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Showing posts with label Bris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bris. Show all posts

Sunday, March 4, 2012

"Metziztzah B'Peh" linked to child's death at Maimonides Hospital!

A two-week old boy died at a Brooklyn hospital in September after contracting herpes through a religious circumcision ritual that ignited controversy in 2005 after another infant died, the Daily News has learned.

The unidentified infant died Sept. 28, 2011, at Maimonides Hospital, according to a spokeswoman for the city Medical Examiner, who confirmed the death after a News inquiry.
The cause of death was listed as “disseminated herpes simplex virus Type 1, complicating ritual circumcision with oral suction.”
City officials declined to comment Friday.
Under the practice, the rabbi or mohel removes blood from the wound with his mouth — a practice city health officials have criticized, saying it carried “inherent risks” for babies.
It’s unclear who performed the circumcision.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Question on Passport Application: Did you have a bris?

Were you baptized or circumcised? Who was present when you were born? Where did your mother work? These are sample questions that applicants may be asked to answer on theproposed biographical questionnaire for a U.S. passport. But thats only if you don't have a birth certificate.
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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bris May Be Outlawed in San Franscisco

This is usually they way it starts.  First they attempt to put it on the ballot and if it gets enough votes, they try again until they get it passed into law. Rabbonim, instead of banning blogs and concerts should concentrate on stopping this potential disaster. If this law goes into effect, more cities and states will follow.
Self-described "civil rights advocates" say that a ballot proposition to ban circumcision is on track for gathering signatures, meaning that San Franciscans may vote on the measure this November.
The proposed law is being spearheaded by local resident Lloyd Schofield,according to the San Francisco Examiner.
It's part of a national push to end the procedure, which some say is steeped in tradition but poses risks and has little medical benefit. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Medical Association do not recommend routine circumcision.
Getting on the ballot is the easy part -- only about 7,000 signatures are required. Once it's there, advocates will have to convince voters that snipping off body parts is a bad idea.

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