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Showing posts with label joel deutsch buried in monsey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label joel deutsch buried in monsey. Show all posts

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Joel Deutsch aka Joey Diangello buried in secret ceremony

 Yup, at 1:00pm, Joey Diangello previously known as Joel Deutsch, was buried in the Brick Church Cemetery in Monsey, with a handful of Chassidim giving him his final Good By!
They buried him with the "Modern Jews" 
I guess people that get raped by Chassidim can't get buried with them, they bury them with the "Moderener Yidden"
No friends ...no nothing ...
They didn't want the OTD crowd there so they secretly took care of business.. They blocked the roadway leading up to the grave with vans, and sat in them like a bunch of mafia goons!
Preparing Grave

Tractor digging the grave

Tractor digging grave