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Sunday, November 20, 2016

This past week's Haftorah shows the difference between Sfardim and Ashkeneizim

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שם מסופר על האשה השונמית שבנה מת,  והיא הולכת לאלישע שיחייה את בנה, בעלה שואל אותה מדוע את הולכת אליו, לא חודש  ולא שבת, ותאמר שלום. *כאן מסיימים הספרדים* מספיק שהולכת לרב בטוח יחיה . *ואילו האשכנזים*  עד שלא רואים שאלישע החייה את הנער לא מסיימים את ההפטרה  *נקודה למחשבה*

In  the Haftorah (Melachim 4:1-37) that was read this Shabbos Parshas VaYeirah, we read two stories of  Shunamit Women, one  whose husband (the Prohet Ovadia) dies suddenly, and she goes to Elisha to complain that creditors are after her and Elisha takes care of the problem......

but in the second story we see a sharp contrast between Sfardim and Ashkeneizim....

We read about a childless Shunamite women, who is promised a son by Elisha, conceives and  gives birth to a boy, and the boy grows up but  suddenly dies still a child.... she then asks her husband (who has no knowledge that the child has died) "Please send me one of the attendants and one of the donkeys so that I can hurry to the man of G-d (Elisha)" 
Her husband asks: " Why are you going to him today? It is not Rosh Chodash, and it isn't Shabbos?"
She says : "All is well."

The Sfardim end the  reading of  the Haftorah here ..... where she is confident that everything will turn out great, since she had Amunas Tzaddikim and 100% trust in Elisha!

But The Ashkeneizim, who don't have this Amunah Peshuta .... must read on .....until they read that Elisha actually revived the child!
Very Interesting ..........

Aliza Scheinfeld Shares Letter of Encouragement For R' Moty Scheinfeld (52) Z"L

In the wake of the sudden and shocking passing of Rabbi Moty Scheinfeld (52) Z”L, his wife Aliza shared a heartfelt letter of thanks and encouragement of perseverance with the community.

“This week we experienced a shocking and horrible tragedy, the sudden loss of my dear husband R’ Mordechai Tzvi, Moty Scheinfeld, A”H. My family is heartbroken and we will never be the same. Although we are suffering, we know we will survive and live our lives again with the fondest memories of a great husband, father, and of course, a loving Zaidy.
It says that Hashem prepares the medicine before the illness. In our case, Hashem prepared the best medicine for us, our beautiful loving immediate and extended family and our amazing friends and neighbors here and the world over. I have received the warmest emails and messages via text and Whatsapp from people I know and those I do not know…. those who knew Moty and those who did not.
During this week, we were fed the most delicious and plentiful meals. Most of all, we were blown away by the hundreds of people who came to be Menachem us, sharing stories and memories of their relationships with Moty, either personal or professional. You gave us comfort and strength.
As we welcome Shabbos, I encourage you to celebrate Shabbos the way Moty celebrated Shabbos. Not only enjoying it because of its holiness but because of the special time with the family, singing, sharing stories of our individual weeks at school or work, and of course, lots of laughter and good times.
With tremendous thanks and wishes to you for a most Freilichen Shabbos,
Aliza Scheinfeld and family”

Rabbi Ben Zion Shenker Dies At 91

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 One of the most gifted and inspired composers of Hassidic niggunim Rabbi Ben Tzion Shknker has passed away this morning at the age of 91.
Music has played an integral part of Shenker’s life since he was very young, including making a record at the age of 13, while performing on his own radio show and singing in a boy’s choir.
Shenker has composed roughly 500 songs in his lifetime, including “Eishes Chayil” (completed in 1953), “Mizmor L’David, Hashem ro’i” (composed in 1946), and “Yasis Alayich” (composed in 1965). In addition, he has published several records of the music of Modzitz – a Polish Chassidus – including the very first chassidic record in the United States, “Modzitzer Melave Malke,” released in 1956.

