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Showing posts with label new york times marco rubio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new york times marco rubio. Show all posts

Friday, June 12, 2015

New york Times doesn't want Marco Rubio to be President because he had 3 Speeding Tickets

I'm not kidding! 
This anti-Semitic rag should be driven out of business! 
They hate all republicans but afraid of Marco Rubio, betting that he has a good chance on becoming President, but Rubio doesn't fit their Marxist agenda. 
So they decided to attack him, but couldn't find anything on him except that he had 3 speeding tickets in 17 years...

You are not going to find any speeding tickets on Hillary's file because Hillary hasn't driven a car in 30 years...

Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio and his political team are hitting back at The New York Times for what they consider two unfair stories: an article about traffic tickets he and his wife received over 18 years, and a piece about how he and his wife have experienced problems managing their money.
The candidate is leaping on the Times' stories to generate sympathy and argue that the mainstream media, despised by many on the right, are biased against him. He has used the Times donnybrook to raise money, attacking what his spokesman called "elitist liberal media," and this gambit has added $100,000 to his war chest so far, Fox News reported.