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Showing posts with label Zev Brenner Kletzky case. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zev Brenner Kletzky case. Show all posts

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Shomrim Saw Video with Leiby & Aron 8 Hours Before Rabbi German but couldn't identify him...

Rabbi German

Failed Messiah
reports that Shomrim made a huge mistake; they actually had in their possession the critical video that identified the killer and Leiby, but Shomrim decided that the little boy was not Leiby! This was reported by Rabbi German on the Zev Brenner show last night!

Two key points:
1. Shomrim checked surveillance video at 2 am Monday night Tuesday morning along the route Leiby took, and said Leiby wasn't on the video – but Shomrim was wrong. Leiby Kletzky was on that exact video, and Yaakov German discovered that 8 hours or more later. This mistake could easily have resulted in Leiby Kletzky's death.
2. Levi Aron going in and out of the dentist's office was only noticed after German and his friend Yehuda Borenstein watched the video repeatedly in slow motion, rather than in regular playback speed.
Zev Brenner audio