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Showing posts with label eliezer berland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eliezer berland. Show all posts

Friday, November 8, 2013

Sex crazed fugitive Breslov rabbi expelled from Morocco

Berland in an Arab Newspaper
By: Ryan Lee Hall 
The sex crazed fugitive Breslov rabbi has been ordered by officials in Morocco to leave the country with 24 hours.

Just a day after announcing his plan to stay in Morocco and relocate his institution Shuvu Banim from Israel to Morocco, Rabbi Eliezer Berland was ordered to leave.

Government officials said that the King issued the order after reading about Berland’s sex crimes in a local newspaper.

People close to Berland said that their leader is looking for a country willing to accept him along with his followers. He also is looking for a country with no political ties to Israel, as he fears extradition.

As we reported earlier, the leading Breslov Rabbi of Jerusalem, Israel, Eliezer Berland, announced his plan to relocate his institutions in Morocco, after being unable to return to Israel, due to numerous sexual assault allegation.

The rabbi will rebuild his yeshiva, synagogue and yeshiva for adult men, in the city of Marrakesh, according to a Shuvu Banim spokesperson.

Local Jewish leaders are currently in talks with government officials about granting the rabbi citizenship.

However, local prosecutors have warned that if a criminal complaint is filed against Berland they will arrest, charge and try the rabbi despite the fact that there is no treaties between Morocco and Israel.

As we reported earlier, a leading rabbi in Jerusalem, Rabbi Eliezer Berland, fled Israel after he was accused of sleeping with numerous married women and underage girls.

At first, he fled to Miami, Florida, then, he left the United States out of fear that he might be extradited to Israel. He reportedly fled to Switzerland and after meeting his attorney he fled to Morocco. Morocco does not have an extradition treaty with Israel.

Berland, who is wanted for questioning on suspicion of sexual offenses he committed, was recorded on video recently, blessing people in Morocco. The Jewish community hosting the rabbi in Marrakesh, did not know about the allegations against him in Israel.

Since learning about the allegations they are now contemplating what action to take against the man.
The rabbi was also seen in Casablanca, according to eyewitnesses.

The rabbi chose to flee to Morocco because there he is not afraid of extradition, according to witnesses. Berland is the head of “Shuvu Banim”, one of the largest yeshivas in Jerusalem, and a leader of Breslov. Over the past several months, numerous women have come forward accusing the rabbi of rape.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Rav Eliezer Berland, "Groiser" Tzaddik of Breslov flees Israel after sexually abusing 20 women

An elderly Jerusalem, Israel rabbi fled Israel, and is currently in the United States, after police questioned him for the rape of up to 20 women and girls, according to press reports in Israel.

The most popular Israeli news website reported that the sudden trip to the United States that the leader of a large Hasidic group took a few weeks ago, was to escape possible charges of sexually abusing women and girls who came to him for advice.

The rabbi, is believed to be 75-year-old Rabbi Eliezer Berland, the chief of the Shuvu Bonim Breslov sect. He is a member of the Vaad Olami D'Chasedai Breslov or World Committee of Breslov Chassidim and is credited with helping thousands of secular Jews to convert to Hasidic Judaism.

Berland is currently in Miami, Florida, according to press reports in the United States.
The father of a 15-year-old girl who was allegedly raped by the rabbi told Army Radio that when his 15-year-old daughter told him about the abuse his older daughter also came forward and admitted that the rabbi had sexually abused her, too.

It is rumored that up to 20 women and girls were sexually abused by the rabbi. Several of his followers recently caught the rabbi naked with a naked underage girl, according to press reports in Israel.