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Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Charedim look to Trump as a pro-Israel, traditionalist tough guy

Image result for Jew for trump
American Jews are likely to vote for Hillary Clinton in November, but American Jewry’s fastest-growing community is likely to go the other way.
A solid majority of Charedi Orthodox Jews will vote for Donald Trump, say experts and Republican operatives in the Charedi enclave of Borough Park, Brooklyn. While poll data isn’t available on the fervently Orthodox vote, observers say the Charedim are attracted by Trump’s hawkish foreign policy, pugnacious personality and image as a successful businessman.
It doesn’t hurt that he’s a man.

“When you’re fighting a war, you want someone who’s tough, who’s going to be on your side,” said Heshy Friedman, a business consultant in Borough Park who founded the group Jewish Democrats for Trump. “I don’t think he means things literally. You need somebody who borderlines on going crazy.”

The Charedi community in New York City and in the state has supported Democrats in the past. Both Mayor Bill de Blasio and Gov. Andrew Cuomo have courted the Charedi vote by ensuring social services for the poor and promising not to intrude in communal affairs. Borough Park’s state assemblyman, Dov Hikind, is a conservative Democrat.

Shan & Toad Online Retailer Offers Full Refunds on Items Unless You Live In These 5 Chareidi Towns in the USA

The return policy for Shan and Toad, an online children’s clothing store, is pretty standard until you reach the asterisk.
The store offers full refunds on items not on sale for shoppers who are “dissatisfied” with his or her purchases, unless you live in Brooklyn, NY, Monsey, NY, Monroe, NY, Lakewood, NJ or Passaic, NJ

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Puppa Rebbe Grandchild, 22 year old Feige Greenwald, died suddenly, presumably from an overdose!

Image result for drugs
The granddaughter of the Puppa Rebbe, 22 year old Feige Greenwald, died suddenly today (Tuesday), Kikar Hashabbat reported. 

She was the daughter of the Rebbe's son, Rav Pinchas Greenwald, who is the rabbi of the Monsey branch of the Hassidic community.

According to reports, Feigie was hospitalized in the past few days at Maimonides Hospital after suffering poisoning from an overdose of a dangerous drug.

In the last few years, Faigie had left her parental home and acted in a more modern manner than is generally acceptable in the hassidic community. She was active on social media and according to her friends' reports she used dangerous drugs even though they tried to dissuade her.

On the "Kol Puppa" information hotline the broadcaster announced to the Hassidim :
 "Our heartbreak is as big as the ocean. Death has come to our halls. Blessed is the true Judge. With great pain, we announce the passing of the descendant of holy and pure people, the granddaughter of the Admor [hassidic Rebbe], the dear important maiden, Faige, daughter of rabbi Pinchas Chaim, Rabbi of our community in Monsey."

Second Bais Hamikdash Floor Tiles Unveiled!

Dr. Gabriel Barkay, co-founder and director of the Temple Mount Sifting Project in presentation of the restored tiles of the Second Temple during Herodian Rule

 Archaeologists from the Jerusalem-based Temple Mount Sifting Project unveiled Tuesday a restored floor of painted tiles that experts believe dates to the Herodian era (37 to 4 BCE). Experts believe the floor may have been part of the courtyard of the Second Temple.

“This represents the first time that archeologists have been able to successfully restore an element from the Herodian Second Temple complex,” stated Zachi Dvira, co-founder and director of the Temple Mount Sifting Project.

Frankie Snyder,  a member of the Temple Mount Sifting Project’s team of researchers and an expert in the study of ancient Herodian style flooring, stated that she had used geometric principles, and similarities found in tile design found at other Herod sites to ornate the ornate tile patterns.
“This type of flooring is called ‘opus sectile,’ Latin for ‘cut work.’ It was very expensive and was considered more prestigious than mosaic floors,” said Snyder.  “So far, we have succeeded in restoring seven potential designs of the majestic flooring that decorated the buildings of the Temple Mount, explaining that there was no ‘opus sectile’ in Israel prior to Herodian rule.”
“The tile segments were mostly imported from Rome, Asia Minor, Tunisia and Egypt, were created from polished multicolored stones cut in a variety of geometric shapes. A key characteristic of the Herodian tiles is their size, which corresponds to the Roman foot, of approximately 29.6 cm.” she explained
The Temple Mount Sifting Project was founded in 2004 by archaeologists Dr. Gabriel Barkay and Zachi Dvira under the auspices of Bar-Ilan University, in response to the illegal removal of tons of antiquities-rich earth from the Temple Mount by the Islamic Waqf in 1999.  Since then, volunteer and professional sifters have unearthed thousands of artifacts, including more than 600 colored stone floor tile segments, more than 100 of which have been conclusively dated to the Second Temple period.
The project is conducted under the auspices of Bar-Ilan University and The Israel Nature and Parks Protection Authority,
“It enables us to get an idea of the Temple’s incredible splendor,” said Dr. Barkay.
Barkly told reporters that the style of the tiles is consistent with similar Herodian discoveries in Masada, Jericho and a variety of locations in Italy.
The restored tiles will be presented to the general public on September 8 th , at the 17th Annual City of David Archaeological Conference in Jerusalem

