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Showing posts with label Eli Shukron. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eli Shukron. Show all posts

Monday, August 8, 2011

2,000 Year Old Menorah carved in stone found, contradicts the Chabad understanding of what the Menorah looked like.

A worker of the Israel's Antiquities Authority shows a menora carved on stone, that was found in what archaeologists say is a 2,000-year-old drainage tunnel leading to Jerusalem's Old City, at the IAA's offices in Jerusalem, Monday, Aug. 8, 2011. On Monday, archaeologists from the IAA presented a menora, a seven-branched Jewish candelabra that was one of the central features of the Temple, carved on stone, found during excavations of an ancient drainage tunnel beneath Jerusalem, late last month. The excavation of the tunnel has yielded new artifacts from a war here 2,000 years ago, archaeologists said Monday, shedding light on a key episode of the past buried under today's politically combustible city. (AP Photo/Sebastian Scheiner)

Now look at the Chabad menorah.... Note: that they never ever found any depiction of a menorah with the Chabad and the Rambam's understanding of how the menorah looked like ... all depictions found have the traditional understanding that the Menorah had curved arms

Chabad menorah with arms straight instead of the traditional view of curved arms.

(AP)Israel - Archaeologists say artifacts discovered in an ancient drainage tunnel under Jerusalem are left over from war 2,000 years ago. On Monday archaeologists presented a Roman legionnaire’s sword and sheath found in the tunnel late last month. They believe it dates to around 70 A.D., when Rome put down a Jewish revolt, razing the second biblical Jewish Temple and much of the city.

Accounts of the battle say Jewish rebels fled to tunnels in a futile attempt to escape the Romans.
Israel Antiquities Authority archaeologist Eli Shukron says diggers also found clay lamps, pots, and a bronze key. He thinks rebels left many of those items.
The newly excavated tunnel is part of a growing network of subterranean passages under the city.

Dusiznies Note:
 it is alot more difficult to carve a "U" in stone than a "V" ...So if the Bais hamikdash Menorah was in the shape of a "V" as Chabad proposes then why in the world would the stone carver want to carve the "U"????
The stone found days ago depicts the difficulty the stone carver had carving the Menorah as he saw it ...the "U" , he apparently had a hard time with it... so if the Menorah was in the shape of the "V" ...why carve the "U"?