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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Details of Attack in Har Nof From Rebbetzin Tzipporah Heller

Yesterday at about 7am my daughter Miri called. “Mordechai just came home from shul. He said that Arabs came in and are shooting, and that a man with an axe is hitting everyone. Some of the people threw chairs at them, but it didn’t help”. The twelve year old had hit the floor along with everyone else when the bullets began to fly.
He was fully aware of what was going on, and what it meant. He somehow found the courage to let go of his father’s hand, crawl towards the exit and break into a run. Some of you know Miri and her family. She has had some of you over for Shabbos and holidays, and others sleeping in one of her kid’s bedrooms when the crowd at my house gets too big to accommodate sanely.

Mordechai is blonde, freckled, and a soft spoken somewhat introverted and studious boy, much like his father, Shmuli. He is not Huck Finn, and the courage he found at those moments were a gift straight from G-d. By the time he finished telling Miri what happened, sirens from Hatzalah ambulances, police cars, and Magen David could be heard telling her that there were casualties.
“Where’s Shmuli” was the thought that entered her mind again and again as the seconds which felt like hours began to tick. She called me and said, “Say Tehillim. There is shooting in Bnei Torah”. I began to say the ancient prayers, stopped myself and called Rabbi Weidan, and told him what was happening.
I then began the Tehillim again, knocked on my neighbor’s door and told her to do the same. Chani called and told me to look at the news to see what was really happening. Nothing was reported as yet. Of course not. It was only 7:10.
I realized that the whether or not the attack was over, that no one as yet knew whether the murderers escaped. I called again, asking that everything be done to see that no one leaves the campus, and then called Miri. Thank G-d she had the sense to stay indoors and not run to the besieged synagogue. When Mordechai came home, the shooting was still happening.
By 7:20 we both realized that if she didn’t hear from Shmuli, something was very wrong. The police and other services had no information as yet to give to the public, but a family friend who had seen the terror with his own eyes, said that Shmuli had been taken to Haddassah EIn Karem. When Mordechai let go of his hand, he instinctively ran after the child placing himself in the sight of the terrorists.
One of them attacked him with his axe, hitting him on the left side of his head, his back and his arm. Somehow he made it to the door. Josh White, a student of Machon Shlomo was riding down Agassi on his bike. He noticed what he described la ter as “a lot of confusion” in front of Bnei Torah asked someone what was going on, and surprisingly (for Har Nof) the man answered him in Hebrew! In the midst of what to him was gibberish, he picked up the word Aravim (Arabs) and immediately grasped what was happening. He approached the shul and saw Shmuli who was still aware. The Machon student took of his shirt and stopped the bleeding, a move which may have saved Shmuli’s life.
The shooting was still happening inside. It was about 7:15! The emergency crew drew back, but because SHmuli was already outside, they evacuated him thus making him the first of the wounded to be taken to Hadassah, another factor in his survival. Before collapsing, he asked where Mordechai was, and when he was told that the boy ran away from the carnage, he said, “Baruch Hashem”. Inside, the terrorists were continuing their “work”. When they entered they turned to their left, and immediately cut down Rabbi Twerski and Rav Kalman Levine who were st anding in the corner. Reb Kalman was the husband of Chaya, formally Markowitz who was a student and later a madrichah at Neve.
Her husband was not a regular attendee of Bnei Torah. He would generally daven in the earliest possible minyan so he could get in a couple of hours of learning before beginning his day. Yesterday he had a question about something he had learned and had gone after davening to Bnei Torah to put the question to its erudite rav, Rabbi Rubin. The question will now only be resolved in the Heavenly Acadamy. Rev Avraham Goldberg, the third man to be killed is Breina Goldberg’s husband. Many of you know Breina as the warm caring efficient secretary cum mother figure at the front desk in the afternoon.
I don’t as yet know how her husband, or Reb Kupinski the fourth victim met their deaths. The only thing that I know, is that it was brutal and swift. The first policemen to enter were traffic cops who knew what they were facing, and also knew that they were not wearing protective gear. They entered anyway and together with the forces that came afterwards ended the bloodbath. By 7:30 the murderers were apprehended.
Miri, my daughter Guli, and her husband were in Hadassah. Miri’s other kids were watched by relatives and friends for the day. Mordechai was urged to speak about what he saw again and again in order to diminish the damage of the trauma he had undergone. The rest of the family flowed in, saying Tehillim and waiting for updates.
The hospital social worker, Aviva, who is blessed with the rare gift of being empathic without being overbearing, and the women of Ezer Mitzion (a volunteer organization) kept us well supplied with food, calming conversation and practical advice. We were allowed to see Shmuli who was put under anesthesia. We don’t know if he heard us or not, but we were talking to him stressing that Mordechai was fine. In the hours before the surgery was done, we found ourselves with Risa Rotman.
Her husband, Chaim Yechiel ben Malka, was also attacked, and the extent of his wounds are very serious. Some of you may know Risa (who if I am not mistaken also is an OBG) and those of you whose husbands learned in Ohr Sameach or who recall Reb Meir Shuster who he helped unstintingly for years, may know him as Howie. The policeman who entered first, passed away. May Hashem avenge his blood.
Every day in Eretz Yisrael is a gift and a miracle. I have no pretensions of knowing Hashem’s will, but I do know that everything He does is purposeful, and that His compassion that is often hidden from the human eye.
Please please continue saying Tehillim for Shmuel Yerucham ben Baila and the other victims. Daven that Hashem give strength to the five new widows and 24 new orphans. Most of all thank Hashem that we are not Them, and treasure Hashem’s Torah and His Land.
Love always,

