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Showing posts with label malka leifer arrested. Show all posts
Showing posts with label malka leifer arrested. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Malka Leifer The Alleged Sexual Abuser has been found mentally competent and fit to undergo an extradition hearing. VIDEO

An Israeli woman accused of molesting several girls while serving as principal of the Charedi Adass Yisroel girls’ school in Melbourne has been found mentally competent and fit to undergo an extradition hearing.

Jerusalem’s District Psychiatrist submitted two reports yesterday asserting that Malka Leifer, 54, is fit to face a hearing despite her longstanding claim that she suffers from crippling anxiety issues that would prevent her from being tried.
Leifer fled to Israel in 2008 amid allegations that she had sexually abused students. She is wanted on 74 charges of child sexual abuse in Melbourne.

In the beginning of July she lost an appeal for release to house arrest during extradition proceedings, the same day that an Australian newspaper quoted an Israeli man as saying she molested his daughter. She had previously missed several court appearances by saying she was feeling unwell. She was arrested in February after an undercover investigation found that she lived a normal life and was mentally fit to face extradition proceedings.

The Sydney Morning Herald reported last month that a resident of Emmanuel, the Charedi Samaria town where Leifer lives with her husband and 10 children, has alleged that she sexually molested his daughter while tutoring her in religious studies.

The man, identified as Daniel, told the newspaper he saw her touching another girl as well and alleged that she lures children into her apartment by offering them food, or to tutor them for free.

Posting on Facebook on Monday, Dassi Erlich, one of the students allegedly molested, wrote that her “abuser Malka Leifer has played the court system for 10 years,” adding the hashtag #nomoredelays.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Malka Leifer ex- Principal of Adass Israel School in Melbourne arrested over alleged sexual abuse

A FORMER principal of a Melbourne Jewish girls’ school has been arrested amid claims she sexually abused students including sisters.

Malka Leifer was arrested in Israel overnight where it is believed extradition proceedings have started in an attempt to have her returned to Melbourne.
The Attorney General’s office confirmed this morning Ms Leifer is wanted in Melbourne to face allegations of historic sexual offending against a string of girls.
The mother of eight left Australia in 2008 after she was sacked as principal at the ultra orthodox Adass Israel School in Elsternwick.
The sacking followed complaints that she had acted inappropriately with students while principal between 2001 and 2008.
Victoria Police launched an investigation into the complaints in 2011.
A police spokesman confirmed this morning that an investigation into “complaints of historical sex offences at an Elsternwick School” continued.
It is believed Ms Leifer could face dozens of charges of indecent assault and rape.
Her arrest is the latest in a string of scandals to rock Melbourne’s orthodox Jewish community.
Manny Waks, founder of sexual assault victims support group Tzedek, said Ms Leifer’s arrest was a welcome development.
“It should be seen in the greater context of the ongoing child sexual abuse scandal that has been plaguing the Australian Jewish community,” he said.
“This is further evidence that the tide is turning within our community.
“Many victims are no longer willing to remain silent, and neither is the community.”
Mr Waks said he expected the Adass Israel School would co-operate fully with the police.
“I also hope and expect that the police will examine all the circumstances surrounding Ms Leifer leaving Australia and hold to account anyone who may have acted inappropriately.”
Adass Israel School principal Prof Israel Herszberg issued a short statement in light of the arrest.
“The school has and will continue to co-operate fully with the authorities but otherwise is unable to comment further where the matters involving Mrs Leifer are before the courts.”
The school, of about 500 students, caters primarily to members of the closed ultra-orthodox Adass Israel Community in Elsternwick and Ripponlea.
In line with their strict religious beliefs students at the school are segregated on the basis of gender and have little interaction with people outside of the community.