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Showing posts with label Ami advertisers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ami advertisers. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Ami Advertisers' Support Pédophiles

Here is a list of last week’s AMI Magazine Advertisers
Please ask them politely either by phone or by email
Until such time that said Magazine
Will stop supporting pedophiles
Yarchei Kallah: 212.797.7380 / yarcheikallah@agudathisrael.org
Classic Confections: 718.435.4444 / info@classicnyc.com
Happy Hearts Wine: 718.633.5350 / info@happyheartswine.com
The Living TorAH Museum: 877.752.6286 / info@torahmuseum.com
Dirshu: 888-5-Dirshu
Eretz HaChaim Cemetary: 718.437.2210 / info@eretzhachaim.org
Mesamche Lev: 718.506.1400 / info@mesamchlev.org
Daven For Me: 718.437.8812 / info@davenforme.org
Revival: 728.629.1000 / info@revivalhhc.org
Traveler’s Choice: 212.868.8697
Ezra Medical Center: 718.686.7600 / info@ezramedical.org
Sell Mile$ Now: 732.987.7765
Liquors Galore: 718.338.4166 / info@liquorsgalore.com
Sara Schenirer Institute for Special Education: 718.633.8557 xt15 / postgraduate@tifse.com
Lou G Siegel (Caterer): 212.921.4433 / orders@lougsiegel.com
Comfort Auto: 855.633.8500 / sales@comfortautoinc.com
The R20 Group: 516.612.8750 / info@ther2ogroup.com
Shticky Shtick: 718.854.1367
Therma Rid: 877.987.7013 / info@thermarid.com
TeleGo: 212.477.1000 / support@telego.net
Rebetzin Aidel Miller (Ayinhora): 718.689.1920 / miller.ayintova@gmail.com
K Events: 747.333.8893 / info@hawaiianpesach.com
The Bicom: 718.437.1232
Elite Central Vacuums: 718.435.4800 / sales@elitecentralvac.com
Stern’s Exclusive Furniture: 718.686.7421
Classifine Classifieds: 212.444.9600
The Lakewood Courtyard: 732.905.2055 / tlc@lakewoodcourtyard.com
Renewal: 718.431.9831: / info@renewal.com
Simpson Jewelers: 718.871.0120
Rachel’s Place: 718.506.9900
Parna$$ah Expo: 732.987.7704 / info@parnassahexpo.com
Vaad HaRabbonim L’Inyanei Tzdaka: 877.722.2646
G Graphics: 845.323.7947 / ceegeegraphics@gmail.com
A private Chef: 845.783.6955
xTHERMinate: 718.705.8188