Recently dubbed “the greatest living figure of chassidic music” by NPR Radio.
Shenker served as prayer leader in a Brooklyn Modzitzer synagogue for five decades.
His funeral will be held today at the Shomrei Hadas Chapels in Borough Park at 1:00 PM this afternoon. 

Bolton warns Obama on Israel action at UN

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Former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton warned Sunday that President Obama should not take any actions before leaving office that could hurt Israel at the U.N.
Bolton said during an interview with radio host John Catsimatidis that there is "a lot of speculation over in Turtle Bay at U.N. headquarters about resolutions that recognize a Palestinian state or that try and set a boundary for Israel based on the 1967 ceasefire lines."
"I think that’d be very inadvisable for the president to do that," he said.
Obama said during his final speech as president at the U.N. General Assembly that Israel would be in a better position if it did not “permanently occupy and settle Palestinian land" and Palestinians would be better off if they were to “reject incitement," according to the Jerusalem Post.
Bolton said Sunday that Trump's transition team is "doing an excellent job," noting that Trump has spoken with various world leaders who have congratulated him on winning the election.
“They’re obviously very, very interested in finding out more about him, more about what his administration’s priorities are going to be,” Bolton said.

Steve Bannon — The Latest Victim of Malicious Attack From the Left

Steve Bannon. Photo: Alchetron.

The alt-left is at it again. This time they are using their Internet and media echo chamber to malign Steve Bannon, concocting a narrative that is false but endlessly repeated by their soldiers in the never-ending campaign to discredit conservatives and members of the Trump campaign. Playing the race card in all its variations has become the modus operandi of the liberal/left political world.
Mr. Bannon, who has been appointed chief White House adviser and political strategist for Mr. Trump, has been a staunch and reliable friend of Israel’s, and hired a host of Jewish journalists during his leadership at the conservative Breitbart news magazine. He has been an ardent supporter of the Jewish state when many liberal Jewish organizations were condemning Israel and spouting fashionable anti-Israel criticisms emanating from the Left.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Berland sentenced to 18 months in prison

Rabbi Eliezer Berland

Rabbi Eliezer Berland, who fled Israel after allegations of sexual misconduct against female followers came to light in 2012, will serve 18 months in prison for sexual abuse.

Berland, 79, is the founder of the Shuvu Banim yeshiva in the Old City of Jerusalem and was a prominent figure within the Breslov community. He managed to evade Israeli authorities until his capture in South Africa in late 2015. Rabbi Berland was finally returned to Israel in July, 2016.

According to a plea bargain agreement signed on Thursday, Berland will plead guilty to two charges of sexual assault against two of his female followers, and will be sentenced to 18 months imprisonment.

The nearly four months Berland has already served will be counted towards his jail term.

While many of Rabbi Berland’s followers have decried the allegations as a witch-hunt and proclaimed his innocence, prominent Breslov leaders have condemned Berland, while his own son, Nahman, described him as a “criminal”.

“[H]e pretends to be a great saint,” the younger Berland said. “My father has no shame….when people know about his crimes they won’t come near him; my father is such a criminal – either he’s totally wicked or he’s mentally ill, and I don’t care which.”

Shlomo Carlebach ...22nd Yurzeit

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New York Daily News "The Anti-Trump" Paper going down the drain

The Daily News is a four-time loser, recently released circulation stats show.
The embattled newspaper reported sharply lower sales on weekdays and Sundays and on newsstand sales and home deliveries, according to the Alliance for Audited Media.
While the entire newspaper industry has been hammered by print circulation declines in recent years, the drop-off by Mort Zuckerman’s Daily News in September was much steeper than the declines at The Post and the New York Times.
The News saw its weekday print circulation tumble 11.2 percent, to 207,680, almost double the 6.8 drop at The Post, which fell to 230,634. The Times reported a decline of 5.5 percent, to 551,579.
The Post was the No. 1 seller on newsstands, with 169,543 copies sold in September, down 9.9 percent. The Times sold an average 77,994 newsstand copies, down 3.5 percent. The News saw newsstand sales crater by 11.4 percent, to 115,923.
The shocking double-digit declines come weeks after the money-losing News ousted Editor-in-Chief Jim Rich after just one year on the job.
The News also reported that circulation via its mobile app tumbled 29.5 percent, to 46,233. The Post’s mobile app circulation jumped 14.2 percent, to 202,422 — pushing total print and digital circulation up 2 percent, to 422,056, and making it the only one of the three papers to record a total circulation gain.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Hillary's & Bernie's Voters ....getting things for free in Brooklyn

