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Friday, May 22, 2015

White female cop shot dead by black thug

A 29-year-old police officer who had put off maternity leave after giving birth prematurely to a daughter in February was being mourned Thursday, a day after she was gunned down in a shootout with a fugitive.
Kerrie Orozco, the first female officer from Omaha's police department to die in the line of duty, had only recently given birth to a daughter, and also was stepmother to two children ages 6 and 7, according to authorities. She was pronounced dead at Creighton University Medical Center shortly after the 1 p.m. shooting, Police Chief Todd Schmaderer said at a hospital news conference. Schmaderer said the suspect, 26-year-old Marcus Wheeler, also died at the hospital.
"Officer Kerrie Orozco gave her life for all of us in her service to the Omaha Police Department," said Omaha Mayor Jean Stohert. "She will be remembered and missed as a loving wife, mother, daughter and dedicated officer."
Orozco was part of a fugitive task force looking for Wheeler to serve a felony arrest warrant for an earlier Omaha shooting. As they closed in on the suspect Wednesday afternoon, Wheeler opened fire, prompting police to return gunfire, Schmaderer said.
Orozco, a seven-year veteran of the department who worked in the gang unit, had delivered a premature baby in February, who is due to go home from an Omaha hospital Thursday. She had postponed her maternity leave until the baby was released.
"[The baby] is set to be released from the hospital tomorrow," Schmaderer said, his voice breaking.
It's been more than 10 years since an Omaha officer was killed in the line of duty, when Officer Jason "Tye" Pratt was shot and killed in September 2003, while chasing down a fleeing suspect. The suspect, 21-year-old Albert Rucker of Omaha, was in turn shot and killed by another officer.
Orozcom, who is survived by her husband, Hector Orozco, coached baseball at an Omaha Boys and Girls Club, was a Special Olympics volunteer and served as president of the Police Officers' Ball to benefit the Special Olympics, the chief said. She also took in rescue dogs and was a Girl Scout mentor.
"She was a friend, a popular officer," Schmaderer said. "I just can't even imagine that this has happened. The city of Omaha owes her and her family a debt of gratitude."
Dr. Michael Wagner, a trauma critical care surgeon at the hospital, said his team provided "aggressive care" to Orozco, but she could be revived.
Gov. Pete Ricketts said Orozco's death is a stark reminder of what police officers face every day they go to work.
"[This] tragic news is devastating to the law enforcement community and all Nebraskans," Ricketts said. "We must all ensure that Officer Orozco's sacrifice will never be forgotten."

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Shlomi Catalan 32 found dead in Bnei-Brak Mikvah

 Police ruled have ruled out foul play in the case of a man found dead in a Mikvah in Bnei Brak.
The body of 32-year-old Shlomi Catalan was released by police after an investigation concluded his death was not the result of a criminal incident.
Catalan died Thursday morning after being found unconscious in the Mikvah. A friend found Catalan in a pit where the water was used to immerse in the Mikveh every day. He was pronounced dead at Beilinson Hospital.
His body has since been released for burial.