PM Netanyahu's Statement to the Media

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this evening at his Jerusalem
 office, issued the following statement to the media:

"We are in the midst of a terrorist assault focused on Jerusalem. 
Today, during morning prayers, as they were wrapped in prayer
 shawls and tefillin, four rabbis were slaughtered, four innocent 
and Rabbi Moshe Twersky. May their memories be blessed.
We send our condolences to their families. We send our best wishes
for a recovery to the wounded and to the heroic policemen whose 
action prevented a greater disaster. The human animals who 
perpetrated this slaughter were full of hatred and incitement, deep 
hatred and terrible incitement against the Jewish People and its state. Hamas, the Islamic Movement and the Palestinian Authority are disseminating 
countless lies and falsehoods against the State of Israel. They are
 saying that the Jews are contaminating the Temple Mount. They 
are saying that we are planning to destroy the Holy Places, that we 
intend to change the order of prayer there – this is all lies. These 
lies have already claimed a very heavy price. They took the life of a
 three-month-old baby, Chaya Zissel Braun, who had been taken for
 her first visit to the Western Wall, along with her parents, who 
wanted to thank G-d for giving them a baby. They also claimed the 
lives of Karen Jemima Mosquera,Jidan Assad, Aharon Badani, 
Sgt. Almog Shilony and Dalia Lemkus. All of them were pure souls. All of them were victims 
of this mendacious incitement. Today they are joined by additional
 victims of the same wild blood libel of the kind that is etched in the
 memory of our people.
Yesterday a bus driver from eastern Jerusalem committed suicide. 
He committed suicide. The findings of the pathology report have 
been published and they prove this unequivocally. He committed 
suicide. But this has not prevented those same elements from 
inciting and disseminating the blood libel to the effect that he was 
murdered by Jews. This incitement contributed its part to the 
shocking slaughter that was perpetrated this morning in a holy 
place during prayers. But what is outrageous is not only the 
brutality of the murder but the shouts of joy in Gaza, in Bethlehem
 and in other places. They are giving out candies, waving axes in 
the air and praising the shahidim. True, this time Abu Mazen 
condemned the slaughter and it is good that he did. I remember that 
he also condemned the murder of the three youths but it is not 
enough because in the same sentence in which he condemned 
today's slaughter, he linked it to imaginary actions – which have no 
basis in reality – that Israel is purportedly planning to carry out on 
the Temple Mount. There is daily, even hourly, incitement on the 
streets of the Palestinian Authority. There, not only do the most 
reprehensible murderers become the heroes of Palestinian culture, 
but there is unending, constant incitement against the very existence 
of the State of Israel, against the security of Israel's citizens, in 
schools, the media, 
mosques, everywhere, and this is the root of the conflict: The refusal
 to recognize – and educate for – the existence of the state of the 
Last week I traveled to Jordan and held a very important meeting in 
Amman with King Abdullah and US Secretary of State John Kerry. 
Together, we called to calm the situation and for the restoration of 
quiet. To my regret, the answer that we received from the 
Palestinian Authority was to declare a day or rage in Jerusalem. And
 today we all saw the result. The world sees this slaughter but, to our
 regret, does not demand that the Palestinians stop the wild 
incitement against Israel that is the root of the conflict. I call on all 
heads of state in the civilized world – I want to see outrage. I want 
to see condemnation, a deep and uncompromising condemnation of 
hese murders of Israelis, of Jews. Do not discriminate between 
blood and blood. When there are other acts of murder you express
the same outrage and condemn them. But when I see a 
three-month-old baby being murdered, when I see these Jews at 
prayer in a synagogue, our holy place, just as a church is holy for 
Christians and a mosque is holy for Muslims, I expect to at least 
hear the same condemnation, in an uncompromising and unreserved
 tone. To my regret, there are those who currently insist on giving 
he Palestinians a prize in the form of unilateral recognition of a 
Palestinian state that does not recognize the state of the Jews. We 
will not tolerate this reality; we will fight terrorism and we will 
defeat it. We will restore law, order and security to the streets of 
This evening I ordered the demolition of the homes of the terrorists 
who perpetrated the massacre and the hastening of the demolition of
the homes of the terrorists who perpetrated the earlier attacks. I 
ordered stepped-up enforcement against – and stiffer punishments 
or – those engaged in incitement, as well as the banning of 
organizations engaged in incitement, and increased security on the 
streets of Jerusalem. Alongside offensive actions there are also 
defensive actions.
Citizens of Israel, I call on you to show maximum alert and to 
respect the law. As a state, we will settle accounts with all of the 
terrorists and those who dispatched them. We have already proven 
that we do this, but let nobody take the law into his hands, even if 
tempers flare and blood boils. We are in a lengthy war against 
abhorrent terrorism which did not start today. Terrorism has 
followed us through all the years of the Zionist enterprise. We have 
always withstood it and we will do so this time as well.
There are those who would like to uproot us from our land and from
 our capital. They will not achieve their aim. We are in a battle for 
Jerusalem, our eternal capital. In this battle we must be united; this 
is the order of the day. We have always known to unite in times of 
trial. We must put aside all of the little differences and unite around 
one major issue – defending Jerusalem, defending the security of 
Israel's citizens. I think that this is what the citizens of Israel expect 
of us at this time – to stand together as one, unified and united. 
What is called for at this time is national unity."