ADL Falsely Alleging Steve Bannon Is Anti-Semitic

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Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein released the following statement on Monday:

It is painful to see Anti-Defamation League (ADL) president Jonathan Greenblatt engaging in character assassination against President-elect Trump’s appointee Stephen Bannon and Mr. Bannon’s company, Breitbart media.  ADL/Greenblatt essentially accused Mr. Bannon and his media company of “anti-Semitism” and Israel hatred, when Jonathan Greenblatt/ADL tweeted that Bannon “presided over the premier website of the ‘alt right’ – a loose-knit group of white nationalists and anti-Semites.”
In fact, as pro-Israel writer (and orthodox Jew) Joel B. Pollak wrote, Mr. Bannon is “an American patriot who defends Israel & has deep empathy for the Jewish people.”
ZOA’s own experience and analysis of Breitbart articles confirms Mr. Bannon’s and Breitbart’s friendship and fair-mindedness towards Israel and the Jewish people.  To accuse Mr. Bannon and Breitbart of anti-Semitism is Orwellian.  In fact, Breitbart bravely fights against anti-Semitism.  Here are a few of the many examples:
Stephen Bannon joined ZOA in fighting the anti-Semitic rallies at CUNY by requiring his Breitbart reporters to call CUNY officials and Gov. Cuomo aides urging them to do something about it.

Breitbart courageously publishes articles reporting that the Palestinian Authority defames Israel with blatant falsehoods.  On November 13, 2016, Breitbart reported that:
The Palestinian Authority’s official TV network has been airing a video several times a day baselessly accusing Israel of poisoning former PA President Yasser Arafat and further claiming that Israel is targeting current President Mahmoud Abbas next.  Arafat died at the age of 75 on November 11, 2004, just outside of Paris. A French forensic team examined his remains and concluded that there were no traces of poison in his body.  Nevertheless, every year around the anniversary of his death, the PA disseminates the libel that Israel murdered him.”  (Emphasis in original.)
On November 14, 2016 Breitbart reported the human cost and pain to a Jewish student at the New School of finding a swastika scrawled on her dorm room door.
Breitbart bravely publicizes Iran’s violations of the Iran deal – which pose an existential threat to Israel.  On November 13, 2016, Breitbart reported that “Despite a finding published by the UN’s atomic energy agency this week that Iran has — for the second time — stockpiled more heavy water than permitted under the terms of the nuclear agreement it reached with six world powers last year, the US State Department is declining to acknowledge this as a violation of the deal.
Breitbart also sympathetically reports on the scourge of anti-Semitic anti-Israel boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS).  On November 2, 2016, Breitbart reported that:  “Reports of anti-Semitic incidents on US college campuses have increased, much of it attributed to the rise of the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, a new report has found.”
ZOA President Morton Klein stated:  “The ZOA welcomes the appointment of Stephen Bannon as chief strategist to the incoming Trump/Pence administration.  We wish Mr. Bannon every success in his new position.  We urge Jonathan Greenblatt/ADL to withdraw and apologize for their inappropriate character assassination of Mr. Bannon and Breitbart Media.”
Would Trump’s extraordinary pro-Israel advisors such as Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani, Mike Pence, Sheldon Adelson, and Orthodox Jews Jared Kushner, David Friedman, and Jason Greenblatt ever allow an anti-Semite/Israel-hater to work with them? Would Trump’s Orthodox Jewish daughter Ivanka, whose children go to an Orthodox day school, ever allow an anti-Semite to work with her father? And, remember Donald Trump’s platform on Israel was the strongest pro-Israel platform ever. I’m also forced to ask – why didn’t ADL and other Bannon bashers complain that Hilary’s advisers included some very anti-Israel people starting with major donor to Hillary, the Israel-hating, George Soros? Where were ADL’s complaints then?

