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Monday, January 14, 2013

Frum couple murdered in Florida, Video

An Orthodox Jewish elderly Canadian couple vacationing in Florida for the winter were found murdered, the Hallandale Beach, Florida Police Department said in a statement last week.

The couple from Toronto, Canada, which came to southern Florida, to spend their winter in a sunny warm climate, was found dead in their apartment in what police say is a double homicide.

The bodies of David Pichosky, 71, and his wife Rochelle Wise, 66, were found Thursday in their Hallandale Beach, Florida, condominium
apartment, Captain Sonia Quinones of the Hallandale Beach Police Department said. The incident
is being investigated as a double homicide and not murder suicide.

Neighbors described the victims, who had been married for four years, as warm, friendly and religious. They said that the couple regularly could be seen walking to temple on Friday nights, the local newspaper reported Friday.

The cause of death and motive are still under investigation, Quinones said, who added that the Broward County, Florida, Sheriff's Office is involved in the investigation.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Rabbonim lose in Metziza B'peh! Round One!

A judge yesterday cut off debate over implementation of the city’s circumcision law.
Manhattan federal Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald ordered that Orthodox rabbis who engage in a controversial ritual of sucking blood from the area around a baby’s freshly snipped foreskin must first warn his parents their child could get herpes.
Buchwald lifted a voluntary stay of last year’s Board of Health directive requiring written consent for the procedure, and denied a request for a preliminary injunction barring enforcement by the city Health Department.
She said the “ample medical evidence that direct oral suction places infants at a serious risk” outweighed the ability to perform it “uninhibited.”
City officials have said 11 babies have contracted herpes after undergoing“metzitzah b’peh” since 2000, and two of them have died.
Plaintiffs had sued to block the warning, saying it would violate rabbis’ First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and religion.
Reps for the plaintiffs didn’t return a request for comment.

Frum parents fight to keep teenager on Life Support

Fifteen months ago, Danielle Zfat, 19, (Danielle Chaya Bat Aviva) of Hollywood, Florida was a healthy college-bound teenager. Today, she is on life support, fighting to stay alive, while her parents fend off efforts by the Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital to pull Danielle off of her life-sustaining devices.
“Our way is to believe as a Jew,” Aviva Zfat, Danielle’s mother, told WSVN-TV/Channel 7 News (http://bit.ly/WPZyjf) as she hugged her husband, Reuven. “Is that everything goes through the heart. As long as the heart beats, the soul is in the heart, and therefore, she is alive.”
Danielle was diagnosed with a brain tumor 14 months ago after waking up with numbness on the right side of her body. She was admitted to the hospital on November 25th, but her condition worsened on January 1st and she was put on life-support. “We just want her to live,” Danielle’s mother said, crying. “When God decides to take her, then He will take her. She’s breathing. She’s alive. She’s up there alive, breathing. Take care of my daughter, please. Give her life. Don’t cut her off.”
As Orthodox Jews, the Zfats are forbidden from removing Danielle from life support. The Zfats’ attorneys filed an emergency motion to prevent the hospital from pulling the plug on Danielle after hospital physicians said they were planning to remove Danielle from her life-saving systems as of January 3rd.
“There’s no analogy on life that’s safe when you’re talking about life,” family attorney Moshe Rubenstein said. “Life is the highest and it’s our duty to move mountains – in fact, to give our own life to save a life.” Menachem Mayberg, the other family attorney, said, “The doctors of the hospital specifically asked her whether or she wanted to fight and continue her life to live. She blinked once for yes.”
For its part, the hospital has denied any attempts to remove Danielle from life support. In a statement, the hospital said patient confidentiality prevented them from discussing the case, but did say, “As an institution that values deeper caring, we do our utmost to respect religious and cultural beliefs.”
In the meantime, Aviva Zfat is bargaining with God to save her daughter’s life. “If I can take her place, I’ll do it,” she said. “I’ll switch places. I’m older. I’ve done enough for me. She can have my time.”


Yerushalyim Closed because of Huge Snow Storm!

A large snowstorm shut down Jerusalem and cut it off from other parts of the country, according to press reports in Israel.

As the biggest storm in decades to hit Israel peaked, the citizens of Jerusalem and higher altitude communities nationwide awoke Thursday to find their city covered in snow.

Shortly before 5:00 am, the Jerusalem Municipality announced a snow day for city schools and preschools, joining several West Bank settlements which had canceled all school activities for the day.
All roads leading into Jerusalem were blocked due to the snowstorm and the traffic inside the city
was low. Highway 443 was reopened to traffic around 11:00 am but Highway 1 remained closed from Jerusalem to Ben Shemen, in both directions.

