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Showing posts with label fox cable. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fox cable. Show all posts

Sunday, January 25, 2015

FOX News Correspondents turning against Israel

All News outlets were always biased against Israel, only Fox News supported Israel..... No More!

The foolish gay news anchor Shepard Smith blasted Israel for building settlements on their very own land, and now Chris Wallace is blasting Netanyahu for accepting an invitation from Boehner to address the Joint Session of Congress!

Chris said that he doesn't like the fact that "Netanyahu is sneaking into the USA" to address congress...

Hey Chris... Netanyahu is not "sneaking" in...it seems that YOU know about it!

Hey Chris it is the role of an Israeli leader is to adopt the policies that protect Israel, even when they are unpopular at the White House.

Chris wallace just hates Netanyahu like the rest of the leftist loonies and doesn't want him re-elected!

 Fox News usually a staunch supporter of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, changed its tone on Friday when anchor Chris Wallace and host Shepard Smith expressed harsh criticism of the prime minister's decision to speak before the US Congress in March, without the prior arrangement of the White House and just a couple of weeks before the Israeli election.  

House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner extended the invitation to Netanyahu on Wednesday and the Prime Minister's speech on Capitol Hill is expected to focus on the need for increased sanctions against Iran, as well as on Islamist extremism.

The Fox news segment, on the show "Shepard Smith Reporting," began with a response to a quote from Martin Indyk from The New York Times on Thursday wherein the former US ambassador to Israel and the former US envoy to the peace process says: "Netanyahu is using the Republican Congress for a photo-op for his election campaign and the Republicans are using Bibi for their campaign against Obama...Unfortunately the US relationship will take the hit. It would be far wiser for us to stay out of their politics and for them to stay out of ours." 

Wallace said he agreed completely with Indyk and that he was "shocked" by the whole affair.  
Smith queried whether Netanyahu would back out of  the speech because, "Members of his own Mossad have come out and said this is a horrible idea and so have members of his own political party. Of course his political opponents are  screaming up and down, the newspapers over there are going wild over this," he added.  

"It just seems that they think we don't pay any attention and that we are just a bunch of complete morons, the US citizens, like we wouldn't pick up on what is happening here," Smith said. 

Wallace stressed  the importance placed on the relationship with the US across the Israeli political spectrum, and questioned the political advantage for Netanyahu of deciding to speak to Congress and sidestepping the US president.  

"For Netanyahu to do something that is going to be seen as a deliberate and a really egregious snub of President Obama, when Obama is going to be in power for the next year and three quarters, seems to me like a pretty risky political strategy for Prime Minister Netanyahu," Wallace said.  

"For Netanyahu to come here and side with Boehner against Obama on Iran seems to me like very dicey politics," he said.  

Wallace said that it was legitimate for Netanyahu to have different views on the Iranian threat than those held by Obama, but, he said, "For him to come here, to ignore the president, to not even let him know that he is coming, and to sneak in and come talk before Congress with the president's opponents who criticize the policy, that's a different thing."