Monday, September 5, 2016

Skverer Threatens Rabbi Naftali Rottenberg because He Opened a Shul 2 Miles from Skver

Andover Place in Monsey, is 2 miles away from the Skverer "No-Jew Zone", but that is not stopping the Skverer askanim from attempting to stop Rabbi Naftali Tvi Rottenberg from opening his "kosyan" Shul!

Last Friday night just before shkiyah, someone hung up a poster in the Skverer Bais Midrash that stated that it would be best  that Rabbi Rottenberg close his Kosyener Bais Midrash because it is within the perimeter of the Skverer "judenrein" mile ban, even though the shul is two miles away ..... it seems Skver expanded their "No-Jew ban to two miles, without telling anyone....
and it seems that Rabbi Rottenberg is a threat to the Skverrer dynasty! Who knew?

The poster was removed immediately after  the "Rabbeinu Tam" Zman, on Motzei Shabbos!

Hillary's Cough Returns With A Vengence on Labor Day

Hillary Coughing Attack

Hundreds sign petition to ban Rabbi Mizrachi from UK

Image result for Rabbi Mizrachi
Hundreds of people have signed an online petition calling for the UK government to ban a rabbi who says that Down’s Syndrome and autism is punishment for sins in a previous life, two weeks before he is due to visit.

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, who claims more than 100,000 Facebook followers, has provoked outrage by claiming that less than a million halachic Jews were killed in the Holocaust, and that blind children are being punished for watching pornography in a past life.

Mizrachi, who lectured children in Britain two years ago, has been told he is not welcome by leading figures of British Jewry, who called him a “hate preacher” ahead of his intended UK visit from 16-19 September.
The online petitionhad, by Monday morning, attracted more than 440 signatures, appalled by his comments and views, which they describe as “cultish, divisive and contemptible”.
Jeremy Newmark of the Jewish Labour Movement and former chief executive of the Jewish Leadership Council said: “This hate preacher should stay out of the UK.” Similarly, former Three Faiths Forum (3FF) director Stephen Shashoua wrote: “Hate should be given no oxygen.”
Sociologist and author Keith Kahn-Harris added: “Jews have hate preachers too, sadly. While this guy doesn’t recruit directly for violent groups, there is a violence to his views.”
Videos are available online showing Mizrachi telling Jewish children that “God only want him [the disabled child] here 40 years to suffer… Why? Measure for measure. You spoke bad about people for the previous life, now you going to feel what it is to live 40 years without be able to say a word.”
Mizrachi, who has also suggested that Ashkenazi Jews were killed in the Holocaust because they went to college, has previously hit back at critics, calling them the names of evil biblical characters and describing them as “worse than Hitler”.
He founded Orthodox outreach group the Kiruv Organisation in New York in 1995, but has since fallen from favour, and was criticised by the Novominsker Rebbe, the president of the ultra-orthodox Agudath Israel of America, who said Mizrachi’s claims were demonstrably false, profoundly offensive and extremely hurtful”.
It is not clear whether Home Secretary Amber Rudd MP will ban Mizrachi from entering the UK, which she has the power to do if his visit is seen as “not conducive to the public good”.
Asked about Mizrachi’s visit, a Home Office spokesperson said: “We do not routinely comment on individual cases.” They added, however, that “coming to the UK is a privilege, and we expect those who come here to respect our shared values”.

