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Showing posts with label jewish press. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jewish press. Show all posts

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Myles Kantor Calls those Advocating Aliyah "GRUBKEIT"

Myles Kantor
This self appointed spokesman for all "Jews living in Galus," Myles Kantor, aka Menachem Ben-Mordechai, writes sometimes for the Jewish Press. 
When he does, he like the meraglim, bashes Aliyah and Israel at every opportunity.

Why The Jewish Press, (the last US Jewish Newspaper still pro Israel, ) would give this nobody and Israel-hater, a forum, is anyone's guess.

In a recent article, headlined 
"Memo To Aliyah Advocates: Stop Being So Smug" 
this former weight-lifter, now an "expert in diaspora affairs" viciously attacks "Aliyah Advocates" for warning Jews in the Galut to watch the signs of anti-Semitism and look towards making plans to making Aliyah before its too late ...using the Yiddish euphemism for "their arrogance"...."Grubkeit" ... 

To bolster his foolish nonsense ...he attempts to bring proof from a quote from  Harav Aharon Lichtenstein z"l, former Rosh Yeshivah of Yeshivat Har Etzion, a tzaddik that ironically advocated and  encouraged Aliyah to all his talmidim:
Klal Yisrael has always been bound up with Eretz Yisrael. These are our roots, and ultimately, this is our future.”

So whats his proof? 
Something that R' Lichtenstein wrote:

I hope and trust that I am neither so vain nor so foolish as to fantasize, personally, presumed superiority to peers who have chosen to serve the Ribbono Shel Olam and to service Knesset Israel within the context of continued residence in the Diaspora. And yet, without harboring illusions, I also trust that I am fully appreciative of the spiritual benefits harvested by my family and myself due to pitching our own tent on the soil of eretz hakodesh.

From the above quote, the "weigh-lifter" turned "writer" comes to his erroneous misleading conclusion that R' Lichtenstein would have been against those warning Galut Jews about the impending danger...???
but then he adds a story which is figment of his wild imagination something that he actually made up...
"Rav Lichtenstein actually considered aliyah inappropriate in some cases. Rabbi Dovid Gottlieb recounts guidance Rav Lichtenstein gave him: “He didn’t feel someone who was in klei kodesh in America should come to Israel to be a farmer or to be an accountant.”
The above story is a fabrication ....

Rabbi Dovid Gottlieb is a Ra”m at Yeshivat Har Etzion (Gush) and the rabbi and co-founder of Ganei Ha’ela. Why would Rabbi Lichtenstein have given this advice to Rabbi Gottlieb ...?
R' Gottlieb is an educator, was an educator and never had any intention of working on a "farm" or "be an accountant."? .... I know Rabbi Gottlieb very well... he lives in my neighborhood ..

Well I'll let a DIN reader answer this....

To the Editor ;

Miles Kantor's disgraceful attack on Aliyah reminds one of the  pre-WWII attacks on Aliyah advocates , many of whom were Rabbonim who loved Eretz Yisrael . They were shouted down from the pulpits, demeaned in the press, and harassed to no end. ( See  Lemaan Tziyon Lo Echshe- Harav Maimon - Mosdos Harav Kook ).
Moshiach may come this afternoon , but if he doesn't, we have an obligation to make Aliya for a number of reasons. The USA is in turmoil and it doesn't bode well for the Jewish community. The leftist radical agenda pushed mostly by the Democrat Party and its allies, the media,
Anti-Semitism is on the rise , Jewish influence and advocacy has eroded day by day. When Democrats booed G-D and Jerusalem at the infamous DNC gathering, the handwriting was on the wall.  Things spiraled downward ever since, and anti-Semitism has gone mainstream..
The Diaspora , no matter how comfortable it is, no matter where it exists, is doomed.
Where are the Jewish people -shuls, streets,  yeshivos,  and institutions of Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Rumania, Hungary ,and Belarus ?
Yes , the Divine kicks hard when we forget that there isn't a single significant remnant of Jewry that survived  in any country over the last 2,000 years.
 Hashem has myriads of messengers to deliver His messages. Covid 19 has already wiped out jobs, businesses and bank accounts , some forever.
Just when you thought that you live safely  and richly  in the Sir Habbassar and forget our Holy Land, the Almighty has shown that you're in delusion.
When just about every nation is deteriorating, Eretz Yisrael is growing in every way , every single moment.
Your shameful attack on those of us who love Eretz Yisrael and advocate and plead for our brothers and sisters to come home,  is not new.
Nevertheless, you WILL come running. Hopefully you can salvage some savings  before  the rampaging  socialists and WOKE mob grab it all.
 Shalom & Bracha from Jerusalem

