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Showing posts with label Rabbi Yair Hoffman throws Temple Mount under the bus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rabbi Yair Hoffman throws Temple Mount under the bus. Show all posts

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Rabbi Yair Hoffman throws the Har Habayis under the bus!

Rabbi Yair Hoffman became a posik writing for the 5 "Clowns" Times. He seems to be a "Yodia Sefer" and actually has some interesting "Teshuvois".
For example,  he once paskened that Goldfish are not kosher, even though they clearly have scales and fins!
But in order to fit in with the Yesivishe Crowd, ..... R' Hoffman  has to throw them a bone once in awhile, otherwise he would be branded a "Zionist" Chas Ve'sholem, or even worse, an "Am Haaretz."
So what better way to find favor with the "big beards" than to give the entire Har Ha'bayis, that cost so much Jewish blood, to the Arab savages, that would make all the Litvishe "gedoilim" happy, and R" Yair could now be counted as one of "them!" 

The great poisek Morah Harav Hagoen HaTzaddik Hoffman (Av Bais Din d"kock" 5 Clowns) now suggests that the OU statement supporting the campaign of the Temple Institute Organization to give equal freedom of prayer and visitation rights to all religions including Jews...... be "rescinded." 

Personally, I laud the courages statement of the OU. 
Finally an organization who doesn't take Litvaks as Torah Me'sinai! An organization that will not allow Arabs to tell Jews in Eretz Yisroel what to do and where to daven!

I am not going to go into the halacha whether one is allowed to go on the Har Ha'bayis..... that was tackled by great gedoilim all the way back to the times of the Geonim.... with many great poiskim ruling that one is allowed to walk on the Har Habayis..
but if there are Frum Jews who follow their "Daas Torah" and put their lives literally on the line... by going to the Har Ha'bais so that the Arabs don't completely control our Holy Makom Ha'Mikdash, and fight every single day to be there, so that the Israelis don't G-D forbid relinquish their control, why is  Hoffman the "Tuchis Leker" denouncing the statement of the OU supporting The Temple Institute Organization .... all because he wants to  curry favor with the Litvishe Roshei Yeshiva?

 Because Yair wants the  Roshei Yeshivah and the Litvishe Chachumim to give him the proper respect, he is prepared to let the Arabs have the Bais Ha'mikdash!

So here is an introduction to his "teshuvah" in referece to the Temple Mount!

"Yesterday, the Orthodox Union released a statement supporting the campaign of the Temple Institute Organization in their demands of the Knesset regarding the Temple Mount. The Temple Institute has been demanding equal freedom of prayer and visitation rights for Jewish visitors at the Temple Mount.
While the sentiment that lies behind the OU statement is certainly laudable, the halachic position taken by the organization’s leadership lies in stark contrast to the position of the great Poskim of the generation, both who are still living and those who have passed on. The OU’s statement follows a similar statement released by the RCA approximately one year ago.
With due respect, it is this author’s opinion that the OU statement should be rescinded. The Temple Institute’s platform, which certainly l’shaim shamayim, is a position that is against what most of Poskim, Roshei Yeshiva and Gedolim hold.
What follows is a Halachic analysis of why we should not, at this point, be praying on Har HaBayis. It is written with due respect for the Rabbis who feel that it is permitted to go up on Har HaBayis. Nonetheless, we cannot allow our ahavah for Eretz Yisroel obscure our thinking. The greatest of our Gedolim have forbidden treading upon Har HaBayis and we must endeavor to understand the reasoning behind it."