The public transport systems in the capital were paralyzed in the morning and the city asked residents not to drive their cars as many vehicles were trapped and were obstructing the movement of snow plows. Light Rail service was restored around 10:00 am.
The Golden City has been covered in white since Wednesday night.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Ami Advertisers' Support Pédophiles

Here is a list of last week’s AMI Magazine Advertisers
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Juror: We convicted Nechemya Weberman because he abused a teen, not because he was Jewish

They convicted him because of the facts, not because of his religion.
A juror in the sexual abuse case pitting a teen accuser against Hasidic leader Nechemya Weberman said he broke the panel’s silence to refute the notion the jury returned a guity verdict out of anti-Semitic bias.
"It wasn't religion, it wasn't their background, it wasn't revenge," said the 42-year-old man, who asked not to be identified. "It was a young girl and an old man alone in a room."
The juror offered the first public account of the jury's thinking during deliberations in the high-profile trial, which ended Dec. 10 with a guilty verdict to all 59 counts.
Weberman, 54, was convicted of molesting the now 18-year-old for three years starting when she was 12, forcing her to perform oral sex and reenact porn scenes. She started to see the unlicensed therapist after running afoul of the insular sect's stringent modesty rules.
Weberman’s lawyer George Farkas had claimed after the conviction that Hasidic Jews do not have “the same shot with a jury as anyone else."
But the juror said he had no preconceptions about Weberman's community, adding the panel didn't view him as "a monster."
"We realized we couldn't make a flippant decision and ruin a man's life," the juror recalled. "It was, 'Oh boy, we have a serious job.'"
The juror said the panel accepted the victim's "emotional" testimony, which stretched over four days, but didn't want to rely solely on her words.
"We needed something else," he said.
“Something else” came in the form of social worker Sara Fried, who testified she diagnosed the girl with post traumatic stress disorder over the years of molestation.
"That's what clinched it," the juror said during an hour-long interview at a Brooklyn diner last week. "We took the vote and everyone was unanimous."
He also noted there were multiple locks in Weberman's home, that he admitted to driving the girl upstate alone and that he housed other runaway teens.
"It raises a lot of red flags," he said.
The panel of 12 jurors — a racially diverse group of different ages, including a college student and a retiree — weighed Weberman's fate for about five hours. After, jurors were ushered out of a side exit, escaping the media glare.
Weberman, who's facing a maximum of 117 years, is scheduled to be sentenced Wednesday, though it will likely be later this month.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/juror-webman-anti-semitism-article-1.1234375#ixzz2HR8Ac8XG

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Dedi, the singer, accused of bribing Netanyahu

A popular Orthodox Jewish singer has been accused of transferring hundreds of thousands of shekels to Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli attorney general said in a statement.

Israeli Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein is investigating the claim that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took thousands of shekels in cash from a businessman named Dedi Graucher.

An initial investigation was prompted by a report on an Israeli television channel over two years ago that claimed the prime minister
accepted the financing of private trips for himself and his family while in public office.

The Ministry of Justice issued a statement saying that former State Comptroller Micha Lindenstrauss had received information about the alleged incident during the investigation of the "Bibi-Tours Affair." The Attorney General asked the police in May 2012 to review the information and determine if there was sufficient evidence to warrant a criminal investigation.

Netanyahu has denied all allegations.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Ami doesn't print letters to the editor that took issue with the "Farkas -Weberman" article!

Yitzchok Frankfurter, Satmar Clown
Yitzy Frankfurter, the gutless and spineless editor of Ami Magazine, refuses to print any letters to the editor that criticized his poor judgement of printing the insane interview with the attorney of the convicted rapist and pedophile Weberman. Forkosh Batchie's stupid reaction to the conviction of Weberman was so crazy that people are now questioning the sanity of this once prestigious lawyer.
We have received copies of  hundreds of responses to this insane and one sided article, and not one was published!
This coward, Frankfurter, drops this insensitive Forkosh Bomb and then refuses to own up to this mess.
Shame on you!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Ancient Afghan Manuscripts with Hebrew Letters

