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Showing posts with label aron drugged Leiby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label aron drugged Leiby. Show all posts

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Poor Leiby Was Drugged, Police confirm that Aron took Leiby to Monsey, Aron Indicted, Faces Life in Prison!

The Butcher from Flatbush, Levi Aron, has been indicted by a grand jury and was charged  with two counts of first-degree murder.

Aron faces up to life in prison without possibility of parole if convicted, Brooklyn DA Charles Hynes announced moments ago. Aron’s arraignment is scheduled for July 28.

At the press conference which ended just moments ago, Kings County District Attorney Charles Hynes confirmed that Leiby Kletzky was in fact in Monsey, as Levi Aron had said in his confession. Hynes said that the child was identified by a gas station clerk in Monsey, and further stated that Leby had asked to use the restroom, and that Levi Aron had pulled into a gas station.
There was no evidence that he was inside the wedding hall in New Square.
According to an official report released today by the medical examiner, Aron also drugged little Leiby with a combination of a muscle relaxant, an antipsychotic, Vicodin, and Tylenol before smothering him to death.

From the New York Post July 21 2011
Investigators also spent four hours yesterday scouring newly discovered color surveillance video from a New Jersey gas station that shows Aron escorting Leiby to the bathroom late July 11 -- the last known images of the boy.

They were returning from a Rockland County wedding to which Aron bizarrely took Leiby after allegedly kidnapping him off a Brooklyn street that day.

"It gave me chills in my spine," said an attendant at the Sunoco station on the Palisades Parkway after looking at still images from the video, time-stamped 8:15 p.m. "I know the child is dead. It made me sad."

The footage shows Aron opening his car door for Leiby, and the two walking into the bathroom together.

"The pictures were just the kid and the guy walking behind him," the attendant said. "The man had a hat with glasses. The little boy was dressed like the way they described him when they were looking for him."

They were in the facility for only one to two minutes, said a second attendant who saw the video.

"There was no pushing, no nothing. The little kid goes easily," the second attendant said.

The footage then shows them leaving in a Honda, the second attendant said.
It just looked like anyone else walking in and out. The child didn't look frightened," the first attendant said.

Later that night, they returned to Aron's attic apartment in Kensington.

The next day, June 12, Aron allegedly bound Leiby and left him "in a captive position" for 12 hours while he went to his plumbing-supply stockboy job.

"The boy had marks on his wrist that indicated at one point he was tied up," said Hynes, who added that Leiby's body showed no signs of sexual abuse.

Aron told cops he killed Leiby when he got home, in a "panic" over the intense search for the boy.

After allegedly smothering Leiby, Aron cut off his feet, placed them in garbage bags and put them in his freezer. He put the rest of the corpse in a suitcase he tossed in a garbage bin two miles away.

Aron was shirtless when cops stormed his apartment in the early hours of July 13. He led police to the body parts and fully confessed, police said.

Cops searching his East Second Street home yesterday removed children's clothing that do not belong to Leiby, police sources said.

But the NYPD said no other victims have been discovered.