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Showing posts with label pope airbus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pope airbus. Show all posts

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Pope Exits Giant Airbus and Gets Into Tiny Symbolic Car

REPENT! Says The Holy SEE!
This holy "anuv" got out of this gigantic  airbus and squeezed into a tiny Fiat ....?

The gas usage alone of bringing the "poor man's" pope here was approx $60,000.00 not counting surcharges etc!
Meanwhile he has a bunch of gas guzzling SUVs in back and in front of his tiny car!
So what is his message?
Help the poor!
Why doesn't he open the coffers of the Vatican that contain trillions and hand it out to the poor? That would be a great start!

He’s also the head of state of the Vatican, which as a government has possibly the most restrictive immigration and citizenship policies of any nation in the world.
The pope, traveling to the U.S. for the first time, has made a special appeal to Americans to welcome immigrants, using his address to a joint meeting of Congress Thursday to invoke the Golden Rule in demanding generosity toward the millions of Central and South Americans seeking to come to the country.
The Vatican  for its part, welcomes millions of visitors a year — but allows only a very select few, who meet strict criteria, to be admitted as residents or citizens.
Only about 450 of its 800 or so residents actually hold citizenship, according to a 2012 study by the Library of Congress. That study said citizens are either church cardinals who reside in the Vatican, the Holy See’s diplomats around the world, and those who have to reside in the city because of their jobs, such as the Swiss Guard.
Spouses and children who live in the city because of their relationship with citizens — including the Swiss Guard and workers such as the gardener — can also be granted citizenship. But that means few of the Vatican’s citizens are women.
A Vatican spokesman did not return an email seeking comment on its policy.