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Showing posts with label satmar talking to shiksis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label satmar talking to shiksis. Show all posts

Monday, June 10, 2013

Satmar Protester talks to Non-Tznisdik Girl, all in the name of G-D

To fight the State of Israel, one is allowed to violate the Torah and talk to girls not dressed Tznisdik. In all Satmar establishments, in Williamsburg and Monroe, there are signs that customers must dress modestly, but not when it comes to fight other Jews!
See Satmar Protester talking to scantly clad "shiksis"...
Even Korach refused to look at "Oin ben peles's" wife  because she had her hair uncovered... but not these baalai machlokas!
ultraorthodox Jewish rally in Foley Square Manhattan NY, against the secularization and army service conscription for Haredi Jews in Israel. photo by Stefano Giovannini