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Showing posts with label meah shearim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meah shearim. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Wives of Assaulted Chareidi Soldiers: Bring Those Responsible to Justice , Video

Chassidishe Terrorist covering his ugly face
Wives of chareidi IDF soldiers have had enough of the insults and attacks, turning to Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked to act to assist them and their soldier husbands. 

In their letter they call on Shaked to bring those responsible for the attacks against chareidi soldiers to justice, prompted by the attack in Meah Shearim a number of weeks ago, which seems to be the straw that broke the camel’s back.

The wives explain the sacrifice made by their husbands is a significant one, and the campaign against them has been ongoing for too long. They speak of the caricatures depicting soldiers as pigs holding guns and how those behind the chardakim campaign turn innocent frum children against them as they are portrayed as villains and people who betrayed their Yiddishkheit.

The women add that the chareidi community is a closed tzibur and permitting these people to portray them as outcasts significantly negatively impacts their lives. “Tens of families of soldiers have paid this price already” they explain in the letter to Minister Shaked.

They call on the newly-appointed senior minister to become proactive and bring the persons behind the chardakim campaign to justice.

The chareidi male arrested for the attack in Meah Shearim was arraigned on Tuesday, Rosh Chodesh Sivan. He remains incarcerated at this time. The suspect insists he is not connected to the attack and that he was not there at the time. However video footage of the area shows he was there at the time, contrary to his statements. Police report the suspect has also has a record as he has been involved in violence in the past.

The video shows the suspect at the arraignment hearing as well as the officer’s vehicle following the attack in Meah Shearim.

His mother, Mrs. Yael Alon calls on Israel Police to do more to protect her son and others like him.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

"There was not a single tzaddik in Sodom”: Says Mother of IDF officer attacked in Meah Shearim

Meah Searim Mamzeirim smash auto of IDF Tzaddik

A 24-year-old Givati Brigade officer serving in Nachal Chareidi arrived in Meah Shearim to visit with two of his chareidi soldiers. After leaving the home children began to taunt him and then it escalated to throwing eggs and stones. The officer tried taking cover in his vehicle and to drive out of the area but the attackers blocked the road while continuing to pelt the vehicle with stones.

The front and side windows, which are fortified against rock attacks, did not break but the rear window was smashed. It took a few minutes for the soldier to extricate himself from the mob and flee the area. 

The officer’s mother told Ynet “He traveled in his own vehicle that has protective glass because we live in Kiryat Arba. He tried running from the area but the children prevented him from doing so and a window on the car was mashed. They had to extricate him from their by the skin of this teeth. You could see the murder in their eyes like terrorists from Khan Yunis in the last war. No one from that entire mob made an effort to assist him. There was not a single tzaddik in Sodom”.

She added “My vehicle is a mess and while the parents of the children who attacked it slept during the war, I did not dare to shut my eyes while my son was in Shajaia. I am unwilling to remain silent”.

Here are some idiotic comments placed on Yeshivaworld blog  comment page!

  • real yid says:
    Deri is responsible for supporting Oslo which caused a thousand dead Jews. What yidden in meah shearim did is in protest of shmad. A frum young yeshiva boy in an army that supports immorality is spiritual death. I understand why chareidim attack the IDF bums.

  • chilliworker2 says:
    chen chen #2. Fully agree with you.
    This soldier is not a fanatic that doesn't hear radio, nor read papers, and probably has a TV, so why on earth did he come to Meah Shearim to visit his friends in his IDF garb??? He was asking for this!!!


  • yankelshim says:
    Question to 2 and 3. Why weren’t these righteous boys in the Beis Medrash learning instead of hanging around in the streets looking for trouble? Their parents are responsible for raising such Chayos. If only their parents would send them to the army they might have a chance at becoming mentchen.