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Showing posts with label lufthansa discriminates against israel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lufthansa discriminates against israel. Show all posts

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Lufthansa Discriminates Against Israel on Baggage policy

This German airline, the airline that is preferred by the Satmar  Rabbis when they travel to the Zionist State...(they won't,G-D forbid travel on El Al) is discriminating against anyone traveling to Israel, allowing only one free bag while passengers flying to Arab countries are allowed 2 free bags!

Here is a letter to the airline 

Ms. Linda Stiene
Customer Relations North America
Lufthansa German Airlines
1640 Hempstead Turnpike
East Meadow, NY 11554
Dear Ms. Stiene:
We received your response to our inquiry about why Lufthansa is treating travelers to and from the Jewish State of Israel differently and more harshly than travelers to and from the Arab/Muslim countries in the Middle East. Lufthansa permits passengers to bring two bags free of charge to and from every country in the Middle East – except the Jewish State of Israel.
You provided no explanation for this policy. Your letter referred vaguely to baggage allowances that are “based on economic and commercial factors,” but you offered no information about how these factors identically affect every Arab/Muslim country in the Middle East, except the Jewish State of Israel.
You claim that the baggage allowance policy for passengers flying to and from the Jewish State of Israel “is not discriminatory.” Yet on its face, it is discriminatory, because the Jewish State of Israel alone is being singled out and subjected to harsher treatment than any Arab/Muslim country in the Middle East.
We urge you to immediately revise this policy and make it crystal clear – in a letter to us and in a notice posted on the Lufthansa website – that passengers flying to and from Israel will now be afforded at least the same free baggage allowance that they are permitted when flying to any other country in the Middle East. If the baggage policy is not so revised, then we will have no choice but to inform the public, the media, the U.S. Congress, and the U.S. Presidential candidates that Lufthansa – a German airline that should be especially sensitive to discriminating against Jews and the Jewish State – is singling out Israel for different and harsher treatment. We know that they, like us, will have zero tolerance for Lufthansa’s discriminatory practice against the Jewish State of Israel.
Please let us hear from you no later than Tuesday, June 23, 2015. Thank you.
Very truly yours,
Morton A. Klein Susan B. Tuchman, Esq.
National President Director, Center for Law and Justice