Karlin-Stolin Rebbe Says Throw the Arabs Out of the Mosdos!

B"H, we have a leader with some Seichal!

Following the massacre of mispallalim in Kehillas Bnei Torah in Har Nof, the Karlin-Stolin Rebbe Shlita has instructed his gabbaim to get the Arabs out of the chassidus’ mosdos; including schools, shuls and batei medrash. 

The rebbe explains that doing so today is tantamount to sakonos nefoshos.

The rebbe is aware that there are Arabs employed in many areas of the mosdos but explains that none of this can justify placing the tzibur in a life-threatening situation.

First Policeman at Scene of Har Nof Massacre Died a Hero

Advanced Staff Sgt. Major Zidan Sayif is the latest casualty in the Har Nof shul massacre. He was one of the first policemen to arrive on scene and actively engaged the terrorists in a gun fight.

His heroic actions resulted in many saved lives since the terrorists had to turn their attention from massacring  Jewish worshipers to face a gun battle with the heroic policeman. 

He lived in the Druze village of Yanuh-Jat in northern Israel.
He leaves behind his wife, four year old baby and a 7 month old daughter as well.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Arab Savages leave 4 Widows and 24 orphans

Thousands of mourners gathered outside the Bnei Torah synagogue in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Har Nof to mourn the loss of  Rabbi Aryeh Kopinsky, 43, Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Goldberg, 58, and Rabbi Calman Levine - all from Har Nof – who were laid to rest Tuesday afternoon.

The three rabbis– two US-Israeli citizens and a British-Israeli national - were murdered by two Palestinian gunmen who opened fire in a brutal terror attack on the synagogue early Tuesday morning.

Kopinsky and Levine held dual US-Israeli citizenship after making aliya from the United States and Goldberg was a British-Israeli national who immigrated to Israel from Britain.

“How many widows and orphans joined all of Israel this morning, four widows and 24 orphans on one street,” Rabbi Yitzhak Rubin, head of the congregation said at the funeral.

"You cannot take an Ishmaeli and place him in school or university or tell him to be educated because he and his ancestors and his ancestor's ancestors were savages," he said in reference to the attackers. "We will not deal with revenge or responses because we have what Moshe Rabbeinu promised to us," he said.

