followed by thousands, Shmulei the bachelor, Auerbach who has defied all Gedoilim and instructed his sheep not to register ..... causing havoc and chaos on the streets of all Chareidie neighborhoods....

 These are protests are against the IDF, because the IDF has imprisoned those who failed to register for the draft. 
The leader, Shmulei, is an old geezer, who will never be drafted so it is easy for him to give orders that will never apply to him or his offspring (he doesn't have any r"l).

The Eida Hachreidis, headed by the Satmar Rebbe of Williamsburg, who hates his brother R' Aron the Satmar Rebbe of Monroe, wants to continue his personal family fight and  has now officially joined the Auerbach fanatics to help disrupt civilian life in Yerushalyim .... The Eida Hachreidis is the "holy" "hashgacha in Israel, and even though they have been caught up in scandal after scandal with their fraudulent hashgachos, the Charaidim support them 100%......  

So if you have children staying in Israel for Pesach, rest assured they haven't opened a sefer, they  are busy hanging around those useless protests that block traffic, block ambulances, and block people from getting home, and will continue to eat Treif with the Eida Hachreidie Hashgacha.

Thousands of haredim are gathered this evening, Tuesday, on Jerusalem’s Malchei Yisrael Street, the main street connecting the haredi neighborhoods in central Jerusalem, for a protest defined as “the protest of thousands” against “the decree of the draft.”
The background for the protest is a number of arrests of haredi youth who did not show up to the draft office and were defined, as a result, as “deserters” by the IDF.
In addition to the central group of protesters on Malchei Yisrael Street, which has been closed to traffic, additional protesters are engaged in confrontations with police on Sarei Yisrael Street at the edges of the haredi neighborhoods, where they are intermittently blocking the Street.
The demonstration this evening is the first significant joint effort between members of the “Edah Haharedit,” an extremist haredi group cut off from the State and its institutions since the State’s founding, and the “Jerusalem Faction,” a haredi group which, after the death of Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, broke off from the central stream of the Lithuanian haredi sector and functions under the leadership of Rabbi Shmuel Auerbach.
One of the speakers at the demonstration compared the State of Israel to the host of enemies of the Jewish people throughout the generations. “The first Prime Minister of Israel, whose name it is forbidden to mention, may his name and memory be erased, said that within 20 years there wouldn’t be a shtreimel [fur hat worn by some haredi men] here, and we are here today and this is our revenge. We will fill the jails. They won’t scare us,” he said. “We got past Pharaoh, we got passed the Spanish Inquisition, we got past Hitler, we’ll get past you, too.”

Artscroll Deliberately Eliminates Women from Children's Aggadah Even-though Women Played a Major Part of the Miracle of the Exodus

Deborah Klapper holds an AB from Harvard University and a Scholars' Circle certificate from Drisha Institute. She lives, learns, and teaches in Sharon, MA.

The ArtScroll Children’s Haggadah, by Shmuel Blitz, systematically eliminates women’s stories and their names from the telling of the Exodus and the history of the Jewish people. To accomplish this, the Children’s Haggadah bowdlerizes Torah and Talmud, consistently changing stories to remove female characters. In this way, it alters Torah to fit ArtScroll’s sensibilities while contradicting the word of God and the truth.

Needless to say, changing the Torah to fit one’s personal opinions is forbidden. A main point of Torah is that God tells us what the Torah is, not the other way around. 

In this case, the Children’s Haggadah also contradicts the Gemara, which declares that women are obligated in all mitzvot of the seder because “they too were part of the same miracle” (Pesachim 108a-b, Shulchan Aruch and Mishna Berurah Orach Chayim 472:14).

Falsifying the Torah is wrong. But this kind of falsification is also pedagogically disastrous. It undercuts our efforts to teach our daughters that Jewish tradition values them equally with our sons. It undercuts our efforts to teach our sons that their sisters are equal members of the Jewish people. It is frightening that this haggadah has been a standard resource in Jewish homes and schools for 17 years without anyone noticing its distortions.

Kippa Wearing David Friedman Sworn In As U.S. Ambassador to Israel

Long Islander David Friedman, President Donald Trump’s much-debated pick as ambassador to Israel.

Friedman, 57, a bankruptcy lawyer who served as one of Trump’s advisers on Israel during last year’s election campaign, has been an outspoken supporter of Israel throughout his life—particularly regarding the settlement movement, which he believes is not an obstacle to peace. Friedman, who owns a home in Jerusalem, also strongly supports relocating the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and plans to live at his Jerusalem residence instead of the traditional ambassador’s residence in Herzliya.
Yet throughout his Senate confirmation hearing, Friedman had struck a conciliatory tone, saying that he regrets “the use of such language,” including an Israel National News op-ed he authored last year that described supporters of the left-wing Jewish lobby group J Street as “worse than kapos.” He sought to reassure the committee members that he would be more tactful and diplomatic in his role as ambassador to Israel.el, in a 52-46 vote that largely fell along party lines, was sworn in wearing a traditional kippa.

Only two Democrats, Sens. Bob Menendez of New Jersey and Joe Manchin of West Virginia, crossed party lines to join Republicans in supporting Friedman.
Earlier this month, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee narrowly approved Friedman in a 12-9 vote that also fell largely along party lines, with most Democrats opposing his nomination over his lack of diplomatic experience as well as controversial statements he had made regarding liberal American Jewish groups.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu congratulated Friedman on his confirmation, tweeting that he will be “warmly welcomed as President Trump’s representative and as a close friend of Israel.”
Stephen M. Greenberg, chairman, and Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice chairman/CEO of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, issued a statement saying they have “enjoyed a vitally important and mutually beneficial close working relationship with each U.S. ambassador to Israel since the founding of the Conference more than 60 years ago. We are sure that it will continue and be enhanced during Amb. Friedman’s tenure, and look forward to working closely with him as he takes up his duties in Israel.”
Pastor John Hagee, founder and chairman of Christians United for Israel, which says it represents more than 3.3 million pro-Israel Christians, called Friedman “the right man for this extremely challenging post.”