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Showing posts with label Aaron Teitelbaum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aaron Teitelbaum. Show all posts

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Satmar Rebbe Of Kiryas Yoel, Supports Tzippy Livini & the Iranians! Slams PM Netanyahu In Speech, Video

DIN Comments in RED

The Satmar Rebbe, (the one trying to kill his brother in Williamsburg,) has come out in a harsh message against the “Head of the Zionist Klipa (קליפה)”.
“How does he have the insolence and chutzpah to tell European Jews to make aliyah to Israel?”

Hey Rebbe .... why don't you ask that question to Moshe Rabbeinu? Ask how Moshe Rabbeinu had the "Insolence and Chutzpa" to ask Jews in the Midbar to make Aliyah?
Why don't you ask Ezrah Hasofer and Nechemyeh how they had the "Insolence and Chutzpa" to ask the Babylonian Jews to Make Aliyah?

The rebbe also attacked Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s upcoming address before the US Congress in March 2015. He condemns Mr. Netanyahu for getting in the White House’s face. “This is chutzpah. He is not a mentsch. He is lowly”.

This fanatic who hates his own brother, condemns the Prime Minister of a State that is in danger of being annihilated and  who wants to inform the world of the danger (Iran) facing it's citizens,  and who was invited by the 3rd most powerful man in the United States to address Congress. 
The Iranian Ayetolla YM"SH promises to wipe the State of Israel off the Map Chas V'sholom, and the leader of Israel wants to come and present his case, and this lunatic says that he has "Chutzpa" to address Congress?
Is this who this little Romanian twerp from Orange County  is calling "lowly?" 

The rebbe made his comments during a motzei Shabbos Parshas Terumah seudas mitzvah in Antwerp, speaking in the New Satmar Beis Medrash. The rebbe reminded his audience how murderous Muslims around the world, particularly in Europe, have been killing Jews in cruel attacks and that we must daven that the “Shomer Yisrael” will continue to protect the “Sheiris Yisrael”.

The rebbe continued, addressing Israel’s call to European Jewry to come to Israel. He questioned after the murder of three talmidei yeshiva near Chevron if the “head of the Zionist klipos” called on all settlers to move from those areas?

Why didn't the "Klipos" Rebbe ask Williamsburg Jews to move when Stark was murdered?
How about when the Jews were murdered in the Twin Towers? Why didn't you call for Jews to move?

He added if when he decided to go to war this past summer and 70 soldiers and Jews were killed if he then called for Jews from run away from Israel? “From where does he have the brazenness and chutzpah to tell Jews in Europe to come to Israel? Does he have the ability to protect them” the rebbe added

But your uncle Reb Yoilish z"l did have the opportunity to protect Hungarian Jews from the murderous Nazis and he refused, saying that the Nazis were never going to go to Hungary, and then he  and his family fled to Switzerland on the Zionist Kastner train. Jews held Visas to Palestine, but your Uncle told them to stay put in Europe only to have them all perish in the flames of Auschwitz,

The rebbe then turned to the prime minister’s planned address before the Senate and Congress in the US. “His actions defy the rules of accepted diplomatic rules of play. All previous Zionist prime ministers adhered to these rules. The State of Israel receives more than any other nation from the United States and what chutzpah he has to now defy the president of the United States. He is not a mentsch and he is not a diplomat. He is a lowly person”.
The rebbe added “Even among the Zionists they maintain he should not go and give the address. 

The Romanian Satmar leader, the Reform movement, Tzippy Livni, the leftist self hating Jews and the Iranians are now on the same page!

How does he dare place the millions of Jews living in the United States under threat of renewed anti-Semitic attack which may result from his actions? Can he also protect all the Jews of the United States?”
“The main busha is that the chareidim support him and give full backing to his actions” the rebbe ended.

This man has no confidence in the RBSH"O that gave us this land...he has confidence in Obama? How is this guy still backed by thousands?

First see the lunitic rant and then see the answer to his dumb speech!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The reason why the Jewish People lost respect for their leaders .... they are constantly in courts and not in Bais Din!

Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum

Rabbi Zalman Teitelbaum

Mordechai Tendler
Torah leaders constantly preach to their naive flock that a Jew who has a conflict with another Jew, should resolve their issues in a Bais Din. The leaders themselves do not listen to their own sermons and refuse to follow Torah law. Take for example Mordechai Tendler of New Hempstead, who constantly admonished his kehillah to follow our holy Torah and resolve their perspective issues in a Jewish Bais Din "al pi Torah."Mordechai Tendler as of this writing is in secular court suing his former Kehillah for back pay, because they fired him for having sexual affairs with members of his own congregation. Tendler did in fact subpoena his kehilah to a Bais Din but then refused to show up. Tendler is now suing google to identify the various bloggers  for reporting the truth that he had multiple affairs.
And now we have two Chassidic Rabbis suing each other in Secular Court to determine who the leader of the Satmar Chassidim is. 
Read Reuters

The succession battle between two brothers to be the leader of an ultra-orthodox Jewish sect is back in the courts.
The brothers, Zalman and Aaron Teitelbaum, have been fighting for years in religious and state civil courts to determine who should head the Satmar wing of Hasidic Judaism. The Teitelbaums' father, Moses, was the long-time Satmar boss, but he died without naming a successor.
Aaron Teitelbaum governs Kiryas Joel, a town about 60 miles from New York City. The largely Yiddish-speaking town was founded in the 1970s and its residents strictly observe Jewish religious rules.
Zalman Teitelbaum runs a similiar Satmar community in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, in New York City.
The latest development in the fraternal battle was sparked by a group of Zalman's supporters who live in Kiryas Joel. They have accused Kiryas Joel of running a repressive theocracy and asked a federal judge to dissolve the self-governing community.
In court papers filed in Manhattan federal court on Monday, a Kiryas Joel offical who stands accused by the angry residents said the legal fight was a tactic to change the town's leadership.
"Plaintiffs ... attempt through this case to drag Moses Witriol ... into the middle of their dispute concerning leadership," Witriol, the town's director of public safety, said in court filings.
In an amended complaint filed last month, the Zalman Teitelbaum supporters said Kiryas Joel officials selectively enforced laws and discriminated against them because of their religious beliefs. They asked U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff, who is presiding over the case, to direct New York State to dissolve the municipality.
The case is Kiryas Joel Alliance et al. v. Village of Kiryas Joel et al., U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, No. 11-3982.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Satmar Teaches their children that the holy language "IVRIT" is more impure than any other language!!

Satmar Yeshivos ingrain hate against their fellow Jews! They teach these holy little souls that the holy language, Ivrit,  spoken by Gedoilei Yisroel and hundreds of thousands of "shomrei  torah and mitzvos" is impure. Not only is it it impure but it is the impurest language in the world! More impure than Arabic, a language spoken by blood thirsty murderers of our people. More impure than German whose people that speak that language killed millions of our Jewish brothers & sisters. More impure than Spanish that banished us from their lands. More impure than English that chased us out of England in the 12 century and murdered some of our Rishonim.
In times like today when our brethern in Israel are facing annihalation, these Satmar gangsters teach their children to hate other Jews! It is no wonder that Moshiach doesn't want to come!
By the way the Satmerer's Rebbi wife of Monroe speaks Ivrit to her sisters.
My fellow Satmarer Chassidim, time to go into the Rebbi and tell him "Lo Zee Haderech" this is not the way...we do not want our children brainwashed, we want you to teach love instead of hate! We want Moshiach to come!
Recently I was at a Satmar Wedding, backers of the "Aronim,"(Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum's followers) and I jokingly asked some little boys about 11 - 12 years old what they thought of the "Zaloinim?" (Rabbi Zalman Teitelbaum's followers).They began to laugh, and called them "Rashoim"(evil People). I then asked what they thought of the Bnei Yoel (followers of the Rebbitzen of R' Yoilish Z"L) and they said they were "Goyim" (gentiles)...
My friends, is this what we are teaching our precious children?
Woe to this generation! Woe to our leaders!