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Showing posts with label un israel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label un israel. Show all posts

Monday, November 30, 2015

Insanity reigns in the UN mad-house

It may have escaped your notice,
 but the world went completely insane in the last week of November.

In the wake of the Paris Islamic outrages that left over 130 killed and more than 300 badly injured, after the carnage in a Mali hotel, following the downing of Russian passenger and fighter planes over Sinai and Syria, and the never-ending mayhem in the Middle East with its consequential million plus refugees desperately trying to find shelter in a Europe and America that are locking their doors, 

the United Nations continued its blind hatred of Israel by passing another SIX resolutions condemning the Jewish state for all sort of alleged misdemeanors.

No other country was sanctioned, only Israel.

The depravity of their anti-Israel decision making was encapsulated in one resolution that
 “Determines once more that the continued occupation of the Syrian Golan and its de facto annexation constitute a stumbling block in the way of achieving a just, comprehensive and lasting peace in the region.”

They are not only blindly ill-informed at the UN, they are certifiably insane. 

Someone needs to knock on their door and tell them about Islamic State, Jebhat Al-Nusrah, the slaughter of Christians, Muslims, Yazidis and Kurds by international meddlers but mostly by the murderous Assad regime.

If there is anywhere on the Syrian border where peace and justice reigns, it is Israel’s presence on the Golan Heights.

If the immorality of these resolutions wasn’t bad enough, not one European nation voted against the Syria-Golan-peace resolution. Not one!

So, while the world is going to hell in a hand-basket, according to the UN it is Israel maintaining a peaceful Golan that is driving them there, and liberal democratic Europe is their navigator.
The United Nations has become the mad-house of international diplomacy and its inmates keep proving, over and over again, that they are certifiably insane.

Barry Shaw is the Senior Associate for Public Diplomacy at the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies. He is also the author of best-selling ‘Fighting Hamas, BDS and Anti-Semitism.’

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Senators Call For Defunding The United Nations If Obama Goes To The UN Against Israel

The Obama administration made a lot of noise over the weekend about its displeasure at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s comments over the future of Palestinian statehood. 
Even though Netanyahu walked back his comments in an olive branch to the administration, the White House’s negative, threatening rhetoric towards the Jewish State has not diminished; in fact, it has increased.
What concerns many lawmakers in the House and the Senate are the administration’s threats to possibly change the level of support that America gives Israel in the United Nations. 
\Historically, the United States has been the nation that prevents adverse action against Israel such as the United Nations proclaiming Palestinian statehood. Some senators over the weekend fired a shot across the administration’s bow on this issue.
The Jerusalem Post reports:

The US Congress should reconsider funding for the United Nations if the Security Council approves a resolution on Palestinian statehood, Republican Senator John McCain said on Sunday.
McCain, in an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union” show, said President Barack Obama should not even be considering such a resolution.
Breitbart also reported:

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) threatened to cut off funding to the United Nations if President Obama uses it to bypass Congress on Iran sanctions on Thursday’s “On the Record” on the Fox News Channel.
“Here’s what the president needs to understand. If you go to the UN Security Council and you try to bypass the Congress to get this deal approved by the UN Security Council, but not come to your own Congress, then you’re going to risk Congress cutting off money to the United Nations” he stated.
The rubber is hitting the road here at the tail end of the disastrous Obama presidency. This is a very dangerous time for our nation. Our Congressional leaders are going to have to step up and defend the American way of life and our allies in the face of threats to injure them from our treasonous White House.
This may be the last opportunity for an old warrior like John McCain to rise to the occasion when his country needs him.