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Showing posts with label satmar london. Show all posts
Showing posts with label satmar london. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Satmar London violating Hisgarus Be'Umois calling Non-Jews "Evil"

 Satmar barbarians are constantly berating the State of Israel for what they call "Hisgarus Be'Umois," which basically means that there is a biblical prohibition "not to antagonize the gentiles". Satmar amai- ratzim apply this prohibition to the IDF, Jewish soldiers protecting Israeli citizens which include Satmar families!

But they have no problem teaching their innocent 3 year-olds that goyim are evil!
A London based Newspaper, The Independent, called them out on it and now they are scrambling around like poisoned rats to contain the damage.

These ignorant uncivilized Romanian peasants are in the news on a daily basis violating the biblical prohibition of "Hisgarus Be'Umois."  To take the heat off them,they scream at the Israeli Administration that is busy protecting the Jewish people, putting their lives on the line, "Hisgarus Be'Umois"!
A bunch of sick puppies!

Just as an aside, I don't have an issue with calling a spade a spade; Jewish children have to be taught to be wary of gentiles, and be taught that gentiles throughout history have murdered, raped and expelled us,just read our bloody history, however, my beef is Satmar's hypocritical stance that only The State of Israel violates the precept of "Hisgarus Be'Umois"

Notice that satmar's response states:
"When celebrating the 21st Kislev, the day that the Satmar community was saved from the horrors of the Holocaust as their founding Rabbi, Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum escaped the Nazis,"
No mention that the Rebbe was saved by a Zionist! He escaped the Nazis? How?
How come the majority of his community didn't escape?
was it because of his bad advice?

London - Statement on behalf of the Beis Rochel D’Satmar School in response to The Independent, 2nd September 2015
The Independent newspaper has falsely accused the Beis Rochel D’Satmar Girls’ school in London, of teaching its students that “non-Jews are evil” in a recent report. When celebrating the 21st Kislev, the day that the Satmar community was saved from the horrors of the Holocaust as their founding Rabbi, Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum escaped the Nazis, the students are reminded of their history by studying about that time period. The students were given a worksheet during lessons in the context of learning about the Nazis and their history and asked to answer questions based on what they had learned.
The worksheet referred to Nazis as ‘goyim’. The newspaper failed to understand the context and mischievously suggested that children were being taught that goyim rather than Nazis, were evil.
The Independent falsely accused the school of fearmongering, encouraging young children to believe that all non-Jews are evil. Although this is simply not the case, to avoid any confusion the school will explicitly refer to Nazis next year when teaching its students about the history of the 21st Kislev.
Speaking on behalf of the school Shimon Cohen said: “The leaflet that the Independent refers to was handed out on the 21st Kislev, when the Satmar community celebrates the rescue of their founding rabbi from horrors of the Holocaust. This was explained in detail to the Independent, but they chose to ignore the facts and pursue their mischievous story.”
“The questions were only talking about the specific event, but there is no Yiddish word for Nazis. The suggestion that children are being taught that non-Jews are evil is nonsense and simply false. They are being taught that Nazis are evil.”
“It is almost like, if you are sitting around a seder table and you say that the goyim made us build pyramids, you are obviously talking about the Egyptians. You’re not talking about the Welsh. It’s just daft.”
Mr Cohen said that, next year, the school would explicitly refer to Nazis to avoid any confusion. “We will be very clear to avoid any misunderstanding,” he said. “But then, for Yiddish speakers, it was clear. This is a storm in a tea-cup.”