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Showing posts with label satmar arabs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label satmar arabs. Show all posts

Friday, August 29, 2014

Satmar says that Israel started all the wars with the Arabs!

This week's Der Goy (Der Yid), the Yiddish News weekly published by the Zalonie Faction of Satmar, says, that  all the wars since 1948 until 2014, between Israel and the Arabs, 
were started by the Zionists. 
This they write as a matter of fact. 

Just to be very clear, this is the view of all anti-Semites and the murderous Arab world! Not only that, this is the view of the liberal Reform and Conservative Jews as well.
In fact, there are a lot of similarities between Satmar and the Reform movement, both of them reject Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people. The first thing that the Reform movement did was to remove the word Tzion from their siddurim.

So Satmar is now aligned with all haters of Jews!
I will loosely translate the 2 paragraphs of the above article published this weeks issue,Parshas Shoftim!

My comments in red!

" We had previously explained in an earlier article, that all the wars that the State of Israel had with their Arab neighbors, resulted in the spilling of blood, and could have been avoided in most cases.  
(DIN: Tell us one case that any war that Israel had with the blood thirsty Arabs could have been avoided?
1948? When the Arabs attacked Israel? 
1967? When Israel was surrounded by thousands of tanks and Egypt blockaded the Gulf of Akaba?
Read what surrounded Israel on the eve of the 67' war...
When Egypt massed approximately 100,000 of its troops in the Sinai, including all of its seven divisions (four infantry, two armoured and one mechanized), four independent infantry brigades and four independent armoured brigades. No fewer than a third of them were veterans of Egypt's continuing intervention into the Yemen Civil War and another third were reservists. These forces had 950 tanks, 1,100 APCs, and more than 1,000 artillery pieces.
Syria's army had a total strength of 75,000 and amassed them along the Syrian border.
Jordan's army had 55,000 troops and 300 tanks along the Jordanian border, 250 of which were U.S. M48 Pattons, sizable amounts of M113 APCs, a new battalion of mechanized infantry, and a paratrooper battalion trained in the new U.S.-built school. They also had 12 battalions of artillery and six batteries of 81 mm and 120 mm mortars.
Let's skip to the present Gaza war... Hamas was throwing missiles at Israel for over 10 years!
What would Satmar do, if Belz threw missiles from Woodberry Commons at Monroe?
Or if Lubavitch threw Missles into Williamsburg?)
There were many opportunities  [to avoid war],
(DIN: When, tell us when?) but the Zionist haughtiness, drove them to needless war, to show [the world] their prowess, and their ambition. All this [going to needless wars] knowing in advance that this cannot be accomplished without the spilling of blood, and would cost the life of Jewish souls, and that Jewish blood would be spilled.

The Zionist propaganda machine, manipulated the news in their favor, to the Jews living in other parts of the world.
(Din: what are they smoking? The entire media was against Israel)
The victories of the IDF, was magnified and trumped up, but they hid the cost of how many Jewish souls this victory actually cost! How much needless Jewish sacrifices, just for the glory of the politics of an IDF general that led them like sheep to the slaughter.
(Din: Don't get me started on, who led who, "like sheep to the slaughter." Ask thousands of murdered Hungarian Jews who were advised by the Satmar Rebbe to stay in Europe, while Hitler's armies were rounding up all Jews)
And because of this [the action of the IDF general] Jews living in Chulz L'aretz were swayed to the Zionists, they became intoxicated with the false IDF victories and successes , and were caught in the storm of the street, and danced and celebrated."
(DIN: What a sick and perverted comment)