and from another DIN reader:
Dear Editor:

Myles Kantor owns the smugness he ascribes to Aliyah advocates with selective viewpoints and gratuitous smears.

He apparently ignores the psak of most Rishonim that living in Eretz Yisroel , even b'zman hazeh, is a mitzvah. He ignores that the Torah mentions mitzvos associated with agriculture such as bikurim , shmittah , maser , terumah etc. after it introduces verses 
" Upon entering the Land...…"

The farmers included scholars, G-D fearing Yidden from all tribes , including Levites, many who planted crops in their 48 cities.

He ignores the fact that many of our Chazal were farmers and tillers. Abaye and Rave told their students not to appear before them in the days of Nissan and Tishrei , but to instead tend to their farms and work their properties. ( Brachos ,35). 
Are there any greater Klei Kodesh these days than these holy Amaraim?

At the turn of the last century, many G-D fearing Yidden immigrated to the Yishuv and became farmers , much against their nature , but they prevailed..

Mr. Kantor casually drops lashan hara , but not a single word about the endeavors of yeshivos, kollels, Torah learners by the thousands , chessed, prayers, tzedakah, and mitzvos that can be fulfilled only in Eretz Yisrael.. 
He deliberately ignores what's holy and beautiful, instead, throwing mud about what is wrong.

This could be overridden by religious Yidden making Aliyah en masse, and showing Bitachon in Hashem and in this Land of daily miracles.

Come , and change the culture , instead of throwing cold water on exciting Aliyah advocacy..

Yes, Hashem is sending messages, but at the very least, let us be careful that we don't chas veshalom fall into the ugly sin of the Spies.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Jewish Press continues to protect sex abusers!

The Jewish Press defended Mordechai Tendler years ago, and now they are defending a sexual predator, read the following by their clueless "reporter", I highlighted in red the offensive comments from this bastard Yori Yanover
Yori Yanover defender of sexual predators
Jewish Teacher Charged with Molestation and Fired on Dubious Grounds
The arrest was made based on the testimony of a 12-year-old babysitter's hearsay from a 6- and a 7-year-old.
Yori Yanover • The Jewish Press
Published: May 13th, 2013

Jordan Eareckson Murray, 32, father of three, known by his students as Rabbi Yaakov, taught first and second grade at the Torah Day School, on South Ferdinand Street in Columbia City, Seattle, and, reportedly, groped two female students, ages 6 and 7, after putting them on his lap behind his desk, in front of other students.

He was arrested May 3 and spent close to 48 hours in the King County Jail before posting a $100,000 bond, according to jail and court records.

Formal charges were filed last week, accusing Murray of touching the two girls under their clothes numerous times since the middle of the school year. Other students were unaware of the behavior because Murray’s desk blocked their view, according to the charges.

Here’s how the evidence against Muray was collected:

The two alleged victims were playing together at the younger girl’s house and told the girl’s 12-year-old sister, also a student at the Torah Day School, that “Rabbi Murray puts his hands in their pants,” according to the charges, which note that the two younger girls “were scared” and confused and didn’t know why it was happening.

If it was happening.

The 12-year-old sister brought the girls to her mother, and they disclosed the alleged abuse, according to the charges.

The 12-year-old had baby-sat Murray’s children in the past, according to reports.
In other words, the arrest was made based on the testimony of a 12-year-old babysitter’s hearsay from a 6- and a 7-year-old.