Few Details In Mysterious & Strange Killings Of Wealthy DC Family, Link To NYC

Savvas Savopoulos was energized. He spent the day sprucing up his northern Virginia martial arts studio for its grand opening with his family’s longtime housekeeper. Around 5:30 p.m., his wife called, telling him to come home to watch their 10-year-old son because she had plans.
The housekeeper, Nelitza Gutierrez, was one of the last people to see Savopoulos alive.
The next day, May 14, firefighters were called to the wealthy executive’s Washington mansion, where they found the bodies of 46-year-old Savopoulos, his wife, Amy, 47; their son, Philip; and another housekeeper, Veralicia Figueroa. All were slain before the fire was set, police said, and three had been stabbed or bludgeoned.
A week later, investigators have provided few details. Late Wednesday, they announced they had identified a suspect, 34-year-old Daron Dylon Wint, but released no information about what his motive might have been.
An arrest warrant has been issued for Wint on charges of first-degree murder, police said.
Investigators used DNA analysis conducted at a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms lab to identify Wint, and his name has been known to federal authorities since Tuesday, a law enforcement official involved in the investigation said. Investigators believe Wint worked for one of Savopoulos’ businesses, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the official was not authorized to discuss the investigation publicly.
The Washington Post (http://wapo.st/1Lp6b78 ), citing three unnamed law enforcement officials with knowledge of the investigation, reported that the DNA evidence came from the crust of a Domino’s pizza that had been ordered to the home the night before the bodies were found.
A person who answered the phone Thursday morning at a Domino’s about 2 miles from the house confirmed that the pizza had been delivered there from that store but directed further questions to a company spokesman, who did not immediately return a message.
Following the release of Wint’s name, police searched an address for him in Lanham, Maryland. Online court records show that he was convicted of second-degree assault in Maryland in 2009 and sentenced to 30 days in jail. He also pleaded guilty in 2010 to malicious destruction of property, and a burglary charge in that case was dropped, court records show. The NY daily News reports that according to Wint’s Facebook, he goes by Dillion and currently lives in New York City. He is listed as a self-employed graduate of Prince George’s Community College Class of 2002.
Text messages and voicemails from the Savopouloses to their confused and frightened household staff suggest something was amiss in the house many hours before the bodies were found. Their blue Porsche turned up in suburban Maryland. It too had been set on fire.
The Savopouloses lived in Woodley Park, where multimillion-dollar homes are protected by fences and elaborate security systems and local and federal law enforcement officers are a constant presence, in part because Vice President Joe Biden’s official residence is nearby.
On Tuesday, half of their block was cordoned off by police tape, and half a dozen police vehicles were parked near the $4.5 million house. Garbage bags blocked the burned-out second-story windows.
This combination of undated photos provided by the Washington, D.C., police shows Daron Dylon Wint. The police issued a news release late Wednesday, May 20, 2015, saying they are looking for Wint in connection with last Thursday's quadruple homicide of a wealthy Washington family and their housekeeper inside their multimillion-dollar home. (Metropolitan Police Department via AP)This combination of undated photos provided by the Washington, D.C., police shows Daron Dylon Wint. The police issued a news release late Wednesday, May 20, 2015, saying they are looking for Wint in connection with last Thursday's quadruple homicide of a wealthy Washington family and their housekeeper inside their multimillion-dollar home. (Metropolitan Police Department via AP)
In the absence of solid information from law enforcement, speculation has run rampant about who might have killed them and why. No one broke into the house, police have said, suggesting the family may have known the killer or killers.
Gutierrez said in an interview Wednesday that the Savopouloses were not hyper-vigilant about security and sometimes left house or garage doors open. The family had jewelry and an art collection inside the home, she said.
Gutierrez said she believes someone was in the house with the family before 3 p.m. May 13, when Figueroa normally would have left for the day.
There was a stark contrast, Gutierrez said, between Savvas Savopoulos’ mood when he left the martial arts studio and the flustered-sounding voicemail he left for her at 9:30 that night. While he had said earlier that his wife was going out that night, he said in the voicemail that she was sick in bed. He said Figueroa was staying overnight. He also said Figueroa’s cellphone was dead and the family didn’t have a charger for it.
“It doesn’t make any sense. How come you don’t have another phone — iPhones are all over,” Gutierrez said. “He was kind of building stories.”
On the day of the fire, Gutierrez received a text message from Amy that read, in part, “I am making sure you do not come today.”
Washington police secure the vicinity around the fire-damaged multimillion-dollar home in northwest Washington, Wednesday, May 20, 2015, where four people were found dead May 14. Washington Police Chief Cathy Lanier earlier identified two of the victims found dead as 46-year-old Savvas Savopoulos and his 47-year-old wife, Amy Savopoulos. Police believe the other two victims are the couple's 10-year-old son and a housekeeper. Police say the deaths are being investigated as a homicide. .   (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)Washington police secure the vicinity around the fire-damaged multimillion-dollar home in northwest Washington, Wednesday, May 20, 2015, where four people were found dead May 14. Washington Police Chief Cathy Lanier earlier identified two of the victims found dead as 46-year-old Savvas Savopoulos and his 47-year-old wife, Amy Savopoulos. Police believe the other two victims are the couple's 10-year-old son and a housekeeper. Police say the deaths are being investigated as a homicide. .  (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)
Gutierrez called Amy immediately, but it went to voicemail. She texted Amy but didn’t get a response.
Also that morning, Figueroa’s husband, Bernardo Alfaro, went to the house and knocked on the door, but no one answered. While he was there, Alfaro told WJLA-TV that Savvas Savopoulos called his cellphone and told him that Amy had gone to the hospital and Figueroa had accompanied her.
“My feeling was that somebody was inside,” Alfaro said. He continued trying to call his wife and got no answer.
The Savopouloses’ blue Porsche was parked on the street outside the home at the time, Alfaro said. After the slayings, police found it in a parking lot in New Carrollton, Maryland, about 13 miles from the house. The car was found about 2 miles from the listed address for Wint.
Police have released grainy surveillance videos of a person they said they want to interview about the killings, but they haven’t identified the person or said where the footage was taken. It was not clear whether the person in the video was Wint.
The Savopouloses’ relatives have made few public statements and have not returned phone calls.
The couple has two surviving teenage daughters who attend boarding schools in other states. Gutierrez said she has seen the daughters since the killings and that they were too distraught to speak.
Savvas Savopoulos was the CEO of American Iron Works, a construction-materials supplier based in Hyattsville, Maryland, that has been involved in major projects in downtown Washington. Company representatives have declined to comment. Savopoulos moonlighted as a martial-arts instructor.
Gutierrez, who worked for the family for 20 years, said she feels guilty that she didn’t check on the Savopouloses.
“This is a nightmare for me. I can’t believe they are gone,” she said. “I loved this family very deeply and the little boy and my friend Vera.”

