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Showing posts with label 560. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 560. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

$56,000.00 Reward offered for information leading to arrest of Ocean Parkway arsonist of cars

This now brings the reward money for credible information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible to $56,000, including $25,000 which was raised by Mr. David Ben-Horeen, publisher of The Jewish Voice, as well as other leaders of the community; $4,000 which was put forth by the ADL; and a $1,000 contribution each from both Councilman David Greenfield and Senator Marty Golden.
In this Nov 11 2011 photos NYPD crime investigators at the scene of Midwood section of Brooklny, NY where 3 cars were ignited with anti-semtic graffiti. Photo: Shimon Gifter

New York Republican State Committee Chairman Ed Cox has just informed Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) that an anonymous donor has offered an additional $25,000 to the existing reward money being offered in connection with last Friday’s arson and hate crime on Ocean Parkway which saw several vehicles torched and burned in the Midwood section of Brooklyn. Graffiti, including swastikas and the letters KKK and SS, was found sprayed on and around the cars and nearby benches.

“I am so grateful to the NYPD who have been working around the clock to solve this hate crime,” remarked Hikind. “They have spared no effort in attempting to put the community at ease by finding the perpetrator(s) responsible for this heinous crime and bringing them to justice. I am also incredibly thankful to Mr. Cox and his donor for their support. I am hopeful we will have a break in the case soon.”
Anyone with information is urged to call the NYPD tip hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477). All calls will be kept confidential.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

R" Amnon Yitzchok blames the murder of Rabbi Elazar Abuhatzeira on haredi singers and songs that he feels are improper!

R' Amnon (left), R' Abuhatzeira Z"L (right)
Rav Amnon Yitzchok arrived at his theory by using  gematria (numerology) . The gematria of the name of the murderer is 560, the gematria of the word "songs" is 560, and the "Siman" in Shulchan Aruch that prohibits songs is 560.
He added and I will loosely translate it after the Hebrew: Parentheses are ours:

"כיון שהצדיק היה מקפיד בעניינים אלה, יש לנו מסר גדול, שצריכים להתחזק בעניינים האלה של קדושה וצניעות וטהרה, ובפרט ב'גזירת החורבן' - לא לשמוע שירים אסורים ופסולים מזמרים פסולים ואסורים כל ימות השנה. גם לא מזמרים כשרים כל ימות השנה, רק במועדים שהתירה ההלכה. אין מסר יותר ברור מזה".
"ואדם שמקל בזה", הוסיף הרב אמנון יצחק, "אם יתברר שאני צודק במה שאני אומר, יתבעו אותו בשמים על סילוקם של הצדיקים. תזכרו את הדברים שאמרתי ואולי יהיה לנו שכל לשוב בתשובה סופסוף לפני הצונאמי שיגיע, כי הצונאמי ביפן ובהאיטי זה כלום לעומת סילוק של צדיק".
"Since this rightous man (R' Abuhatzeira) was very strict with these issues, there is a very strong message in his death that we have to be careful  in matters of Tznius .... especially after the ancient Rabbis decreed after the destruction of the Bais Hamikdash, not to listen  to any prohibitive music throughout the year and even Kosher music throughout the year. One can only hear music at holidays... and there is nothing clearer than this.
And any person that takes this rule lightly, is and will be responsible for the death of the Tzadikim. Remember my words and do tesuvah before the Tsunami hits us.  The tsunami that hit Japan and Haiti is nothing compared to the death of the Righteous."
Dus iz nies:
560 is also the gematria of the following word in hebrew: לישועה ולנחמה which actually translates to "salvation and comfort" so I have no idea how this would fit into his equation..
560 is also the gematria of רננו צדיקים ..."the rightous shall sing" this gematria actually contradicts his theory.... but who am I to say??????????