Monday, November 14, 2016

CBS holds Trump clip demanding an end to violence in his name

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On Friday, CBS’ Lesley Stahl sat down with President-elect Donald Trump for a wide-ranging interview that covered myriad topics following his historic election win. The “60 Minutes” interview aired on Sunday, and clips promoting the exclusive were shared by CBS ahead of the program.
 Viewers are questioning why CBS did not immediately post a clip in which Trump told any of his supporters who are reportedly harassing minorities to “stop it!”
Stahl told Trump some of his supporters are allegedly “harassing Latinos, Muslims.” Trump replied, “I am so saddened to hear that and I say stop it. If it helps, I will say this, and I will say right to the camera: stop it!”

Trump tells supporters responsible for violence to 'stop it' and CBS releases various other bits of footage but holds that for two days.

"No Jews" in Pomona

Jews in chutz le'aaretz are getting very comfortable .... and once in a while G-d sends us a message what the future in the USA will be ...
Now Monsey residents ....who are migrating north to Pomona got a taste of Kristlenacht!

Soros Prepares For Trump War

George Soros and his fellow liberal mega-donors are currently readying the post-Hillary Clinton Democratic party to oppose President-Elect Donald Trump.
According to Politico, Soros and other key members of the so-called “Democracy Alliance” met in Washington, DC at the Mandarin Oriental hotel on Sunday for the first day of the group’s three-day investment conference.

The Democracy Alliance has funneled upwards of $500 million toward liberal activist groups and candidates since Soros co-founded the group in 2005.
DA requires all members — which in 2016 includes more than 100 “finance titans” — to donate at least $200,000 a year to approved activist groups.

But the issues the DA and DNC traditionally use to mobilize liberal voters — a la climate change — failed to pull white, working class support away from Trump and the GOP, which as one Democrat operative put, should “[call] into question… the DA itself.”

Therefore, at this year’s meeting, Soros and other liberal leaders — including Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren and Keith Ellison — will discuss opposing Trump’s plan for his first 100 days in office, a plan the DA called “a terrifying assault on President Obama’s achievements, and our progressive vision for an equitable and just nation.” 

Trump has pledged that his first 100 days in office will be dedicated to restoring “honesty, accountability and change to Washington.” 

His plan consists of seven points and several legislative initiatives centered on limiting the power of the federal government empowering the American working class.

  • A Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress

  • A hiring freeze on all federal employees to reduce federal workforce through attrition (exempting military, public safety, and public health)

  • A requirement that for every new federal regulation, two existing regulations must be eliminated

  • A five year ban on White House and Congressional officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government service

  • A lifetime ban on the White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government

  • A complete ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections

  • Cancel billions in payments to U.N. climate change programs and use the money to fix America’s water and environmental infrastructure

  • Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/11/14/soros-prepares-for-trump-war/#ixzz4Q0PJkg6i

    Protesters are paid ..Funded by Soros .here is the proof ...video of buses in Chicago

    Zero Hedge published this video. Here you have visual confirmation of how a substantial portion of these professional, paid protesters arrive at the site of the protest, in this case Chicago. See the 5 city blocks of parked buses on the West side of Chicago which came from Wisconsin (Badger Bus Lines) bringing in protesters. The Sears tower is visible in the background. 
    This is funded by Soros to cause anarchy!

    See Media laugh at Trump actually being elected President

    Ivanka returns to the Chabad Ohel to say "Thank You"