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Showing posts with label satmar say that Weiss got killed because he used the eiruv. Show all posts
Showing posts with label satmar say that Weiss got killed because he used the eiruv. Show all posts

Monday, December 12, 2011

Satmar Gangsters place posters that say that Elimelech Weiss Z"L who got killed in an accident deserved to die!

Paskeveil Credit: Failed Messiah
Elimelech Weiss Z"L who got killed Friday night  by a car, was a Klausenberger Chasid. The Satmar bastards went ahead and posted a Pashkevel that Weiss got killed because he used the Eiruv on Shabbos. Harav Menashe Klein Z"L and other Gedolim were Mater (permitted) the Eiruv in Williamsburg and Boro-Park.
Elimelech Weiss Z"L
I remember as a young child the Satmar Gangsters thinking they were still in Saint Mary (Satmar) Romania, would send the Kloizenberger Rebbe Z"L shipments of Treif pizza and furniture on Shabbos, and once even put live wires in his mikvah, this was while Reb Yoilesh Z"L was still alive, and he never ever publically condemned these violent attacks. The Kloisenberger Rebbe Z"L who lost a wife and 10 children in the Holocaust, had to escape  Williamsburg and go into exile in Union City, New Jersey, because of the persecution. Reb Yoilish Z"l never said a word against his Chassidim about them torturing his own nephew because the Kloizenberger took money from the "Zionists." (the Satmar Mosdos all take money from the Zionists, but not directly, they set up "dummy" mosdos and funnel all the money back to Satmar)
When the Belzer Rebbe Shlitah came to the USA, he needed Police Protection from these very Satmar gangsters, and this was when the Beirach Moshe Z"L was still alive, and he also never had the guts to  condem these violent attacks on innocent Rebbonim that did not agree with their "shitois."
Just one question to the ones' who put out this poster: How about all those Satmar Chassidim who frequent the disco clubs on Broadway on Friday night, do they also deserve  to die? How about those Satmar Chassidim that live in Monroe that frequent the bars in Nyack on Friday night, while their wives think that they are hanging out at the Tish, do they deserve to die?
All Satmar chessed projects are meaningless if their leaders remain quiet while their Chassidim do their dirty work. The Salvation Army also does chessed.