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Showing posts with label Kollel Niyes twitter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kollel Niyes twitter. Show all posts

Sunday, April 19, 2020

"@KollelNiyes" Twiiter Group Threatening People That Expose "Social Distancing" Violators

As you know, Frum Jews in New York are dropping dead from the virus like flies, because, by in large  Frum Communities violate the "social distancing" regulations.... and refuse to give these rules a chance..
Yes yes I know that the Goyim are also doing it .... 

I know for a fact that there are Rabbanim in Boro-Park, Monsey and Flatbush that are continuing their minyanim in secret ....

The ones following these "Rabbonim" and joining their secret minyanim claim that this is their "Daas Torah" ...

 It is certainly admirably and  great to follow your "daas torah" when it comes to eating "devil dogs or yankee doodles" or if you wish, to follow their minhagim of not "using potatoes for karpas"....

But when it comes to spreading death and disease ... 
your "daas Torah" is endangering the lives of others....
If only one guy who davened in these minyanim is a carrier and then goes home to contaminate his wife and children, they in turn will now be carriers ....
These Rabbonim should not be followed and know that they are murderers and in the category of rodfim!

Some heimishe group has a Twitter account called ironically "@KollelNiyes" meaning "Kollel News" 
and yesterday they tweeted that they will expose those who are exposing these potential murderers ...
 This group "kollel Niyas" apparently wants to continue bringing a carnage of death to our communities Rc"l

Here is their First Tweet:

Translated loosely:
"We are going to list the information of  those "Yiddishe Moisrim" with photos on a daily basis 
The "oilim" should know to spit these guys out of the Jewish People. 
And when the shuls reopen, these guys should not be part of any minyan and denied aliyas ...
Enough with these "moisrim"

And sure enough they tweeted minutes ago their first victim:

I will not translate the tweet below as it gives the name of that brave guy with his business .....

This "@kollelNiyas" twitter group are a bunch of bullies and we know who they are and we have the list of those who receive their tweets ...
and if they continue, we will expose all of them!
We will not stand by as they intimidate and harass those who are doing the right thing ... those who are trying to stem the spilling of Jewish blood by exposing the minyan goers ....

Some have suggested that for every guy they expose, we should expose a hidden minyan with the name of the rabbi .... 
Let's wait and see..