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Showing posts with label yoav Hattab. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yoav Hattab. Show all posts

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Paris Victim Said: Israel is the Only Place to Freely be a Jew

Yoav Hattab, 21, a victim of Friday’s attack in Paris, traveled to Israel for the first time last month, a friend recalled at a gathering of French immigrants in Tel Aviv last night, Arutz Sheva reports.
“We met on a trip to Israel two weeks ago,” said Leah Elyakim. “It was his first time here. He was from Tunisia, and until recently it wasn’t possible to enter with a passport from there,” she explained.
“He learned Hebrew, he knew everything about Israeli history, more than any of us. Every day we traveled, he walked around with an Israeli flag on his back. He said that Israel was the only place he could walk freely with a Star of David or Israeli flag. In France, he never could have… His dream was to move to Israel and serve in the army,” she said, adding that he had been “so depressed when he had to return to France. He told me, ‘when I get to Paris, I’ll have to hide the flag.’”