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Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Mazal Tov !They say there is still hope; they call it love.


21-year-old Michelle Rokbin was among the most severely wounded among the residents of October 7th. Terrorists shot her in the head, abdomen, legs, and all over her body.

The bullet passed through her right eye, entered through her nose, and exited through her head.

She was in a coma for three months. She oscillated between life and death, between darkness and light, between this world and the next.

When Michelle awoke, none of her body's systems were functioning.

Throughout this time, from the moment Michelle closed her eyes until the moment she opened them, for months without a break, with no sleep, in pain, confusion, and hallucinations, there was someone by her side the entire time. Someone who was connected with the greatest love to her bed, her partner, Rinat.

He never left her side for a moment. When she closed her eyes, he closed his.

He was present at every check-up, every doctor visit, with every breath she took.

When she found it hard to breathe, he breathed for her. When she found it hard to lift her hand, he held it up so that no treatment would be withheld from her.

Rinat was the angel watching over her for all these months.

When everyone else gave up, he fought. Even when there were doubts, he had faith.

She had love within her, and she triumphed because of Michelle's courage.

She couldn't walk a step, but Rinat held her hand, marching together with her, step by step, to pass the long journey she still needed to go through.

This week, Rinat proposed to Michelle, offering her to be his partner in life, for good and bad, health and sickness. Michelle agreed.

Best of luck to Michelle and Rinat.

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