Kopinsky's death marked a further tragedy for his family as his 13 year-old daughter died two years ago under sudden circumstances. "You were a man of kindness with modesty and humility" his brother Chaim Kopinsky eulogized.

Kopinsky leaves behind a wife and five children.

Yerachmiel Levine, eulogized his father and said he, “used to study [Torah] every day until late at night when he would fall asleep at his chair.”

Levine leaves behind a wife, nine children and five grandchildren.

Pinhas Markowitz, said of his brother-in-law Goldberg, "You were full of love for G-d and studying Torah and love of the individual and of health."

Goldberg who made aliyah over 20 years ago from Liverpool leaves behind a wife and six children.

Following the remarks and eulogies the victim’s children gathered together to recite the mourner's Kaddish.    The funeral procession then made its way to Har HaMenuchot in the neighborhood of Givat Shaul where the three Rabbis were laid to rest.

Thousands Attend Funerals of Har Nof Synagogue Massacre Victims

Family members of Aryeh Kupinsky (C), aged 43, an immigrant from the United States, gather at his body covered in a prayer shawl as two other victims of an attack by Palestinians are also in vans during their funeral service outside the Yeshiva in Har Nof, a religious neighborhood in west Jerusalem, where they were slain earlier 18 November 2014. Also killed was Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Goldberg, an immigrant from Britain, and Rabbi Kalman Levine, an immigrant from the US. Media reports state that two Palestinians armed with an axe, kitchen knives and a pistol killed four worshippers and injured eight others at a Jerusalem synagogue early 18 November, before being shot dead by Israeli police. The attack, which lasted seven minutes until the first police arrived, occurred during morning prayers. (Credit: EPA)

The four victims were Rabbi Moshe Twersky, hy"d, 'Rosh Kollel' for the 'Torat Moshe' yeshiva; Rabbi Kalman Levine, hy"d; Aryeh Kupinsky, hy"d, and Avraham Shmuel Goldberg, hy"d. 

Police revealed that all four victims were dual citizens, with three holding American citizenship, and the fourth British citizenship.

Kupinsky (43) lost his 13-year-old daughter Chaya Hana two years ago. 

Goldberg (68) made aliyah (immigration) to Israel in 1991, and leaves behind a wife and six children. 

Rabbi Levine (50) leaves behind a wife and nine children, as well as five grandchildren.

Rabbi Twersky was born in the US and made aliyah in 1990 with his family. He leaves behind a wife, five children and ten grandchildren. Rabbi Shmuel Auerbach, a prominent head of the Lithuanian hareidi community, eulogized the rabbi saying "he was a great and holy man. He was so close to G-d in his holy life and was murdered in the middle of his prayer, with the tefilin (phyllacteries) on his head."

Rabbi Twersky's funeral was to be held at 2 p.m. at the Torat Mosheyeshiva in Sanhedria. 

The funeral services for Rabbi Levine, Mr. Kupinsky, and Mr. Goldberg began at 3 p.m. at the synagogue in which they were murdered, theKehillat Bnai Torah Yeshiva Synagogue in Har Nof. 
Thousands showed up for the funeral of the three, including President Reuven Rivlin.

חזקי עזרא

חזקי עזרא

חזקי עזרא

חזקי עזרא


International media coverage of this morning's massacre at a Jerusalem synagogue has already come in for some criticism, with media watchdogs already pointing out a slew of headlines and stories downplaying or otherwise misrepresenting the attack.

Four people were murdered and eight others wounded, four of them seriously, when two terrorists stormed Kehillat Bnai Torah Yeshiva Synagogue during morning prayers Tuesday.
Harrowing images from the scene show men still wrapped in bloodied prayer shawls, their tefillin (phylacteries) scattered on the floor.

In a BBC news interview following the attack, responding to a Palestinian spokesperson who railed about "Jewish murderers" in Jerusalem,Economics Minister Naftali Bennett (Jewish Home) sought to put the record straight.
Echoing other Israeli leaders, he blamed Palestinian Authority head Mahmoud Abbas for inciting attacks such as the one this morning.
"Abu Mazen himself incites and tells the Arab 'take arms, fight the Jews'," Bennett said, in a reference to several statements in recent weeks in which Abbas called on Palestinians to use violence.

Bennett then produced a picture of one of the victim's murdered in this morning's attack, in an attempt to make his point.
"This individual came this morning to pray just like many Muslims and many Jews went to pray this morning. The Muslims went home safe but four Jews will never come home again."