A trove of ancient manuscripts in Hebrew characters rescued from caves in a Taliban stronghold in northern Afghanistan is providing the first physical evidence of a Jewish community that thrived there a thousand years ago.
On Thursday Israel’s National Library unveiled the cache of recently purchased documents that run the gamut of life experiences, including biblical commentaries, personal letters and financial records.
Researchers say the “Afghan Genizah” marks the greatest such archive found since the “Cairo Genizah” was discovered in an Egyptian synagogue more than 100 years ago, a vast depository of medieval manuscripts considered to be among the most valuable collections of historical documents ever found.
Genizah, a Hebrew term that loosely translates as “storage,” refers to a storeroom adjacent to a synagogue or Jewish cemetery where Hebrew-language books and papers are kept. Under Jewish law, it is forbidden to throw away writings containing the formal names of God, so they are either buried or stashed away.
The Afghan collection gives an unprecedented look into the lives of Jews in ancient Persia in the 11th century. The paper manuscripts, preserved over the centuries by the dry, shady conditions of the caves, include writings in Hebrew, Aramaic, Judea-Arabic and the unique Judeo-Persian language from that era, which was written in Hebrew letters.
“It was the Yiddish of Persian Jews,” said Haggai Ben-Shammai, the library’s academic director.
Holding the documents, protected by a laminated sheath, Ben-Shammai said they included mentions of distinctly Jewish names and evidence of their commercial activities along the “Silk road” connecting Europe and the East. The obscure Judeo-Persian language, along with carbon dating technology, helped verify the authenticity of the collection, he said.
“We’ve had many historical sources on Jewish settlements in that area,” he said. “This is the first time that we have a large collection of manuscripts that represents the culture of the Jews that lived there. Until today we had nothing of this.”
The documents are believed to have come from caves in the northeast region of modern-day Afghanistan, once at the outer reaches of the Persian empire. In recent years, the same caves have served as hideouts for Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan.
It remains unclear how the ancient manuscripts emerged. Ben-Shammai said the library was contacted by various antiquities dealers who got their hands on them.
Last month, the library purchased 29 out of hundreds of the documents believed to be floating around the world, after long negotiations with antiquities dealers. The library refused to say how much it paid for the collection, adding that it hoped to purchase more in the future and didn’t want to drive up prices. The documents arrived in Israel last week.
Comparisons with the other find are inevitable.
The Cairo Genizah was discovered in the late 1800s in Cairo’s Ben Ezra Synagogue, built in the ninth century. It included thousands of documents Jews stored there for more than 1,000 years.
Ben-Shammai said it was too early to compare the two, and it would take a long time to sift through the findings from Afghanistan. He said they were already significant since no other Hebrew writings had even been found so far from the Holy Land.
He said the Jewish community in the region at the time lived largely like others in the Muslim world, as a “tolerated minority” that was treated better than under Christian rule. Afghanistan’s Jewish community numbered as many as 40,000 in the late 19th century, after Persian Jews fled forced conversion.
By the mid-20th century, only about 5,000 remained, and most emigrated after Israel’s creation in 1948. A lone Jewish man remains in Afghanistan, while 25,000 Jews live in neighboring Iran - Israel’s bitter enemy.
The library promises the finds will be digitized and uploaded to its website for all to see.
Aviad Stollman, curator of the library’s Judaica collection, said much more would be gleaned after intense research on the papers, but already it tells a story of a previously little known community.
“First we can verify that they actually existed - that is the most important point,” he said. “And of course their interests. They were not interested only in commerce and liturgy; they were interested also in the Talmud and the Bible,” he said.
“They were Jews living a thousand years ago in this place. I think that is the most exciting part.”

Iranians murder a Jew in Tehran

Daniel Magrufta
A 24-year-old Iranian Jew, who was part of one of the wealthiest Jewish families in the Iranian Jewish community, was murdered last week as reported by Israeli Channel 2. The Iranian Jewish community is fuming.
His name was Daniel Magrufta, the son of a well-known businessman. He was dating the the non-Jewish daughter of a member of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards.
Channel 2 reported  that Jewish community suspects that she was involved in the murder, but she was released without any charges being brought against her.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Journal News Hypocrites! Hire armed guards, but posted addresses' of citizens that have gun permits!

