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Showing posts with label shimi glick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shimi glick. Show all posts

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Lakewood ungrateful "freeloaders" put up posters cursing Shimi Glick, the big Baal Tzedaka guy!

When Hitler's name is mentioned, people say "Yemach Shemo" meaning "may his name be obliterated"
would you believe that's what these Lakewood ungrateful bastards wrote on the posters after Shimi Glick"s name?
Shimi Glick financially supports most Litvishe Kollillim, but since he opposed the "Chillul Hashem" protest this past Sunday, they decided to curse him. The Lakewood Rosh Yeshivas have not told any body to remove those posters as of this post!