His interviewer was less than pleased with the visual aid - despite it being no more graphic than countless other images of injured Palestinians regularly given airtime. "Sorry we don't want to actually see that picture, could you take that down," she said.

Taking to Facebook after the interview, Bennett said his actions during the interview were a response to the previous interviewee's provocative remarks.
"Yes, I will show this, Mrs. British interviewer," read the statement.
"Now in an interview with the BBC I went on after a Palestinian spokesperson, who told of Jewish murderers in Jerusalem (!)
"In response I showed the interviewer who is murdering whom. She requested I stop showing the picture. I will never stop." 

CNN HEADLINE: "Israeli police shot two Palestinian civilians' "

CNN Bastards taking a page from the Nazis, wrote the following headline, while reporting the terror in Har Nof!
"Israeli police shot two Palestinian civilians' "
Then they changed the Headline to this:

'Deadly Attack on Jerusalem Mosque'

Please email CNN and tell them that this will not be tolerated!
Everyone always asks what can I do? 
Well, this is just a small thing to do!

Yossi Dagan, the head of media relations for the Samaria Regional Council, filed a formal complaint Tuesday with the Government Press Office (GPO) against a CNN reporter for equating the terrorists involved inthe Har Nof massacre with the victims.

According to Dagan, American CNN reporter Ben Wedeman was responsible for the headline describing the massacre under the headline, "Israeli police shot dead two Palestinian civilians" - when, in fact, the shooters were Palestinian terrorists who killed four Jews and wounded eight others as they prayed the morning service before being killed in a gun battle with police.

Dagan charged that the headline was a serious violation of international journalism ethics, and called to revoke Wedeman's press license and, generally, bring anti-Semitic coverage of terror attacks by foreign journalists to an end - permanently. 
"There is no reality elsewhere in the world where journalists can report a terror attack in this style," he stated. "This rule should also apply to foreign reporters in Israel. There is good and there is bad, there are killers and there are victims." 

"The media arena in recent years has become an equally important battlefield for Israel, and it must use all the tools at its disposal to demand certain baselines in its media coverage," he continued. "Coverage like this legitimizes the next murder; whoever loses in this loses the next war as well."

Dagan also noted that the Samaria Regional Council has been closely scrutinizing foreign media coverage of events, and that this represents a disturbing trend.

"CNN's strange headline is a direct continuation of a series of other reports in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that appeared recently," the letter said, and noted for example that the report on the car rampage near the Jerusalem light rail last month by the Associated Pressbegan with the title "Israeli police shot a man in East Jerusalem." 

Arab Savages Murder Rav Moshe Twersky and 3 others in Har Nof Shul, Arabs Celebrate!UPDATED 8:22AM

Harav Moshe Twersky HY"D

One of the four victims in Tuesday's deadly terror attack at a Jerusalem shul was the leader of a local yeshiva.

Rabbi Moshe Twersky, the 60-year-old Rosh Yeshiva of the English-speaking Torat Moshe yeshiva, was the first victim of the attack to be named.

His funeral was scheduled for 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Givat Shaul cemetery in the capital.

Eight other people were wounded in the attack, including two police officers.

According to police, the two suspected Palestinian terrorists, armed with a gun and axes, attacked worshipers after entering the "Kehilat Yaakov" synagogue on Agasi Street in the capital's Har Nof neighborhood. Two police officers quickly arrived to the scene and exchanged fire with the suspects, killing them.

Palestinian sources reported that the two suspects from the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Jabel Mukabaer were cousins.

The attack marks the latest incident in a flare of violence that has surged over the past few weeks in Jerusalem.

Israeli leaders have condemned Tuesday's deadly attack as have Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and US Secretary of State John Kerry. 

Palestinians in the Gaza Strip then celebrated the  attack on a Jerusalem shul that left four Jewish worshiper dead.

Two Palestinians armed with a meat cleaver and a gun killed four people in a Jerusalem synagogue on Tuesday before being shot dead by police, the deadliest such incident in six years in the holy city.

Gazan reveler in Rafah handed out sweets and brandished axes in praise of the deadly attack. 

The names of the four victims of the terror attack at a synagogue in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Har Nof were released on Tuesday.

Rabbi Aryeh Kopinsky, 43, Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Goldberg, 58, and Rabbi Calman Levine, 50, all from the Har Nof neighborhood were identified along with Rabbi Moshe Twersky, 59, as victims murdered by two Palestinian terrorists.

Along with Twersky who was a US-Israeli citizen, CNN reported that two other victims also held dual American-Israeli citizenship. The UK confirmed that a dual British-Israeli national was also among the four.

Funerals for the four were to be held Tuesday afternoon.

Kopinsky's death marked a further tragedy for his family as his daughter died three years ago in sudden circumstances.

Levine leaves behind five children and nine grandchildren.

Twersky, originally from Boston, was the dean of the English-speaking Torat Moshe yeshiva and the first victim of the attack to be named.

Bais Din, Shmes Din, Bobov 45 Ignores Bais Din Ruling to stop calling itself "Bobov"

Normally, I would say, "Who Cares?" 
But this is in line with  our previous post with the Heading:

"Noveminsker Attacks Bloggers"

The "Gedoilim" don't give 2 hoots about any rulings of Bais Din! They just want the Bloggers to heed the Torah and the 613 mitzvos,  The Gedoilim, don't have to listen to the Torah... they don't have to listen to Bais Din, they can go to Secular Court.... but us bloggers have to crawl under rocks, observe all this hypocrisy and keep our mouths shut! and Chap their Shrayim!
In the Litvisher Camp, Rav Shechter and Rav Belsky have ignored the Psak of many a Bais Din!

You won't hear  the "Agudah Convention Gedoilim" talking  about Gedolim observing the Torah like the rest of us schnooks! Nooooo! 
You won't hear any Gadol talk about the second Rashi in Parshas Mishpatim..... Noooooo!
Bloggers ....bad bloggers.....naughty bloggers..... loshon hara bloggers....
If the Gedoilim who were at the Aguda Convention do not come out with a statement condemning this Chillul Hashem, then these are not leaders...

Reb Mordecha Dovid Unger, Bobover Rebbe

Reb Benzion Halberstam, Bobover Rebbe

A brief history:
Reb Shloimeh Halberstam z"l, the First Bobover Rebbe in the USA, had two sons, Reb Naftulche, who was born in Europe before WW2 and was from his first wife (she was murdered in the camps) , and Reb Ben-Zion who was born in the USA was from the Rebbe's second wife.

When Reb Shloimeh z"l passed on, naturally his eldest son Rav Naftulche became Rebbe..
Reb Naftulche after waiting over 40 years to become Rebbe succumbed to an illness soon after becoming Rebbe and  passed away.

Reb Naftulche z"l, had no sons, and was "burdened" with daughters only!
One Daughter married Rabbi Rubin and the other married Rabbi Mordcha Dovid Unger.

Now that Reb Naftulche went to his Maker, Reb Ben-Zion claims that the Rebbe Shloimeh's  inheritance goes back to Reb Shloimeh's other son. him.
 Rabbi Unger, the son-in-law of Reb Naftulche claims that the Rebbistiveh belongs to him, because he is inheriting from Reb Naftulche z"l...
(though daughters do not inherit al pi Torah, but who cares)

So, as you can imagine, actual fists fights broke out between both Bobover Camps, both screaming that their guy is the Bobover Rebbe!
Don't forget there was and is  millions of dollars of real estate involved, and the guys surrounding the Rebbes are also in on the take and on the payroll... each Rebbe has tons of Gaboim etc.... all grabbing the $$$$$$$$$$'s!

So they went to Secular Court.. and the Secular Judge threw them both out and told the two Rebbes to work it out in Bais Din!
The Bais Din took 9 years to come to a decision and they ruled in favor of Reb Ben Zion...
They Ruled that only the Reb Ben Zion Camp can call themselves Bobov and they get all the Real Estate, but they have to give Reb Mordecha Dovid some 10 million dollars over 5 years (I may be off with a million or two, but whose counting).
Reb Mordcha Dovid can call himself Sanz-Bobov, Rupshitz-Bobov, 45th Bobov...
but not Bobov by itself!

When Reb Mordcha Dovid's guys heard this, they went thru the roof... because now all the handlers of the Rebbe will finally have to work for a living...
They weren't going to take this sitting down, so they decided to ignore the USA Bais Din that they chose themselves, and went to look for a Litvisher Bais Din in Yerushalyim... and they found one! Holy Moly!
They found Rav Moshe Sternbach, the anti-Chassidish, anti-Zionist but respected Litvisher Rav!
He wrote that the USA Bais Din's psak is a sham! And that both Bobovs' can call themselves Bobov, and that they should go bactk to the tables to make peace....
easier said than done!
They also had Rev Chaim Kanievsky co-sign the document but he added the following:
• Bobov 45 must listen to the Bais din’s ruling
• The Beit Din’s ruling should not, God forbid, be discredited by Bobov 45 hasidim or leaders. 
• Bobov 45 can not challenge the beit din’s ruling in secular court.