Reuters ordered its cameraman to cut live footage of Trump receiving praise from African-American Bishop

The incident occurred as Jackson presented Trump with a shawl, a bible, and offered his prayers as the black audience cheered and clapped.
Perhaps aware of the devastating impact the optics of this moment would have on the media’s efforts to demonize Trump as a racist bigot, a voice is heard off-camera saying, “He’s getting a shawl!”
The cameraman then says, “I’m shooting this, I don’t care what they say….I’ll take a demotion for this…. you?”
“Shut it down,” insists the director,” followed by another voice asking, “Shut this down?”
“Yes Michael, do it,” orders the director.
We then hear the word “blackout” and the camera shakes before the live feed is cut.
“Reuters was primary video feed for the event, all other video delivery services were coming from the Reuters feed. When Reuters shut down, all other outlets lost the broadcast,” reports the Conservative Treehouse.
Right Side Broadcasting responded to the controversy by offering the cameraman a job, promising to pay him much more than Reuters.
To the cameraman who told Reuters you'd take a demotion rather than cut feed at , contact us- we will pay you much better...
This is by no means the first example of media censorship when it comes to coverage of Trump’s live events.
Last month, we reported on how ABC cut the live feed of Trump’s event in Daytona Beach, Florida right as Trump began to talk about Hillary Clinton’s connection to ISIS.
Last month, CNN reporter Brianna Keilar began talking about Hillary’s support for anti-crime legislation in the 90’s which contributed to the “mass incarceration” of black people before the video was immediately cut.

As Justin Raimondo revealed in an article for the LA Times, the mainstream media has openly dispensed with the pretense objectivity during this election cycle in an attempt to sink Trump’s campaign.

Ezra Friedlander (kapo) Defends Anti-Israel Tim Kaine

Ezra "The Kapo" tuchelekking Tim Kaine 

The Jewish back stabbing kapo, Ezra Friedlander, the whore, is at it again, supporting only those who wish to destroy Israel and has written an op-ed in the Yeshiva World Blog basically asking Jews to look at Tim Kaine's record on Jewish issues.

Why the mamzeirim  at Yeshiva World Blog would air his arrogant condescending "op-ed" is beyond anyone's understanding .... maybe he slips them $$$$$$$$$$$$$ 

Tim Kaine does not take pro-Israel positions, and has shown support for organizations connected to the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood! 

But Ezra the Kapo doesn't care!

Tim Kaine is the darling of the anti-Israel organization J-Street! J-Street endorsed Kaine's 2012 run for the Senate. J-Street donated $133,382 to his campaign and was the second largest donor 

But Ezra the Kapo doesn't care!

Tim Kaine was one of the first Democrats to announce he was boycotting Netanyahu's speech to a joint session of Congress!  Kaine was one of only 8 Democratic Party senators who boycotted the speech vs 36 that attended.

But Ezra the Kapo doesn't care!

Kaine was an effusive supporter of the awful dangerous P5+1 Iran deal which basically handed Iran nuclear weapons. 

But Ezra the Kapo doesn't care!

As Governor he appointed Muslim American Society (MAS) President Esam Omeish to the sate's immigration commission. In 2008 court filings, MAS was outed as part of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Video tape surfaced in 2000  where Omeish pledged to help Palestinians who understand "the jihad way is the way to liberate your land."
After Omeish Islamist ties became public and he was forced to resign, an anti-terror Muslim organization called The American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD) scolded Kaine's lack of vetting.

But Ezra the Kapo doesn't care!

In 2011, Kaine spoke at an event at which the founder of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood, Jamal Barzinji was given a Lifetime Achievement award, by the Muslim Brotherhood. 

Readers, I beg you to call this money grubbing whore, Ezra and tell him that he should shut the hell up already!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Rabbi Yair Hoffman Panders to Satmar vis a vis Rebbetzin Jungreis

Chalk one up to the  new Satmar "Tuchis Lekker!"....... 
The one and only "poisik hador," Rabbi Yair Hoffman!!

In a tribute to the late Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis a"h, Rabbi Yair Hoffman in an article in the 5 Towns August 26 edition, credits the Satmar Rav, R' Yoel Teitelbaum as the creator of the Rebbetin's kiruv movement, Hineni ...

What??????????????? Are you kidding me?
Satmar Rebbe is the founder of Hineni?????

Satmar Rebbe is the founder of a kiruv movement????????????

