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Showing posts with label lions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lions. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Lion Kills Safari Guide but nobody cares!

Crazy world we live in; the media cares more about a man killing a lion, than a lion killing a man!

When Cecil the lion was "murdered" the entire media was busy with the story ignoring stories about ISIS beheading Christians at the same time. 
Now that a lion kills a Safari guide ... media is hinting that it was the Safari Guide's fault, writing that one of the "lions had cubs, and became hostile"
Did they talk to the lion? How do these guys know that it was because the lion was upset? There was no discussion with the lion but they conjure up all kinds of crazy reasons! 
Who cares why the lion killed the guide, a lion is a lion, and a lion will kill, period. Lions aren't nice guys! 
Very few outlets gave this news any coverage, if they did it's somewhere in the sports section...
Poor sports section readers are now going to have to read about a lion killing a guy!

 I'm just wondering why the entire world was obsessed with Cecil? Is it because they named him? So now he's human?
Crazy media!

A lion charged and killed a safari guide who was leading a group of tourists in the same national park in Zimbabwe that was the home of Cecil the lion who was killed by a bow hunter in July.
Police spokeswoman Charity Charamba said Tuesday that Quinn Swales was in Hwange National Park when he spotted six lions on Monday.
“One of the lions had cubs and they became hostile. Mr. Swales at first manage to scare the lions away but then the male lion later made a U-turn and attacked him,” Charamba told The Associated Press. None of the tourists was harmed, she said.
Swales was leading six tourists on a walking safari when he spotted fresh lion spoor and decided to track a pride of lions consisting of two females, two cubs and two males, according to the Zimbabwe National Parks and Wildlife Management Authority.
The collared lion, named Nxaha, attacked Swales, the parks authority said.
Cecil’s killing in July by American dentist James Walter Palmer just outside the park sparked outrage in the United States. The collared lions are being monitored for an Oxford University study.
Camp Hwange, the safari company that employed Swales, said the 40-year-old guide succumbed to the injuries on the same day he was attacked.
“He was tracking lions when a male lion unexpectedly charged,” said Camp Hwange in the statement issued Monday, adding that Swales was leading a photographic walking safari when he was attacked.
Camp Hwange’s Facebook page says it offers game drives and game walks where “game likely to be encountered include all of the cat family, wild dog, elephants and buffalo in huge numbers.”
The parks authority said a man who sells curios to tourists was killed by an elephant in the resort town of Victoria Falls, about 100 kilometers (60 miles) from Hwange, also on Monday.