The hatred for Jews and Israel expressed by the WH so publicly is scary. To go dig out a graphic used by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a 2012 and mock it, is really frightening.
We are dealing with a WH that has deep, deep feelings of anti-Semitism and anti-Israel.
A graphic of a bomb used by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a 2012 speech to the UN General Assembly regarding Iran’s attainment of a nuclear bomb was used again by the White House Wednesday when it mocked the graphic by tweeting their version, showing how the nuclear deal with Iran will actually keep Iran from creating a nuclear weapon.
We are dealing with a WH that has deep, deep feelings of anti-Semitism and anti-Israel.
A graphic of a bomb used by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a 2012 speech to the UN General Assembly regarding Iran’s attainment of a nuclear bomb was used again by the White House Wednesday when it mocked the graphic by tweeting their version, showing how the nuclear deal with Iran will actually keep Iran from creating a nuclear weapon.
In a tweet on Wednesday, officials uploaded the image of the bomb, showing what would happen with and without the deal.
The graphic states that with the deal, there will be “no production or stockpile of highly enriched uranium,” “low-enriched uranium stockpile reduced by 98 percent and capped” with the deal, and that centrifuges will be “reduced by two-thirds.”
When listing what would happen without the deal, according to the White House, there will be “resumed production of highly-enriched uranium,” “no limits on stockpile of enriched uranium” and “unlimited increase and advancement of centrifuges.”
The tweet is one of the many ways officials have shown the strain in the relationship with Netanyahu and Obama in recent weeks, starting with Netanyahu’s trip to Washington at the invite of speaker John Boehner, followed by Obama’s conference call to world leaders while Netanyahu spoke in front of Congress