The Seattle Police Department received two referrals from Child Protective Services on April 23 and launched an investigation, the papers say.

Murray declined to speak with investigators, which means he’s getting good legal advice.

Here’s what Senior Deputy Prosecutor Carol Spoor had to say on the case:

“The defendant is a clear danger to children given the circumstances of this crime where he abused his position of trust as a first- and second-grade teacher, secretly molesting these girls in class in front of others.”

Based on the hearsay testimony of a 12-year old who heard it from her 6-year-old sister and her 7-year-old friend.

I’m not saying the man is innocent—how could I possibly tell? But I’ve been in this business a few years, and when it smells, I can sense it. These cases always depend on the quality of police investigation, most importantly: how much of the information came voluntarily from the child witness, and how much did the interrogating detective feed her.

Children do not have a developed sense of right and wrong, children have magical thinking, children are incapable of reasoning the way adults do. It’s extremely tough for experts in the field to get untainted information from children, because children are constantly on the lookout for cues as to what the adult wants them to say.

Here’s something about the quality of the detective work in this case:

Seattle Detective Michael Moore told the court that a 6-year-old girl had told him that after she approached Murray to show him her school work, Murray put her on his lap and shoved his hands down her pants while he was seated behind his desk. As he did so, Murray stared at the girl’s school work as though he was reading it, Moore continued. The 
detective added that the rest of the first-grade class was unaware Murray was groping the child.

Having spent two years of my life in the first and the second grades (one year each), I’m trying to imagine a situation whereby a teacher manages to pull off that feat of depravity with no one noticing.Of course, as is common in these cases, which often turn out to be nothing more than mass hysteria, once the news spreads about the alleged molestation by a rabbi, local children suddenly remember having been abused by the same man.The chilling documentary, Capturing the Friedmans, shows one such case, where an entire family was destroyed by mass hysteria, spun by confused children, frightened parents, and shoddy work, even, possibly, lies, of the detectives of the Great Neck PD. In 1988, one of the family members, Jesse Friedman, was coerced into pleading guilty to some incredible and imaginary crimes of child sexual abuse, and sentenced to 18 years in prison. In July, 2010, the Federal Second Circuit Court of Appeals said there was “a reasonable likelihood” that Jesse Friedman was wrongfully convicted.In the Seattle case, another 6-year-old has already come up with a description of sitting on Murray’s lap or standing between his legs, and said other girls in her class also sat on his lap, according to the charges. The girl said Murray often hugged her from behind and touched her over her clothing, the papers say.So, after having been unaware of anything out of the ordinary happening in the original report, all of a sudden we hear of busy molestation schedules in Rabbi Yaakov’s classroom.By now there are at least four other students in Murray’s classes, in addition to the original two, all ages 6 and 7, who have “routinely complained of anxiety, headaches and stomach aches,” but the girls’ parents said the children were fine and acted normally after being sent home early, the papers say.
So, after having been unaware of anything out of the ordinary happening in the original report, all of a sudden we hear of busy molestation schedules in Rabbi Yaakov’s classroom.
By now there are at least four other students in Murray’s classes, in addition to the original two, all ages 6 and 7, who have “routinely complained of anxiety, headaches and stomach aches,” but the girls’ parents said the children were fine and acted normally after being sent home early, the papers say.

In today’s U.S.A. you’ll catch a better break planting bombs than being a rabbi accused of henky penky.

Murray was fired following the allegations. According to Dan Donohoe, spokesman for King County Prosecutor Dan Satterberg, he does not have a criminal history. Originally, the police told the press that Murray had a criminal record in another state, but then they issued a retraction.

Gives you an idea of the quality of their police work?

Did you read the above from this animal??
Now here are the links and see the truth:
Here is the redacted charge sheet and other court documents. You can see what Murray allegedly did and how he was arrested.
Here are two previous FailedMessiah.com posts accurately reporting what happened:
The above links supplied by FailedMessiah