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Showing posts with label obama ignoring isis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label obama ignoring isis. Show all posts

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Rev. Graham: Obama ‘Ignoring These Are Islamic Extremists’ ‘Bent on Destroying the West’ – ‘He’s Given a Pass to Islam’

President Barack Obama will not acknowledge the truth of Islamic terrorism, its religious grounding in the Quran, and that it is bent on “destroying the West,” but instead Obama, whose “entire life” was shaped by Islam, cannot accept the evil in front of him and apparently is trying to “protect Islam,” said reverend Franklin Graham, president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.
“We have to understand who we’re dealing with and you have to deal with it accordingly,” said Rev. Graham in a Feb. 17 On the Record interview with Greta Van Susteren. “The president is ignoring the fact that these are Islamic extremists, these are terrorists, and ISIS is a terrorist organization and they are bent on destroying the West. They’ve already said they want the flag of Islam to fly over the White House.”
“The president, his entire life, his whole influence has been Islam,” said Rev. Graham, whose father is the world-renowned preacher Billy Graham. “His mother was married to a Muslim. His father’s a Muslim. Then she married a [Muslim] man from Indonesia.”
“He [Obama] was raised in Indonesia,” said Rev. Graham. “He went to Islamic schools. I assume she was a Muslim. So, his whole life experiences have been surrounded by Islam. He only knows Islam. And he’s given a pass to Islam. He’s refusing to accept and understand the evil that is in front of him.”
Van Susteren’s interview questions were prompted by the White House’s decision to not state that the 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians beheaded by the Islamic State over the weekend were, in fact, Christians and were killed for their faith, as their murderers stated on video.
Columnist George Will said that Obama administration’s unwillingness to honestly discuss radical Islam or even say the two words in the same sentence was “beyond burlesque, its pathological, its clinical their inability and unwillingness to say …”
Also, author and psychiatrist Charles Krauthammer said on Feb. 16, “We have an administration that is truly pathological in its inability to actually state what’s going on. In the video that was released that showed the savage beheading, it was addressed to the nations of the cross. It pledged itself to the conquest of Rome.”
Krauthammer further noted that Pope Francis publicly mourned for the Egyptian Copts who were killed and said they were murdered by the Islamists precisely because of their Christian faith, yet the White House called them “Egyptian citizens,” not Christians.
In her interview with Rev. Graham, host Greta Van Susteren asked, “ISIS beheading 21 Christians just because they are Christians, and still the White House is refusing to acknowledge the Egyptian victims were Christians. … Reverend, I just read your Facebook page in which you say in part, ‘I am perplexed as to why our president will not acknowledge the truth and call Islamic extremism what it is. In a statement the White House even called the 21 Christians who were beheaded ‘Egyptian citizens,’ refusing to identify them as Christians.’
“Why do you think the White House called them citizens and not Christians?”
Rev. Graham said, “Greta, I have no idea. I’m just baffled by this White House, and it seems as though they want to believe a lie - that everything’s okay when it’s not okay.”