Yup ..... you think that Artscroll has the license to re-write history??
Rabbi Yair Hoffman now joins the others in re-writing the entire Rebbetzin Jungreis' Kiruv Movement and writes, albeit in parentheses, .... that if it wasn't for Satmar Rebbe there wouldn't be Hineni!

Now, anyone that knows anything about R' Yoel Teitelbaum, the founder of the Satmar Chassidic movement, knows that the Satmar Rebbe was totally against all kiruv movements, and frequently mocked Lubavitch for their Tefiilin Campaign! He also said that the Kiruv Yeshivois Chinuch Atzmaei was "chazir treif."

When people pointed out to him that the Baal Shem the founder of the Chassidic world started the entire movement on the basis to be mekareiv other Jews, he would dismiss the entire idea and say that the Baal Shem's ideology  was "nishtakach" "Forgotten!"  

To now write "It is a fact. No Satmar Rebbe, no Hineni" is not only and out and out lie, and pure fiction but laughable!
Most liars ala Hillary Clinton start their lies with "It is a fact!"

The Satmar Rebbe never "advised her to go ahead and form her Hineni kiruv movement in 1973."

The Rebbe was against Kiruv .... ask any Satmar Chusid ...
What happened was ... the Rebbetzin after deciding to form Hineni went to the Rebbe to get his blessing ....
the Rebbe knowing full well that she was not a Satmar Chusid and would do it anyway ... gave her his blessing but I'm sure that if one of his lady Chassidim would have asked to start a kiruv movement he would have said "absolutely no."!

Yair Hoffman now joins his nemesis, the "clown" Yitzy Franfurter as bono fide Satmar Tuchis Lekkers!
Pass the toilet paper ... please! 

26 List of things Clinton Told FBI She Couldn’t Recall

Hillary – Warts and All
Hillary Clinton told FBI agents that she could not recall issues related to her email server at least 26 times, according to an 11-page document released by the FBI on Friday.
Clinton’s memory lapses are frequent during the interview, marked often by agents as “could not recall” and “did not remember.” But the “could not recall” remarks are often related not to long-distant emails, but things she should perhaps definitely recall.
Below is the list of things Clinton could not recall in the FBI interview:
  • When she received security clearance
  • Being briefed on how to handle classified material
  • How many times she used her authority to designate items classified
  • Any briefing on how to handle very top-secret "Special Access Program" material
  • How to select a target for a drone strike
  • How the data from her mobile devices was destroyed when she switched devices
  • The number of times her staff was given a secure phone
  • Why she didn’t get a secure Blackberry
  • Receiving any emails she thought should not be on the private system
  • Did not remember giving staff direction to create private email account
  • Getting guidance from state on email policy
  • Who had access to her Blackberry account
  • The process for deleting her emails
  • Ever getting a message that her storage was almost full
  • Anyone besides Huma Abedin being offered an account on the private server
  • Being sent information on state government private emails being hacked
  • Receiving cable on State Dept personnel securing personal email accounts
  • Receiving cable on Bryan Pagliano upgrading her server
  • Using an iPad mini
  • An Oct. 13, 2012, email on Egypt with Clinton pal Sidney Blumenthal
  • Jacob Sullivan using personal email
  • State Department protocol for confirming classified information in media reports
  • Every briefing she received after suffering concussions
  • Being notified of a FOIA request on Dec. 11, 2012
  • Being read out of her clearance
  • Any further access to her private email account from her State Department tenure after switching to her HRCoffice.com account

Friday, September 2, 2016

Single Girl in Shidduchim ..... Letter to the Editor

September 1
This was printed in the  Letters to the Editor in the FJJ (Flatbush Jewsish Journal)

A Public Plea From An Older Single Sibling Of The Kallah 

In a perfect world, all siblings would marry in the order that they were born, because a perfect world is fair.
 However we live in the Olam Hasheker, which, by its very definition, appears to be cruel and unfair. We accept this as a reality of life and we believe that everything Hashem does is for the best. 

However, it does not make the situation any less painful for us. 

It is extremely painful that our baby sister, whom we bathed, fed, dressed, walked to preschool, taught how to whistle, took to Disney movies, etc. etc. is walking to the chuppa before us and (in many cases) to the first male that she interacted with socially since playgroup. 

If we had it our way, we would not be present at this simcha at all (admit it, it’s true!). Yet we know that we have to do what is right for our families and for our sisters. 

