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Showing posts with label dangers in virtual environment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dangers in virtual environment. Show all posts

Monday, August 15, 2011

'How to protect kids from dangerous online relationships'

Israeli company develops technology called Kangaroo to detect and protect young Internet users from dangers in the virtual environment.

David Schwimmer’s latest movie, “Trust”, says it all: "In the face of the enormity of the online world, protecting your child from potential predators is near impossible."In the movie, a 14-year-old girl enters into a virtual relationship with a man she believes is 19-years-old. When she discovers, months later, that he is actually a middle-aged pedophile, it is already too late.

This extreme scenario is every parent’s worst nightmare. Other problems for children on the Internet are the impossibility of controlling their access to sexually explicit content or the relatively new phenomenon of cyber-bullying.
Building on the need for better protection, an Israeli company, Sensegon, has developed a technology, called Kangaroo, to detect and protect young Internet users from dangers in the virtual environment. Inspired by advanced military intelligence software and developed with algorithms designed to identify predatory behavior patterns online, Sensegon informs about potential high-risk developments in virtual relationships.