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Showing posts with label Eishas Chayil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eishas Chayil. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Author of "Hush" is Judy Brown, Daughter of the Publisher of Hamodia

We have been recommending this book ever since we started this blog.... this book should be required reading for all frum parents.....
It's time to admit that we as a frum community have severe problems with abuse, and it's time to deal with it..
We are supporting Judy Brown for "outing" herself! We admire her courage!
Read Judy's words
"Six months after my book, "Hush," came out, my publisher and I began receiving threats in the mail intended to intimidate us for daring to expose these unspeakable truths about my beloved community. The message was clear: I had violated the rule that said victims must protect the community from their own crimes. Now, I would pay.

For too long we have tiptoed around our flaws with fear and caution, pushing them into the shadows in hopes they will disappear. For too long, victims have been made to be the villains, and abuse was calledloshon harah, evil talk. For too long, we have refused to honestly discuss the horrific possibilities, and in doing so allowed our children to fall victim to them. And for too long, I have allowed my own fear to make me part of a wall of silence -- guilty for what I had seen, guilty for what I had written.
I refuse to continue to allow that fear to force me into hiding over a book that should have been written long ago. I no longer want to be known only as Eishes Chayil when my name is Judy Brown. I must find the courage to stand with the victims who carry the burden of our silence for the rest of their lives.
I originally wrote my book under a pseudonym to protect my family and friends from community retribution, but so far we have only hurt ourselves. Maybe now, because of Leiby's tragedy, things will change. Maybe now, we will finally teach our children what we should have taught them years ago: morality has no garb!"
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