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Mrs. Chaya Sarah Shachar, 65, Celebrates Birth of First Child, Photo

Yesterday, in the city of Bnei Brak, a couple married for 46 years had their first child, a baby boy.
Reb Shmuel Shachar, 67, and his wife, Mrs. Chaya Sarah Shachar, 65, welcomed their child with boundless joy.
Sources close to the couple tell of the great joy they are feeling after so many years of waiting for the blessing of progeny.
Sanzer Chassidim relate that many years ago, the couple received a bracha from the Sanz-Klausenberger Rebbe zt”l, who promised that they would merit a child.
At the same time, Nadvorna Chassidim relate that Rav Shachar received a brachah from the Nadvorna Rebbe zt”l, the Abir Yaakov.
The Shachars have been flooded with wishes of mazel tov from Jews across the city of Bnei Brak and beyond.

Judaism: Holiness through Nature ...Can we rely on the Torah’s promise of agricultural blessing in the sixth year nowadays?

This article appears in the ‘Besheva’ newspaper, and was translated from Hebrew.
by Rabbi Eliezer Malamed
Rabbi Eliezer Melamed

Why Not Trust the Divine Blessing of the Sabbatical Year?
Many people ask, why rely on the heter mechira (a halachic mechanism whereby agricultural lands in Israel are sold to non-Jews, allowing the lands to be cultivated and vegetables grown during the Sabbatical year) and expropriate the requirements of shmitta in the seventh year, when the Torah promised Israel a blessing if it keeps shmitta, as it is written (Leviticus 25: 20-21): "In the seventh year, you might ask, “What will we eat? We have not planted nor have we harvested crops.” I will direct My blessing to you in the sixth year, and the Land will produce enough crops for three years.”

Moreover, as a punishment for the sin of canceling shmitta, Israel is exiled from their land, as it is written (Leviticus 26:34-35): "Then, as long as the land is desolate and you are in your enemies land, the land will enjoy its Sabbaths. The land will rest and enjoy its sabbatical years. Thus, as long as it is desolate, the land will enjoy the sabbatical rest that you would not give it when you lived there.” And our Sages said: "As a punishment for incest, idolatry, and non-observance of the years of shmitta and jubilee, exile comes to the world, they [the Jews] are exiled, and others come and dwell in their place” (Shabbat 33a).

The Basic Answer

The basic answer is twofold:
1) The promise of God's blessing in the sixth year is when the shmitta year is of Biblical status, as numerous poskim (Jewish law arbiters) have written, among them: Sm’a (Choshen Mishpat 67:2), Haga’ot Ya'avetz, Hidushei Chatam Sofer (on Gittin 36), Pe’at HaShulchan (29:3), Yeshu’ot Malko, Mahari Engel, Maran HaRav Kook (Iggrot 555), and others (and not like the words of Chiddushei HaRim on Gittin ibid, and Hazon Ish, Shevi’it 18:4).

B) The Torah instructs us not to rely on miracles. And it should be noted that when all of Israel resides in their Land, every tribe in its place, and the requirement of keepingshmitta is of Biblical status, the miracle appears in a natural manner – i.e., according to common sense, when we see that it is possible to keep the shmitta. But when the obligation is of rabbinic status, realistic considerations sometimes indicate that keepingshmitta will cause great duress, and will affect the ability to fulfill other mitzvoth which are of Biblical status.

In such a case, it is proper to expropriate the obligation of keeping shmitta in the fields by means of the heter mechira, in the same manner as we expropriate the mitzvah of cancelling all financial debtsby means of the prozbul (a halakhic mechanism that technically changed the status of individual private loans into the public administration, allowing the poor to receive interest-free loans before the Sabbatical year while protecting the investments of the lenders).

If You Want to be Precise
Moreover, if some people insist on being exact about issues of divine blessings, then it must acknowledged that reality has proven that the blessing does not presently exist, because the few communities that tried to abstain from agricultural labor in the Sabbatical year suffered numerous difficulties – over and above the normal difficulties of farmers who utilized the heter mechira. And this, despite the farmers being righteous and hardworking people, God-fearing, and lovers of Eretz Yisrael.
In contrast, the religious kibbutzim and moshavim who worked within the framework of the heter mechira merited abundant blessing, and on furthermore, they were virtually unaffected by the great crisis of the kibbutzim thirty years ago. Additionally, they also merited settling the Land on a large scale.

Within this Question Lies the Foundation of Jewish Faith
If we delve further, we find that the foundation of Jewish faith is dependent on this issue. People with superficial faith believe that Divinity is revealed through miracles – in matters beyond this world. Thus, as far as they are concerned, working for a living is not so important, and they see no problem in the fact that a large sector of Israel’s Jewish population requires support from the State and private donors, because, in any case, everything depends on God and if He so desires, they will be blessed abundantly without even working.

Therefore, such people also see no value in the study of science and its advancement because it’s natural and does not address matters beyond reality. But the truth is that one of the main methods of revealing faith and Torah is by means of science and reason, as the Vilna Gaon said that secular wisdom is a vital adjunct to the Torah, to the extent that an individual lacking knowledge in secular wisdom, conversely, lacks one hundredfold in Torah wisdom.

Therefore, such people also tend to believe that the farmers who abstain from working in the shmitta year will be blessed by a miracle, even when according to logic it is clear that not working will cause severe difficulties and result in a grave blow to the mitzvah of yishuv ha’aretz (settling the Land of Israel).

The Mitzvah of Yishuv Ha’aretz
Now we can understand the importance and centrality of the mitzvah of yishuv ha’aretz,since this mitzvah forces us to reveal all the values ​​of the Torah within the actual, physical world, with all its earthly considerations and realities.

According to a superficial perception, the mitzvah of yishuv ha’aretz is meant to be revealed without taking into account any realistic considerations at all. If we are commanded to conquer the land, it should be conquered without taking into account our military capabilities, or those of our enemies. Since such a way of thinking is illogical and impracticable, its champions argue that, in any case, the mitzvah will take place only when the Mashiach comes, and through a revealed miracle beyond any realistic consideration.

According to their way of thinking, there’s no need to work for the sake of the kibbutz galuyot (the ingathering of the exiles) or yishuv ha’aretz, because in their opinion the redemption will come in a miraculous manner that even the Jews who left Egypt failed to merit. Instead, millions of homes will suddenly fall from the sky, together with a system of roads, electricity, water and sewage, to absorb the masses of Israel who will make aliyah(immigrate) along with the Mashiach from the four corners of the earth. And at that exact moment, the country will be covered with orchards and cultivated fields to feed all the Jews, and industrial plants for the production of food, clothing and furniture and stores in the cities will instantly arise to satisfy all the needs of the millions of immigrants.

Such an attitude contradicts the Torah, which commanded us to settle the Land, and as Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Kalischer explained, we must act concretely to bring about the redemption.

The Idolatrous Faith Outside of the Land of Israel
Now we can understand why our Sages said (Ketubot 110b): "Whoever lives outside the Land may be regarded as one who worships idols", because in chutz la’aretz, faith is revealed only through miracles, only through the supernatural, whereas in nature, as it were, the sitra achra (the ‘Other Side’) is in control, contrary to God's divine guidance. However, Jewish faith declares that God is One in heaven and earth. The main revelation of faith is in all of nature, with all its rational considerations. This is also the Torah of Eretz Israel, which explains how the Divine blessing descends from the heavens to this world via human efforts of tikun olam (perfecting the world).

Therefore, when the Torah says that God will give His blessing in the sixth year, the meaning is that we will be able to understand logically how the blessing will come to Israel by way of our labor in the six years, and the cessation of work in the seventh year, as I clarified in my previous article according to the words of the Midrash Sifra, and Rabbi Pinchas Bal Ha’Hafla'ah.

Holiness Revealed in Nature
Maran Harav Kook wrote: "The holiness in nature is the holiness of Eretz Yisrael, whereas the Divine Presence which descended into Exile together with Israel is the ability to place holiness in contrast to nature. However, the holiness which fights against nature is not a complete holiness, etc."(Orot Hatechiya 28).

Miracles are Bidieved (ex post facto), Nature is Lechatchila (from the onset)
Indeed, Israel’s existence in the Diaspora is dependent on a miracle that stands in opposition to nature, because conventionally, ‘a lone sheep cannot survive among seventy wolves’. Therefore, miracles occupy a central place in the Torah of chutz la’aretz.

 However, since miracles depart from the regular order of life, they cannot create a blessed reality. Miracles can rescue, or point out a certain direction, and in such a sense, there is room for miracles in Israel, as well. But miracles are not the central path through which God's abundant blessings flow.
As a result, people who go to miracle-workers usually suffer more from illnesses, lack of making a living, and problems with domestic harmony. And although sometimes they merit relief, since they do not recognize God's blessings that come naturally by means of practical efforts, most of the abundant Divine blessings are lost to them. And as the Torah says (Deuteronomy 14:29): "God your Lord will then bless you in everything your hands produce."

Divine Blessing Flows via Nature
It is also explained in the Torah portion ‘Bechukothai’ that the reward promised to Israel, when we walk in the ways of God and His Torah, will come naturally. The rains will fall in the right time, and the land will give off its harvest abundantly. And the curse, as well, comes naturally – through drought, disease, and enemies.

If the goal was for us to live by means of miracles, it would have been preferable to stay in the desert and eat the manna that fell from heaven, as was the opinion of the Spies. However, the Torah commanded Israel to enter into the Land and work its soil, taking pains to grow its holy fruits. This is the blessing promised us if we keep the Torah – that we will merit to labor and see the blessing of the work of our hands, until the point where we are busy harvesting the fruits and grapes for the entire summer.

How the Land of Israel is Governed
In an ideal situation, there is no need for miracles in the Land of Israel, for holiness is revealed in the land itself; this is the hidden miracle which is greater than any other miracle. On the other hand, in Egypt and in the desert signs and wonders abounded, whose goal was to indicate the path and direction for living a complete life in the Land of Israel. As a result, upon entering the Land the revealed miracles ceased – manna no longer fell from heaven, shoes and clothes began to wear-out, the divine Pillars of Fire and Cloud and the Well no longer accompanied Israel. Then again, the entire Land of Israel sings the praises of God.

Therefore, Moshe Rabbeinu was commanded to count all the men from the age of twenty who were fit for military service, in order to prepare them for the conquest of the Land by natural means. And from the time the Jewish nation came into the Land of Israel, they began eating the produce that grew from the ground, and precisely then, became obligated to fulfill the mitzvoth ha’teluyot b’aretz (the commandments contingent on the Land).

Four Kings
Similarly, we have learned in the Midrash (Eicha Rabba Petichta 30): “There were four kings, each of whom requested different things. They were David, Asa, Yehoshaphat, and Chizkiyahu (Hezekiah) . David said: ‘I have pursued my enemies and overtaken them: neither did I turn back until they were consumed.’ God answered him, and he killed his enemies. Asa stood up and said: ‘I lack the strength to kill them; instead, I will pursue them, and You do what is necessary.’ God said to him “I will do it”, and killed his enemies.

Yehoshaphat stood up and said: ‘I do not have the strength either to kill them or to chase them; instead, I will sing, and You do what is necessary.’ God said to him “I will do it”, and killed his enemies.

Chizkiyahu stood up and said: ‘I do not have the strength either to kill them or to chase them or to sing; instead, I will sleep in my bed, and You do what is necessary.’ God said to him “I will do it”, as it is written: “And it came to pass that night that the angel of the Lord went out and smote in the camp of Ashur.”

According to superficial perception of faith, in the sense of chutz la’aretz, it would seem that Chiziyahu was the greatest of all the kings, for the largest miracle was done for him. However, our Sages wanted to teach us that David, King of Israel, is the greatest of all them, for Divine blessing was revealed through his actions.

CNN Lies about the Palestinian Olive Trees ...Don Melvin of CNN a liar,

News or propaganda? CNN publishes outlandish claim of 'settlers' uprooting hundreds of olive trees - without bothering to fact-check.

CNN has faced an online backlash after issuing a report claiming that "settlers" had uprooted 800 Palestinian-owned olive trees near Hevron - based purely on unverified allegations by PA-based outlets with questionable records on fact-checking themselves.

CNN London-based "digital news desk editor" Don Melvin wrote the piece, entitled: "Israeli settlers reportedly chop down 800 Palestinian olive trees" on Sunday.
The report which follows is a truly bizarre patchwork of unverified claims:
The official Palestianian (sic) news agency is reporting that Israeli settlers have chopped down and seized about 800 Palestinian-owned olive trees near the town of Shuyukh, east of Hebron.

The report, by WAFA, the Palestine News & InformatioAgency, cited "a local source," whom it did not identify. Israel has yet to comment on the report.

The source, described by WAFA as "a local activist," told the agency that residents of the Israeli settlements of Bani Kadim and Asfar broke into an olive orchard near the town and chopped down the trees, which belonged to people who lived in the area.
PA-based outlets regularly report such alleged instances of Jewish "settlers" uprooting astonishingly large quantities of olive trees within an impossibly short period of time. 

One such report earlier this year by Bethlehem-based Maan News Agency - which claimed that  5,000 trees had been uprooted in one night near Shiloh in Samaria - nearly ended up provoking a major incident between armed US Consulate guards and an Israeli security team from the village of Adei Ad. 

Interestingly, the outlandish figure of 5,000 was later revised to 500 - but no evidence was provided and locals (including this reporter) were unable to identify any trace of such an incident of any scale.

But aside from the lack of fact-checking dubious sources, and the absence of any pictorial evidence or documentation of such an extensive alleged attack, several online responses pointed to the unlikelihood of an incident of such a mammoth scale taking place at all (let alone undocumented) - including the pro-Israel Elder of Ziyon blog:
What does “chopped down and seized” mean? 400 chopped down and 400 seized? Or did they chop down 800 olive trees and then put them onto a convoy of trucks to cart them away?

It takes a long time to chop down a mature olive tree. New saplings, which are often planted by Palestinians in order to steal public land, are relatively easy to uproot, but this says “chopped down and seized.”

No photos. No videos. No named sources. No corroboration. WAFA reports a story that matches none of the normal standards of journalism- and CNN parrots it under the guise of only reporting what anti-Israel Arab media is saying.
But there was more - with a healthy dose of "said" and "reported" to cover his bases - Melvin's appetite for unverified hearsay apparently not satiated:

Israel forces said not to protect Palestinians from violence

The news agency quoted the Israeli human rights group B'Tselem as saying that Israeli security forces do not always deploy in advance to protect Palestinians from settler violence, even when such violence can be anticipated.
    "In some cases, rather than restricting violent settlers, Israeli security forces impose restrictions on the Palestinians," the news report quoted the human rights group as saying.
    There are over 500,000 Israeli settlers living in settlements across the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Many international leaders say the settlements hinder the chances of achieving a stable peace with two states, one Palestinian and the other Israeli, living side by side.

    Incident at Aqsa Mosque also reported

    Also Sunday, more than 175 right-wing Jewish extremists entered the Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem, escorted by Israel police and security personnel, according to sources inside the mosque. The sources cannot be named for security reasons
    Indeed, hundreds of Jewish visitors did legally tour the Temple Mount on Jerusalem Day - abiding by strict draconian laws forbidding non-Muslims to pray there - but why they are characterized quite so menacingly is a mystery.
    As media Watchdog Honest Reporting asked:
    So where’s the “incident” that CNN refers to? On the basis that Jews as well as tourists are allowed to visit the Temple Mount compound at set hours, is this really an “incident?” And who are these unnamed “sources inside the mosque?”
    175 people is a far larger group than would normally be allowed on to the Temple Mount and there are no other media reports in the foreign or Israeli press to suggest anything unusual took place on the Temple Mount on Sunday. Has it occurred to CNN’s reporter that the Palestinians consider any Jew who visits the Temple Mount to be an “extremist?” Was it a group of 175 people or was that merely the total number of visitors to enter the compound on Sunday?
    For all the unverified claims by Palestinian or far-left sources, the best Melvin could offer in the way of "the other side" was to state that "CNN is working to get Israeli comment on the assertion" - and apparently still working on it two days later.

    Melvin has yet to respond to an offer by Arutz Sheva to provide him with regular updates on Arab attacks - on Jewish civilians, property and agriculture - in Judea and Samaria, which frequently go unreported in CNN.

    Wives of Assaulted Chareidi Soldiers: Bring Those Responsible to Justice , Video

    Chassidishe Terrorist covering his ugly face
    Wives of chareidi IDF soldiers have had enough of the insults and attacks, turning to Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked to act to assist them and their soldier husbands. 

    In their letter they call on Shaked to bring those responsible for the attacks against chareidi soldiers to justice, prompted by the attack in Meah Shearim a number of weeks ago, which seems to be the straw that broke the camel’s back.

    The wives explain the sacrifice made by their husbands is a significant one, and the campaign against them has been ongoing for too long. They speak of the caricatures depicting soldiers as pigs holding guns and how those behind the chardakim campaign turn innocent frum children against them as they are portrayed as villains and people who betrayed their Yiddishkheit.

    The women add that the chareidi community is a closed tzibur and permitting these people to portray them as outcasts significantly negatively impacts their lives. “Tens of families of soldiers have paid this price already” they explain in the letter to Minister Shaked.

    They call on the newly-appointed senior minister to become proactive and bring the persons behind the chardakim campaign to justice.

    The chareidi male arrested for the attack in Meah Shearim was arraigned on Tuesday, Rosh Chodesh Sivan. He remains incarcerated at this time. The suspect insists he is not connected to the attack and that he was not there at the time. However video footage of the area shows he was there at the time, contrary to his statements. Police report the suspect has also has a record as he has been involved in violence in the past.

    The video shows the suspect at the arraignment hearing as well as the officer’s vehicle following the attack in Meah Shearim.

    His mother, Mrs. Yael Alon calls on Israel Police to do more to protect her son and others like him.

    Florida Student Identified As American Tourist Who Died While Hiking Masada Amid Israeli Heatwave

     Florida State University International Programs says that an American tourist who has died while hiking Tuesday during a heatwave in Israel was a student participating in the university’s summer program hosted by the Rabin Center in Jerusalem.
    Briana McHam, 20, of Pompano Beach, Fla. died during an excursion to Masada, which is under the authority of Israel’s National Park System.
    Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld says the 20-year-old woman fell about 5 meters (about 16 feet) at the site of Masada on Tuesday, one of the hottest days of the year. He says the fall was not the cause of death but that the woman suffered dehydration after the fall, which then led to her death.
    Other hikers noticed she had gone missing and her body was found after an hour.
    Israel is experiencing a heat wave that sparked fires around the country earlier this week.
    “We are deeply saddened by the loss of one of our students, who was at the beginning of a life of discovery broadening her horizons,” said Dr. James Pitts, director of International Programs. “Our hearts go out to her family, and we will assist them in any way we can, as well as other FSU students who might be affected during this difficult time.”

    Tuesday, May 19, 2015

    Police arrest Heimishe Gangster who attacked IDF Soldier in Meah Shearim

    A Chassisdishe Bucher is brought to the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court after being arrested for beating up an Israeli soldier in the Ultra Orthodox neighborhood of Meah Shearim, May 19, 2015. Photo by Hadas Parush/Flash90
    An 18-year-old Chasssidishe parasite's  arrest was extended Tuesday for allegedly attacking an IDF officer in the Mea She’arim neighborhood three weeks ago.
    The Jerusalem Magistrate Court extended his detention until Thursday, against the five-day extension the police sought, according to Channel 10 News out of Israel (http://bit.ly/1PTVhqC).
    Police are still investigating the incident and searching for the other perpetrators involved in the attack.
    On April 24, a large group of frum residents of the Mea She’arim neighborhood attacked the soldier – who is a platoon commander in the frum
    religious battalion Givati Battalion – while he was there visiting friends serving in his unit. As he was leaving the home of one of the soldiers, he was attacked with blocks, stones and eggs, and his car was vandalized when attackers smashed the back window.
    The publication of the name of the arrested man will be published May 20 after the judge rejected the request to ban the publication of his name and address.

    Demand for Torah Higher Than Ever in Secular Tel Aviv

    Rosh Yehudi Jewish outreach org says demand for Torah and Judaism classes higher than ever among secular Tel Aviv residents.

    The past year has seen a 15% increase in the number of secular Tel Aviv residents taking part in Torah classes, according to the head of the "Rosh Yehudi" outreach organization, Haim Eizner.

    As a result, he says his organization has had to expand its activities and classes to meet demand.
    Rosh Yehudi "conducts a variety of Torah-orientated activities which are open to the general public and residents of Tel Aviv in particular," Eisner explained.
    Those activities include workshops on how to read from the Torah; lively "Kabbalat Shabbat" Friday night prayers; "yemei iyun" - or full days of in-depth Torah seminars; and sessions for newlyweds.

    Eisner said his organization has been spurred on by a gradual influx of religious Jews into predominantly-secular Tel Aviv, many of whom have themselves joined in its activities.
    In the coming days, Rosh Yehudi is preparing for its annual "Tikkun Leil Shavuot" - a nightlong program of Torah study traditionally undertaken throughout the Jewish world during the festival of Shavuot, which will take place this coming Sunday - with a lineup of well-known Israeli rabbis and scholars.

    Dozens of families, students and young professionals have also signed up for Rosh Yehudi's festive Shavuot meal, said Eisner.

    "The lectures are open to the general public and we are seeing great interest - more than what we registered last year.

    20 year old American girl dies after Fall at Masada

    Scene of the accident at Masada

    An American tourist was pronounced dead Tuesday after falling down an eight-meter drop during a hike up the "snake path" to Israel's ancient Masada fortress.
    Magen David Adom (MDA) paramedics rushed to the scene and attempted to resuscitate the 20-year-old woman, who has not yet been named, but eventually pronounced her dead at the scene.

    MDA paramedic Uri Tzahi was among the first to reach the scene of the accident.
    "Beneath the cliff we saw a young woman of about 20 lying unconscious, not breathing and with no pulse, with multiple injuries and signs of heat-stroke," he recounted. 
    Recalling his team's desperate efforts to revive her, he said that despite providing emergency first-aid treatment and performing CPR, they were eventually forced to declare her dead.

    Elsewhere, some 50 tourists in Nahal Og, north of the Dead Sea, were treated for dehydration as this week's mega-heatwave continues.
    15 of them were taken from the area and given first-aid treatment by MDA medics, while other first-responders were forced to remain on the trail with an additional four tourists and a tour guide who were suffering from severe exhaustion and unable to leave of their own strength.

    Emergency rescue teams are currently heading to the site to extract them.

    25 girls from the US were evacuated to Hadassah Mount Scopus Hospital for further treatment.

    Rav Shteinman: Battle Public Chillul Shabbos with Tefillah, Not Protests

    Finally a voice of reason!

    The battle in Ashdod against the “Big” Shopping Center, which has disregarded kedushas Shabbos by opening on the holy day, continues, with some calling  for mass rallies to protest against the mall’s management. Others have proposed a boycott against the management of the mall.
    At the same time, gedolei Torah in the Olam Hatorah have said that focus should be on dialogue and other attempts to reach an understanding with the management of the mall and resolve the crisis, rather than public demonstrations.
    Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman has expressed his opinion that he is uncomfortable with noisy demonstrations and protests, which do not necessarily bring the desired result and sometimes have the opposite result.
    Rav Yosef Scheinin, rov of Ashdod, has conveyed the opinion of Rav Shteinman not to engage in marches or protests, but to hold a day of tefillah, which Rav Shteinman feels would be more effective in bringing about the result of diminished chillul Shabbos.

    Monday, May 18, 2015

    Bill O'Reilly asked Lt. Col. Ralph Peters what his strategy would be to defeat the jihad, he said:

    Fox News
    Bill O'Reilly asked Lt. Col. Ralph Peters what his strategy would be to defeat the jihad, he said:
    “You go wherever in the world the terrorists are and you kill them, you do your best to exterminate them, and then you leave behind smoking ruins and crying widows.”
    What do you think of his answer?

    *Why I Cried Twice *

    Good Morning!

    Today is Friday the 26th of Iyar 5755 and May 15, 2015*

    The main purpose of my trip to the Holy Land at this time was to erect the monument- Hakamos Matzeiva- for my beloved mother Lorraine Eisenman A"H.

    Obviously seeing my children and grandchildren is an added bonus and a wonderful privilege; however, if not for attending the Hokomos Matzeiva of my mother's monument I would not have made the trip at this point.

    As I am still in the year long mourning period for my mother and want to attempt to lead the davening whenever I can, I stay close to
    Yerushalayim- to home base- where I know a Minyan is accessible.

    Often, when observant Jews visit Eretz Yisroel they make a point of going to Mekomos HaKedoshim- kevarim (graves) of Tzadikim in the north to daven,

    I wondered if perhaps I should go too, after all, who wants to lose an opportunity to daven by Tzadikim?

    I then recalled that I once read in a biography of Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach Zt"l (Oro Shel Olam page 380) that a student asked Rav Shlomo Zalman, “Isn't there a time I could go to visit the graves of tzadikim? Doesn't Rav Auerbach go and pray by the graves of tzadikim?”

    Rav Auerbach answered, “In order to pray at the graves of tzadikim, one doesn't have to travel up to the Galilee. Whenever I feel the need to pray at the graves of tzadikim, I go to Mount Herzl, [the national cemetery for fallen Israeli soldiers in Jerusalem], to the graves of the soldiers…who fell “Al Kiddush Hashem” for the sanctification of G-d."

    Therefore, yesterday, I followed in the footsteps of the great Rav
    Shlomo Zalman and together with my four sons who are here, I made a pilgrimage to the graves of Tzadikim.

    I went to Mount Herzl to daven and pay respects to those who gave
    their lives so I could travel freely in the land of Israel.

    I went to the grave of Max Steinberg, a former Birthright attendee who was killed last summer, and I went to the grave of Dave Gordon, the brother of our beloved Aryeh and Nomi Ho and a young man who I had the pleasure of knowing.

    I went to dozens of graves of soldiers who I never knew and would
    never know them and I cried.

    I cried for the young souls who died sanctifying the name of Hashem and I cried for the spouses they never had and for the children they were never privileged to bring into this world.

    And I cried for others as well.

    I cried for those who are lacking the sensitivity of Rav Shlomo Zalman Zt"l.

    I cried for those who fail to emulate and take direction from this
    giant of Torah and Middos and forget to include Mount Herzl's Military Cemetery in their itinerary of Mekomos HeKedoshim when they come to Eretz Yisroel.

    I cried for those Jews who don't even realize that they should be

    I cried for those who are not in the world and made the ultimate
    sacrifice for our people and I cried for those who are in this world
    and don't even realize that they too must cry.

    May Hashem wipe the tears of all of His people.

    Wishing you a meaningful Shabbos from the Holiest City in the world.

    "If Not Now, Then When?"- Hillel

    Ron Yitzchok Eisenman, Rabbi, Congregation Ahavas Israel, Passaic, NJ