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Showing posts with label rabbi Meir Kahane chedvas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rabbi Meir Kahane chedvas. Show all posts

Friday, August 15, 2014

Letter from Pninim & Chedvas Girl to Rabbi Kahane

someone who knows said...
I went to Pninim. And Chedvas. I am not here to talk about Meisels although I will say this scandal comes as no surprise. 

But to hear Kahane speak this way just escalated the whole thing to another level. This is coming from a man who refused to accept Pninim girls until Meisels forced him to. He constantly ridiculed him for living the "in-between kinda frum." He mocked him and disagreed with him on everything. He disrespected him to his students with plenty of lashon hara. And now he's telling us to be quiet? 

Now, when we've learned to trust in rabbanim we shouldn't believe what a Beis Din says even if it's lashon hara litoeles? I can't hold back anymore. People need to see what goes on in this seminary. This is how they teach. This is how they live. This is the way they want us to be.
Rabbi kahane,
Are we YOUR army? Did YOU train us? Do you really know what hashem is saying? 

No, I don't hear Him telling chedvas girls to be quiet. I don't hear Him telling me that my knees have anything to do with anything at all besides me and my private modesty which you have no right trying to control. 

You are not a commander. You are not a sergeant. You are not in control of who can save the world and who will merit mashiach. You actually know nothing at all. You are blinded. Misguided. 

You fell for the mystical attraction of religion and you try to pass on falsehood. I have been under your rule. I have experienced your perspective. I have heard your voice in my ear while you yelled through your phone. Because you disagreed with a choice I made about my life. I actually never heard a rabbi scream like that. And it hurt the kind that made me cry. 

Every soldier that dies I think it's my fault. I think god is punishing ME. I automatically feel guilt for every bad thing I hear, because if you do something wrong YOUR DESTROYING THE WORLD! 

Am I? 

So, all who are in favor of succumbing to a cult where you will never find true happiness - stick with chedvas. You will enjoy a fun filled year under a manipulative man who will try to impress on you things you do not need to do so that he can be in control. 

Give it up kahane. You can't control the world. 
I can't destroy it either. 

If you really want to change something I heard the IDF needs some help in Gaza.