So there you have it!

Arab Egged Bus Driver hangs himself and they blame it on the Jew!

 A Palestinian bus driver was found hanged inside his vehicle on Monday, an incident Israeli police described as a suicide but which the driver’s family said they believed was an attack.
The incident quickly touched off Palestinian stone-throwing protests and a general strike in some large Palestinian suburbs of Jerusalem, pouring more fuel on tensions stoked over the past few weeks by a dispute over Jerusalem’s holiest site.
The bus driver, Youssef al-Ramouni, 32, was found dead at the start of the route he was supposed to have driven late on Sunday, in an area of Jerusalem close to Jewish settlements and Palestinian neighborhoods.
Israeli police said the evidence suggested Ramouni had committed suicide. But rumors quickly spread in the Palestinian media that he had been killed by Jewish assailants, stirring tension and violence.
In Abu Dis, a Palestinian town on the outskirts of Jerusalem, shops closed after news of Ramouni’s death and masked youngsters blocked roads with dumpsters. Dozens of youths threw stones at Israeli soldiers, who fired tear gas.
“The bus driver committed suicide, there is no other indication other than it was a suicide case,” police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said.
Ramouni’s brother Louy told Reuters there was no way that Youssef, the father of two young children, would have killed himself. “I saw the body last night and I saw bruises and marks that he was beaten up,” he said.
“There were marks of fingers on the body and also on his back there was a bruise as if he was hit by a hard object.”
Israeli police said an autopsy would be conducted. Ramouni’s family requested a Palestinian pathologist be present but it was unclear whether this would be allowed.
Over the past month, five Israelis and a foreign visitor have been killed by Palestinians - run over in vehicle-driven attacks or stabbed. About a dozen Palestinians have been killed, including those accused of carrying out the attacks.
Residents trace the violence in Jerusalem back to July, when a Palestinian teenager was burned to death by Jewish assailants, an alleged revenge attack for the abduction and killing of three Jewish teens by Palestinian militants in the occupied West Bank.
Other triggers have been the summer war in Gaza and a row over access to a Jerusalem compound sacred to Muslims and Jews alike.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Finally a Jewish Congressman that will tell the TRUTH about White House anti-Israel policy!

It's about time.... 
We have Shumer, a Jew in the Senate who keeps his big fat mouth shut even when he sees the President treat Israel like an enemy and Iran as an ally. 
Come January we will finally have a guy who is proud of his heritage that won't cover for the  anti-Semitic State Department.

Every time the administration says a little beetie favorable thing about Israel, all the Liberal Jewish "Tuches Lekers"  dance with joy, falling over themselves to post on Facebook and Twitter that Obama is pro-Israel! 
We all know the truth and we will finally get a guy who will stand up for Israel...
A real Kidducsh Hashem!
Rep. Zeldin with his family after voting on Nov. 4, 2014

Congressman-elect Lee Zeldin, who won Long Island’s First District Nov. 4, arrived in Washington last week and insists he’ll be different from Jewish Democrats.
The only Jewish Republican member of Congress, Zeldin, 34, dismissed the Obama administration’s stance that there’s no distance between the U.S. and Israel, pointing out criticism of Israeli settlements in Jerusalem and the Unites States’ nuclear negotiations with Iran, reports The New York Post.
Zeldin, an Iraq war vet and state senator, says he’ll come down stronger on Obama regarding Israel than the Jewish Democrats, who he says are limited in their criticism of their own party’s leader. The Republican Jewish Coalition, which made electing Zeldin its “top, top priority,” wants tougher sanctions over Iran and worries about the Obama administration’s nuclear negotiations with Iran.
The House and Senate now have 31 Jewish members, 30 Democrats and one independent, Sen. Bernie Sanders, who conferences with the Democrats. New York alone has five Jewish members – Reps. Eliot Engel, Nita Lowey, Steve Israel, Jerrold Nadler and Sen. Chuck Schumer.
Zeldin overthrew six-term Rep. Tim Bishop (D-Southampton) in the Nov. 4 vote.