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Showing posts with label der yid satmar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label der yid satmar. Show all posts

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Der Yid: Drink Goyishe Wine rather than the Israeli Carmel wine!

I am telling you guys that Satmar is going the way of Reform and Conservative Jewry! 
In this weeks issue of Der Goy, they carry a story about the Shinyaver Rebbe, the son of the Sanzer Rebbe.

These Romanian haters of the land that the RBS"O gave us, claim that when the Shinyaver Rebbe's grandchild,  got very sick, the doctor suggested that the child drink a specific wine that can either be a gentile wine (Yayin Nesech) or Carmel wine which had then just been introduced. The Shinyaver Rebbe said that they should give the child Yayin Nesech rather than the Zionist wine Carmel!

Here is a loose translation: I will start with the second paragraph...

Headline: About Using the Zionist Carmel Wine
When his [the Shinyaver Rebbe] grandchild Harav Hagoen Mee'koloshiz was a young child, he got very sick, and an expert advised the family to offer the child a certain wine that was only available either by a gentile company or by the Zionist factory "Carmel." 
The Zionists in those days established the Carmel Company in many countries, using the income for settling Eretz Yisroel.

When the "great" grandfather, The Holy One from Shinyev Z'L, heard about it, he prohibited them using Carmel Wine. He suggested they use regular Goyishe wine..... 
saying: "Carmel is Yayin Nesech, and if the child is so sick that he is allowed to drink gentile yayin nesech, then it is far better that he drink the Goyishe yayin nesech than Carmel yayin nesech. Because if he drank Carmel that would be "maras ayin" ... people seeing this, .... would say that by the Shinyaver Rebbe, ....when there is no choice, they drink Zionist wine...
and that's what they in fact did!

DIN: This is how far those Roumanian gypsies would go.... putting in this weird and bizarre work of fiction to bolster their fanatical hate against their brothers and sisters!

By the way, when the Chofetz Chayim z"l once received a bottle of Carmel wine, he stood up ...and said he stands up for any wine that was produced in Eretz Yisroel!

I don't believe the Shinyaver Wine Story; it's all fantasy , It's a fabric of someone's demented imagination.
I am sure they made it all up ... and put it in Der Goy to perpetuate their Sinas Chinom!