The Journal News of West Nyack, N.Y., has hired armed security guards to defend its offices after receiving a torrent of phone calls and emails responding to the paper's publication of the names and addresses of area residents with pistol permits.
RGA Investigations, a private security company, "is doing private security at on location at the Journal News as a result of the negative response to the article," according to a police reportfirst obtained by the Rockland County Times (Nanuet, N.Y.) and shared with POLITICO. The guards "are armed and will be on site during business hours through at least January 2, 2013."
Last month, in the wake of last month's elementary school shooting in Newtown, Conn., the Gannett-owned Journal News published interactive maps showing the names and addresses of pistol permit holders in New York's Westchester and Rockland counties. Conservatives and gun rights advocates publicly protested the paper's move; on Monday, the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association called for a nationwide boycott of the paper's advertisers, calling it a “wanton act” that “has put in harm's way tens of thousands of lawful license holders."
The Journal News continues to host the map on its website and has said that it will soon add a map listing all pistol permit holders in Putnam County.
According to the Clarkstown Police report, filed today, Journal News editor Caryn McBride had "previously reported a large amount of negative correspondence in response to the media outlet's publication of local gun permit holders." McBride shared one email with the police officer from "an unknown subject who wondered what McBride would get in her email now." The officer told McBride the email did not constitute an offense.
The Rockland County Times, a Journal News competitor, led its exclusive report citing the juxtaposition of targeting gun ownership while hiring armed guards.
"Guns are good for the goose but NOT for the gander," Dylan Skriloff, the Rockland County Times' associate publisher & editor-in-chief wrote.

Lebanon calls in military to investigate Israeli peppers?

Unsuspecting customer picks up a pack of peppers with word Israel printed on the sales tag, calls police • Police refer the matter to the military, who launched an investigation into the forbidden fruit and its path from Israel to Lebanon.
Israel Hayom Staff
Clear and present pepper! 
 Photo credit: Yossi Zeliger

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Israeli Doctors treat Obama's Grandmother, but No "Hakoras Hatoiv"

U.S. President Barack Obama's step-grandmother, Sarah Onyango Obama, received emergency eye surgery from Israeli doctors in an Israeli-run hospital in Equatorial Guinea last week, the Times of Israel reports.

Sarah Onyango Obama is the third wife of Hussein Onyango Obama, President Obama's grandfather. She is apparently the source for much of what President Obama knows about his family in Kenya, and is one of the most important sources of family lore cited by Obama in his first memoir, Dreams from my Father.
Mrs. Obama was transported from her rural village of Nyang’oma Kogelo in western Kenya to the hospital in Equatorial Guinea, which features over one hundred Israeli personnel. The hospital facility was not founded by the Israeli government but by Israeli entrepreneurs Yardena Ovadya and Ariyeh Horesh.
It is not uncommon for Israeli entrepreneurs to create social services--such as hospitals and agricultural training programs--in African countries, often in return for access to mineral resources and investment opportunities.
Though the treatment was performed by Israeli doctors, Sarah Obama describes her medical visit to Equatorial Guinea as proof "of the fact that you don’t need to fly to Europe to get medical treatment," the Times reports.

The Weberman Trial, or: The Wolf Who Cried Bias

By David Lerner
The Satmar community sees itself as the victim in the Weberman case. Which brings to mind the saying in the Talmud: “They commit the act of Zimri and demand the reward of Pinchas.”
“The man who lies to himself can be more easily offended than anyone else.” ― Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov

