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Showing posts with label asembly member ellen Jaffee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label asembly member ellen Jaffee. Show all posts

Friday, June 26, 2015

Jaffee Lies: “Questionable” Remark Was Taken Out of Context, Video

This lying "alte katchkeh"  Jafee, called frum people voting for the board of East Ramapo  "not legitimate" and said that her remark was taken "out of context". Well this video proves that she is a lying yente!

see the video clip!

The "old bag" was caught red handed calling legitimate registered voters in east Ramapo "not legitimate!" 

Mr. Chaim Saperstein, respected editor of The Front Page, a popular magazine in Rockland County, started a petition on line, for Jaffee to either apoligize or resign. 
Here is the OP-Ed from Mr. Saperstein.

"Two weeks ago a debate was held on the floor of the NYS Assembly on a proposed monitor bill for the East Ramapo School District; a monitor with veto power that would overrule the democratically-elected board.
During the debate, Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder questioned the sponsor of the bill Assemblywoman Ellen Jaffe why she would dismiss the will of the voters who elected the board in May with a 15% margin.
Goldfeder asked Jaffee: “Are the voters who voted in this past election which took place in May, were they registered voters in the State of New York?”
Shockingly, Assemblywoman Jaffee answered with a firm, definitive voice, “It’s Questionable!”
You read it right. Jaffee on the Assembly floor unfoundedly questioned the legitimacy of THOUSANDS Jewish voters who helped elect the board over whom she wants s veto-powered monitor.
The ill feelings Assemblywoman harbors towards the Orthodox Jewish community is very well-known. Just a few years ago she successfully cut a deal with then Assembly Speaker Shelly Silver to redistrict her district cutting out almost all Orthodox neighborhoods from her district. The intention was, to take away any power of the Orthodox community – who voted her into office – from being able to vote her out.
When Assemblyman Dov Hikind got up and blasted Ellen Jaffee for questioning the vote of 1000’s of people based on their religion, Jaffee remained quiet, making clear that she meant what she said instead of taking the chance to correct her statement or apologizing.
As Orthodox Jews, we can’t remain silent when our legitimacy is questioned. Her statement is not only hurtful to the 1000’s of Orthodox Jews who are good citizens of this great country, but it is outright dangerous!
We call on Assemblywoman Ellen C. Jaffee to immediately apologize to the entire Orthodox community, or resign from her position — because she was elected to office by those same “questionable” voters."

Here is her answer, what the "old hag" didn't realize was that people were actually going to watch her remarks on UTUBE!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Assembly Member Ellen C. Jaffee Questions Legitimacy of Orthodox Jewish Voters

What a Chutzpah, from this "Alteh Katchkeh" Ellen Jaffee!

A majority of the 9 Board members of the East Ramapo Central School District in Rockland County, NY, are Orthodox Jewish, and they recently won re-election in a landslide, but sitting NY Assembly Member Ellen C. Jaffee used her time on the floor of the New York State Assembly to  question the legitimacy of the voters who elected the board. 

The shocking claim was made during a debate of Ms. Jaffee’s bill to impose an un-American “monitor” with veto power over East Ramapo.