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Showing posts with label SS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SS. Show all posts

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Nazi Grandma: Himmler’s Daughter Carries Her Father’s Flame To A New Generation of Nazis

Himmler's Daughter Gurun Burwitz

Waving goodbye to her grandchildren, Gudrun Burwitz has the look of a woman ready to live the rest of her days in peace and quiet.
Instead, the 81-year-old daughter of Heinrich Himmler still works at a ruthless pace to keep the Nazi flame alive.
Mrs Burwitz has always nurtured the memory of her father, believing the man who ran the Gestapo, the SS and the extermination programme which murdered six million Jews, to be good and worthy.
And despite her advanced years, she continues to help the ageing remnants of the Nazi regime to evade justice.
As the leading figure in the shadowy and sinister support group Stille Hilfe –Silent Help – she helps bring succour and financial help to those still at large.
Said to have been formed in 1951 by a clique of high-ranking SS officers and right-wing clergy in Germany, it exists ‘to provide quiet but active assistance to those who lost their freedom during or after the war by capture, internment or similar circumstance and who need help to this day’.
Now it is in the hands of Mrs Burwitz. And her work has taken an even more sinister turn. She has become ‘grandmother’ to a new breed of female Nazis on the radical right.

You read the full story here.