However, I am making a request to all of you readers who find yourselves at such a wedding. 

Please take my words to heart as rachmanim bnei rachmanim and hopefully we will soon hear kol chosson v’kol kallah b’arei yehuda v’chutzos yerushalyim, Amen. 

My request is as follows. 

Reserve all Mazel Tov wishes to the chosson/ kallah, their parents, and their grandparents. Do not wish the older single siblings (applies to males and females!) of the chosson/kallah a Mazel Tov. It is not their simcha. They are not getting married. It is not a well wish. It is a punch in the gut. Let’s not even get started on “Im yirtzeh Hashem by you soon!” These words are the nadir of halbanas pnei chaveiro b’rabbim, which Chazal equate to murder. 

Please daven for us, and have us in mind during Tehillim, Hadlakas Neiros and Hafrashas Challah, but do not verbalize your wishes to us. It hurts. It makes us cry. In fact, do not even speak to the older single sibling at all. Let him/her make the first move, just as the Halacha is with Nichum Aveilim. If the avel wants to cry the whole time, s/he is 100% entitled to do so. Perhaps the older single siblings wants to be left alone, as s/he is spending the whole night hoping and davening that s/he won’t cry, faint, vomit, etc. 

If the older single sibling wants to talk, then s/he will greet you and say something like, “Thank you for coming. I’m so happy to see you.” If the older single sibling greets you, discuss neutral topics. Ask a question such as, “How’s work/ school?” “I hear you were just in London. How was?” “I hear you just passed your road test. How exciting for you!” Believe me, if the older single sibling wants to discuss the simcha, s/he will steer the topic in that direction. And if s/he doesn’t, s/ he will be grateful for your sensitivity and understanding.

 Let us look at the story of Chana and Penina in Shmuel Aleph, Perek Aleph. Penina tortured and taunted Chana every day about her childless state. The Midrash quotes examples of what Penina used to say to Chana. “Didn’t you buy clothes for your children? Haven’t you gotten your children up and dressed yet?” (This is no different than wishing the single older sibling of the chosson/kallah Mazel Tov, isn’t it?)

 The Midrash says that Penina did it 100% l’shem shamayim, namely so Chana would daven harder for children. Yet Penina was severely punished for her behavior, because hurting other people’s feelings is wrong, regardless of the intentions behind it. 

Maybe your intention is simply to wish the older sibling well. Yet if you really wished them well, you would sincerely daven it and not say it. We will conclude with Rabbi Akiva’s statement in Pirkei Avos, Perek Shlishi, “Siyag lachamah shtika.” literally translated as “Silence is the protective fence of wisdom.” Just as a fence prevents us from entering a place that is forbidden, so too does silence (especially when in doubt on what to say) prevent us from entering the dangerous area of thoughtless, foolish comments and their serious consequences. 

With best wishes for all of Klal Yisrael to become chassonim/kallos at the right time and may we hear kol chosson v’kol kallah b’arei yehuda v’chutzos yerushalyim. A Fellow Jew

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Fed. Judge Confirms: Hillary Tried To Destroy Benghazi Evidence!

Blackface Media Diversion
A Federal judge has confirmed that the FBI discovered 30 Benghazi-related emails that Hillary Clinton had tried desperately to delete. These were emails that have not been released and were discovered in the 'slack space' of Hillary's private server, showing that they were deliberately deleted.

Not only that, but we just learned that Hillary Clinton sent classified information over her private server after she had already left the State Department. So not only did she retain possession of this classified information, but she disseminated it in a non-secure fashion after she stepped down.

On top of that, we learned that Bill Clinton used taxpayer money afforded to him as an ex-President in order to finance the server’s set-up. They used taxpayer money to violate the Espionage Act and Federal Records Act.
For months, I have tried to come up with the perfect way to describe Hillary and her actions, but there is really only one way: criminal.
Not only did she break the law in her handling of government documents but she also lied under oath to Congress.
Enough games. It is time to put her away!


I had written a post last week, that Ami stated in it's editorial that living in Israel, "is not important!" 

This week, an Ami reader, R' Peretz Rubel, of Ramat Beit Shemesh, writes a Letter to the Editor, responding to the "Clown" Frankfurter  and taking him to task writing:
 "Rabbi Frankfurter's words were painful to the core." 
R' Peretz goes on to quote the Gemarrah in Kesubois,  exactly the same Gemarrah that I quoted, that living in chutz leaaretz, is like "living without a G-D."

