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Showing posts with label Ami Chaim Friedlander. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ami Chaim Friedlander. Show all posts

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Ami's Chaim Friedlander ... What A Damn Liar!


Chaim Friedlander is Ami's Israeli Politics writer. 
In this week's issue he wrote a column about Yair Lapid portraying him as anti-Chareidie. 

I am not a fan of Lapid I think that he is a disaster. 
Having said that, there is absolutely no reason to lie about him, there is enough proof of him hating Chareidim without writing lies!

Friedlander in the above clip  taken from his column, totally dismisses a disgusting incident in Beit Shemesh where a Chareidie adult spat at "seven-year-old girl" on her way to school, and wrote that this incident "has not been confirmed." 

What an unmitigated liar! 
First of all, she was not "seven years old" she was eight years old, her name is Naama Margolis.
Here is a photo of the little girl with her mother Haddassa Margolis while being interviewed on TV. This story went viral and we have a BBC clip below!

Now here is the photo of the Chareidie Adult who did the spitting: