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Showing posts with label pope frances god. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pope frances god. Show all posts

Friday, September 25, 2015

Pope Francis forgot to mention "G-D" in the entire address to congress!

Pope Francis speaking before Congress this morning did something highly unusual for a 
“man of G-d”,
 He didn’t open up in prayer and he did not invoke G-d in any way, shape or form. 
Instead, he jumped right into preaching the Laodicean gospel of social justice.  Wow. 

Pope Francis made a fogged reference to the Catholic church priest sex scandals, and spent nearly 23 seconds talking about it. 

He said there should be “hope, forgiveness and rehabilitation” for the gay pedophile bishops who committed decades of vile sex crimes

He said NOTHING to the victims and their families. Not one word. 

The message the Pope sent is that the Catholic church has no desire to do one bit more than the law will force them to do.

  Shameful and disgusting.Francis talks incessantly about “healing the world”, and he won’t even help to heal the victims that his own church created. 

Francis again invoked the memories of Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King, Jr. in an ongoing bid to call America to social justice. Still no references to G-d, the 4 Iranian hostages with one of them being a Christian pastor
Not a word. I guess they don’t count. 
He then closed his “sermon” by saying “G-d bless America”. Finally, the “vicar of Christ” mentioned G-d. Ugh.
America, behold your False Prophet. Please step up and take the Mark.