This week, the crazed insane Israel hater, "The Clown", doubles down and responds in a bizarre rant stating that "to elevate this mitzvah" (Yishuv Eretz Yisrael) as the focal point of Yahadus is not only mistaken but also blasphemous" and questions "whether that mitzvah is even in effect today"

Notice,The Clown referring to the mitzvah of "Yishuv Eretz Yisroel" as "this" and  "that" mitzvah.

This idiotic "response" is wrong on so many levels. Where do I even start?

First, the Clown writes: "I certainly did not mean to belittle the great mitzvah of yishuv Eretz Yisrael" but then he writes that to "elevate this mitzvah ..... is blasphemous"

The yearning of every normal Jew to be  m'kayeim the mitzvah Yishuv Eretz Yisrael is the "focal point" of the Shemonah Esreh ...... it was the "focal point" of Parshas Ve'eschanen when Moshe Rabbeinu pleaded with the Ribona Shel Olam to let him in ..... the midrash goes abit further to  say that Moshe pleaded to go to Israel ... not as a leader, but just as an ordinary Jew!
Moshe was willing to forgo the leadership of Klall Yisrael to spend even a minute in Eretz Yisrael!

We have posted numerous times the greatness and the obligation that every single Jew has, even the Ami Clown, to bem'kayim the mitzvah of Yishuv Eretz Yisroel.

The Ramban, one the the "moneh ha'mitzvois" (counter of the 613 mitzvos) writes that it is a mitzvah asseh "bizman hazeh (mitzvah 4)."  
Rav Yosef Chayim Sonnenfeld, no lover of Zionists, paskens that it is an obligation of every single Jew to live in Israel today (see Ha'ish Al Ha'comeh Vol 2, page 149). 
The Chazon Ish writes that no Jew is exempt from this mitzvah (see Kovetz Egros Vol 1 letter 175), and in fact urged the financial support of the Agudah Kibbutzim.

Rav Eliyashev ( see Halichos Ve'hanhagois, Bein Hamzoirois page 6) and Harav Chaim Kanivski (see Shalos Ut'shuvois Mayim Chayim pages 175-177 and see Maalos Rivka page 471-473) write that every single Jew must make Aliyah and build up Israel....

The Rambam himself, that the "clown" loves to quote, writes in Hichas Melachim, "All sins are forgiven to those who live in Israel"
He adds, "A person should always live in Eretz Yisrael, even in a town that its majority are gentile, and one should not live in chutz le'aaretz even in a city that the majority are Jews."
Rambam Hilchas Melachim
Another aspect of the "clown's" reasoning, that's flawed. 
He writes that to elevate a mitzvah (in this case Yishuv Eretz Yisrael) is "blasphemous" 
All Mussar Seforim suggest that people who want to do Tesuvah should choose  a mitzvah "elevate it" and excel in it ....... 
is that now "blasphemous?' 

But ... the craziness of The Clown has no limits ....  takes a mitzvah that the Rishonim say, is an obligation today , .... and takes a mitzvah that the Gra, the Baal Shem, yearned all their holy lives to fulfill ....and says that it is "blasphemous" .......that is proof positive, that he is a very very ..... sick individual ......
The meraglim actually made the "clown's" arument ... that Yishuv Eretz Yisrael is not important and that the "focal point" of "yehadus" is the Torah .... 
Now I understand why the Torah wrote: 
"the Children of Korach, didn't die"

Young Woman Killed Falling off a Horse in Mountains

Becca Weisbard 
A 22-year-old Jewish woman, Becca Weissbard, was R”L killed in a horse accident on Wednesday afternoon in Ulster County, in Upstate New York 

Emergency personnel were dispatched to the HITS Horse riding facility in Saugerties, NY at around 2:00PM, for reports of a woman who fell off a horse with serious injuries.

Paramedics who arrived on the scene found the woman in traumatic arrest.

She was transported by Diaz Ambulance to Kingston Hospital, where she was unfortunately pronounced dead.
Sources say that the victim is from Long Island, NY.
Exact details of what happened in this tragic accident have not been released. A police investigation is underway.

The Misaskim organization is on the scene and working to ensure proper Kavod Hanifteres is given.
Further details will be published pending proper family notifications.