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Showing posts with label tuvia frilling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tuvia frilling. Show all posts

Friday, November 28, 2014

Rav Weissmandl's Claim that Eichmann wanted to trade Jews for Trucks, debunked, by Eichmann himself in a recording!

The whole anti-Zionist moved is based on  Rav Chaim Michoel Weissmandl's assertion that the Jewish Agency refused to save Jews during the Holocaust unless they were going to Palestine. 

Rav Wessmandl supported his theory by quoting letters from memory, and historians such as Bauer doubted his account..

Tuvia Frilling in his book Arrows in the Dark, pages 153, 165, 181, points out various statements by members of the Zionist leadership that  contradict Rav Weissmandl. The Zionist leadership  asked that any and all doors be opened for the rescue of Jews.... for example, the Zionists were pleading that since Polish children were being sent to Africa, why not Jewish children. The then South African Prime Minister Jan Smuts refused. 

But Rav Weissmandl's main accusation was that Adolf  Eichman was willing to trade Jews for trucks, "Goods for blood-blood for goods." But that the Jewish Agency wasn't cooperating!

And part of that claim is actually true.... Eichman did meet with Joel Brand a known deal maker. Eichmann told Brand that he wanted 10,000 trucks for the Waffen-SS to use on the Eastern front, one truck for every 100 Jews. Brand and Eichman met several times in 1944 and when they met for the final time on May 15, deportations of the Hungarian Jews began...

I am not going to go in detail at this time, I will post this at a later date, but suffice to say that negotiations broke down... 
and 437,402 Jews, almost the entire Jewish population of the Hungarian countryside were recorded as having been deported to Auschwitz on 147 trains, a rate of 12,000 a day between May 15 and July 1944.

What we know for sure: 
1)  Eichmann wanted the trucks and other commodities.
2) Eichmann would not have kept his promise of "Goods for blood-blood for goods" He would have taken the trucks and deported the Jews anyway....
"No trades!" Just the trucks...

How do we know that?
From Eichmann himself.... in his own voice .... that he would have only been satisfied if he "would have killed 10 million Jews"
six million wasn't enough...
So you think he would have given away Jews for the trucks?
Very naive thinking!

"Eichmann showed only disappointment that some survived, according to newly declassified files. Looking back on his role in organizing the systematic slaughter of Jews, gypsies and other groups, he says: "We didn't do our work correctly."
Recordings of Eichmann were made in the 1950s while he was hiding in Argentina. They have come to light after the German news magazine Der Spiegel found them in 4,500 files on his case recently opened by Germany's intelligence services.
The tapes, made by a Dutch journalist who volunteered for the Waffen-SS during the war, revealed the notorious Nazi, then under the alias of Ricardo Klement, in a relaxed and candid mood as he enjoyed a few drinks in a Buenos Aires house.
During the war Eichmann had served as "transportation administrator" for the Final Solution, organizing the mammoth task of sending Jews to various death camps.
In the tapes, now in the German Federal Archive in Koblenz, Eichmann boasted he "was no ordinary recipient of orders" and that he "was part of the thinking process; an idealist". The tapes contradict Eichmann's defense during his 1961 Jerusalem trial for crimes against humanity that he was following orders and was in effect only a small cog in the Nazi machine. Eichmann was found guilty and hanged in 1962."

In a post from today's The Telegraph, by Saul David
we can surmise  that Rav Weissmandle was completely wrong about Eichmann, and that Eichman was just manipulating Brand ...
as the article says, "Eichmann was a master manipulator."
 "Now, with the publication (originally in German) of this book by the award-winning political philosopher Bettina Stangneth, can we see how completely Arendt (and later historians) were hoodwinked by Eichmann.
Stangneth uses newly discovered documents, including Eichmann’s own notes and the transcripts of conversations he had with comrades in Argentina in the Fifties, to reconstruct the post-war lives of Nazis in exile. Stangneth’s new portrait of Eichmann is very different from Arendt’s. Instead of the reclusive, taciturn and boring war criminal on the run, she reveals a skilled social manipulator with a pronounced ability to reinvent himself, an ideological warrior unrepentant about the past and eager to continue the racial war against the Jews."

His only regret, was not killing more Jews. “If we had killed 10.3 million [instead of six], I would be satisfied, and would say, good, we have destroyed an enemy… We would have fulfilled our duty to our blood and our people… if we had exterminated the most cunning intellect of all the human intellects alive today.”