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Showing posts with label Sharon Bialek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sharon Bialek. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Cain 4th Accuser hugged him and whispered in his ear a month ago!

The Liar
They hugged each other backstage in a full embrace like old friends.
She grabbed his arm and whispered in his left ear.
She kept talking as he bent to listen, and he kept saying “Uh, huh. Uh, huh.”

“I don’t know if what she was giving him was a sucker punch, but he didn’t put his arm down while she was talking to him,” said the Sneed source.
◆The “he”... is GOP presidential contender Herman Cain, who has been accused of sexual harassment by several women.
◆The “she”... is Chicagoan Sharon Bialek, who held a news conference Tuesday as the only woman to PUBLICLY accuse Cain of sexual harassment.
◆The Sneed source ... is WIND radio co-host Amy Jacobson, who tells Sneed she witnessed the Cain/Bialek encounter a month ago while backstage at the AM 560 WIND sponsored TeaCon meeting in Schaumburg Sept. 30-Oct. 1 at the Renaissance Hotel and Convention Center.
◆Quoth Jacobson: “I had turned on TV to find out who was Cain’s accuser, and I almost fell over when I saw it was Sharon Bialek accusing Cain of groping her genitals.”
“I was waiting for Herman Cain’s ‘Accuser No. 4’ to surface — and up pops Sharon!”
“I couldn’t believe it. I was shocked.”
“I recall Sharon was hell bent on going backstage at the TeaCon convention — where she cornered him,” said Jacobson.
“I was surprised to hear she claims she did not know Cain was going to be there. Cain was expected and was late.”
Bialek told the media on Monday: “I went up to him and asked him if he remembered me. I wanted to see if he would be man enough to own up to what he had done 14 years ago.”
◆The encounter: “It looked sort of flirtatious,” said Jacobson. “I mean they were hugging. But she could have been giving him the kiss of death for all I know. I had no idea what they were talking about, but she was inches from his ear.”
◆The introduction: “It all began when I took a convention break and joined my pals at the hotel bar. Sharon was drinking Mimosas with them. She said she was a Republican, a Tea Party member, had once dated [White Sox sports announcer’ Steve Stone] and had worked at WGN radio.”
◆The rendezvous: Sharon also said she was anxious to meet Cain again and had once gone to an afterparty with him and her boyfriend years ago. But she never mentioned he had sexually harassed her.”
◆The upshot: Bialek has since applied for employment in sales at WIND radio and is scheduled for a second interview Thursday.

Jewish Lady, Sharon Bialek, accuses Cain of Sexual Abuse, Makes Press Conference, refuses to take questions, and can't back up her accusation

Sharen Bialek, 4th lady to lynch Cain
This is the 4th accuser to accuse Presidential hopeful Herman Cain, of sexual abuse. Sharon Bialek of Chicago (guess where Obama is from), read from notes (I guess she has troubling remembering what happened to her) accusing Cain of sexual harrassment, but didn't allow any reporters to question her, and she did not back up any of her claims. At her side was the now infamous "Media Whore" lawyer Gloria Allard. Listen closely and you will hear that she is really accusing Cain of Sexual Assault, and if this was the case, why didn't she contact Police immediately? Her answer to Cain when he "assaulted" her,  "I have a boyfriend" is a very bizzare response. If she didn't have a boyfriend, would it have been alright? Why did she get fired from the Restaurant Association, why isn't she suing the Association? I believe she is a fake and a fraud.
See video and read article from Huffington Post

Sharon Bialek, the fourth woman to come out and make sexual harassment allegations against Herman Cain, appeared alongside her attorney Gloria Allred at a press conference on Monday.

According to Bialek, the Republican presidential candidate exhibited inappropriate behavior when he was serving as head of the National Restaurant Association more than a decade ago.

Bialek said the alleged incident in question occurred down the street from the NRA headquarters. Describing what happened, she said, "Instead of going into the offices, he suddenly reached over and put his hand on my leg, up my skirt, and towards my genitals." She recalled that when she protested the advances, Cain said, "You want a job, right?"

Bialek alleged that Cain also "grabbed [her] head and brought it towards his crotch." She said that she was "shocked" by the behavior.

After losing her job, Bialek allegedly turned to Cain for help. Allred said on Monday, "Mr. Cain instead decided to try to provide her with his idea of a stimulus package."

According to Bialek, the alleged incident occurred at a bar in the nation's capital in 1997. She said Cain worked to arrange a "palatial suite" for her at a hotel and told her, "I upgraded you."

Bialek said, "I'm coming forward to give a face and a voice to the women." Three other women have leveled sexual harassment allegations against Cain, though their names have not been publicly disclosed.
The Cain campaign was quick to come out with a statement on the accusations, calling the charges of sexual harassment "false."