King Alexander Jannaeus once warned his wife that the only people one needs to fear are pseudo-pious hypocrites. “They commit the act of Zimri and demand the reward of Pinchas,” he said, and this is exactly what came to mind in the aftermath of Nechemya Weberman’s trial and the surreal attempts by the Satmar Hasidic community to paint itself as the victim.
Nechemya Weberman has by now been found guilty on 59 charges, including sexual abuse of children, and the following is now abundantly clear: The Satmar Hasidic community, on our watch, protects and shelters abusers of children. This is no longer a matter for debate, but an irrefutable fact.
The community’s reaction to recent events has been truly bizarre. Community members argue that they have been unfairly depicted in the media; journalists and columnists, they claim, are biased and use anti-Semitic imagery. But the most widespread gripe is that the entire community was put on trial, and that’s unfair! Weberman’s own defense attorney, George Farkas, employed this canard in his opening statement at trial, alleging that the victim had “great vengeance and furious anger … against Nechemya Weberman, and [sought] through this to bring down the entire community that either supported him, or of which he was a part.”
In a recent interview with the squalid Ami magazine, Farkas reiterated much of this, arguing essentially: The jury didn’t get the whole truth, but I can’t tell you what that is. One can perhaps forgive George Farkas; he’s an attorney defending his client. What I do take issue with is his assertion that: “I think they [Satmar] have the right to distrust her.”
With those words, Farkas is going beyond defending Weberman. He is essentially excusing all the intimidation that led up to the trial, and restating the fatuous “the entire community was on trial.”
If there is any merit to this rather grandiose claim, it is only because the community inserted itself into the proceedings with their own actions; it is they alone who put themselves on trial. Let us review how this very community has reacted in response to the allegations against Weberman.
On May 16th of this year, the Satmar community threw an extremely well-publicized and well-attended fundraiser for Weberman, a man then accused of truly heinous acts. It is reported that they sought to raise $500,000 at this event for Weberman’s defense. Some of the publicity might be credited to victim advocates protesting at the event, but Satmar made no pretense of discretion; the event was widely announced via Yiddish posters all over Williamsburg. That their support for Weberman was meant for public consumption is further evidenced by the hiring of an unlettered PR hack; a man whose Twitter bio contains the laughable falsehood: “My Opinions are Based on Facts; Not Ideology [sic].” Employing his unique brand of casuistry, he assured the media that this was all about ensuring justice, a fair trial, and the American Way. (Justice for the victim? They overlooked that American tradition, it seems.)
A mere few weeks later it became clear that some people were willing to invest substantial capital in making this case disappear. Four Hasidic men were arrested on charges of bribery: they tried to buy the victim’s silence and/or departure with $500,000. Some will argue that these men were acting on their own, that there is no connection between the two events, but I trust intelligent and literate people to review the sequence of events and draw their own conclusion.
Let us also review what happened to the victim and her family for pursuing justice:
They have been subject to numerous threats of bodily harm.
They have been expelled from schools and synagogues.
They have had their businesses defaced and boycotted.
They have become the objects of widespread slander, dismissed as the dregs of their own society.
Satmar men photographed the accuser in court, necessitating precautions usually reserved for gang trials. (One of the men claimed to be a supporter of the victim; if that is the case he is only guilty of ignorance.)
Near the end of the trial came the most damning news of all: Schoolchildren were being recruited to prayfor Weberman’s acquittal. Teachers received instructions to employ their students in beseeching God on behalf of “the important activist” falsely accused by “debased and lowly people.” For extra weight, the instructions quoted the Shemone Esreh prayer–“May there be no hope for informants”–implying that Weberman’s accuser was deserving, as the prayer hopes, “instant annihilation.”
There is so much more: the Anthony Comstock-esque Vaad Hatznius, the perjury of the school principal denying its existence, the intimidation of Weberman’s other victims who have not yet come forward, the cowardice of Weberman’s anonymous defenders on Twitter and other social media, and much more. All these point to the same inevitable conclusion: Weberman, a man accused of monstrous offenses against children, received widespread support from the community.
And still they cry: “The community was put on trial!”
It wasn’t. It was never about the community–until they themselves made it so.
We often compare people who shout inflammatory lies to The Boy who Cried Wolf. The more conventional moral to that fable is that if one wishes to deceive, do not employ the same falsehood over and over. This eludes Satmar, one of whose leaders referred to the young girl as a “whore”–a classic tactic among those who blame victims for their abuse. But in this case, there is a unique twist to it: In Aaesop’s classic fable, the boy who cried wolf does not directly lead the wolf to his flock; the same cannot be said of Satmar. The Satmar community led the victim directly to her predator, then rejoiced in protecting, defending, and sheltering him.
Satmar had a real wolf but ignored it, and then cried about an imaginary wolf: the outside world and the media. That is disgraceful.
After all is said and done, each of us can only be responsible for our own actions and inactions. I do not believe in collective guilt, but ultra-Orthodox Jews as a group must do some serious soul-searching over how they handle criminals within their community: Child sexual abuse exists and is a serious problem; Mesirah, as Rabbi Eli Fink argued in a recent blog post, is an outdated concept that needs to be discarded; rabbinical courts do not have the power to deal with sexual predators save for the same power we all have: involving the police. The sooner all this is realized the better it will be for children. Change can happen only when more Chasidim defy societal taboos against talking about abuse and reporting abusers; maintaining the status quo will only bring about more victims.
Finally, it is no secret that many (although certainly not all) of the victim’s advocates are “OTD,” or “Off the Derech,” the people who have left the path of Orthodox and Hasidic Judaism. These men and women, including myself, are repeatedly asked: “Why do you care?” In other words: you guys left the community, so why don’t you just mind your own business?! This echoes the “outside agitators” claim used by every tyrant in dismissing calls for change, and deflects the issue entirely. But still, as a former Hasid and an “OTD” myself, I will offer this in response:
We grew up in these communities. The victims are our sisters, our brothers, our friends. We personally know many victims of abuse who have not come forward for fear of retaliation. Yes, it is true we no longer share your religious views, but we are still your brothers and sisters. We see protecting children as the most universal human value. We intimately know this community and its attitudes; we don’t want to destroy them, we want them to protect their most vulnerable members.
That is why we care, and that is why we will not remain silent.