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Showing posts with label keplach on Shevuois. Show all posts
Showing posts with label keplach on Shevuois. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Punishment of NOT Eating "Kreplach" on Shevuois

Loose Translation of the above writing in the sefer "Panim Me'eerim Shevuois"

It has been said  in the name of Harav Hakodosh Rebe Aaron Leib Hagodol, father of Harav Hakodosh Rebe Meir M'primishlan, that

" You can be certain that the ancestors of those who didn't eat Kreplach on the holiday of Shevuois, weren't by Har Sinai!"

The question now is: What happens is if I ate last year, but will skip this year, were my grandparents there or not!"