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Monday, July 22, 2024

Skeverer Rebber Named in Lawsuit for Covering Up Sexual Abuse for R' Mordechai Sitorsky Principal of Boyan


Rabbi Mordechai Sitorsky, Mechanech, Speaker, and Former principal of Boyan, Accused of Sexually Abusing Minor in GMVA Suit. Skverer Rebbe Also Sued for Alleged Coverup

Link to full complaint: https://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/nyscef/ViewDocument?docIndex=6V2Qez02MXA9VmdnlgjYZw==


Anonymous said...

If you wanna be a rabbi, rov, Rebbe etc, you should learn the laws of the land and calculate the Chillul Hashem you create by covering up those crimes, not to mention the second round of suffering of the victim which is worse than the first.

Nuch a Boyaner Shanda said...

Beware of the mentally ill Boyaner chossid who became a real estate broker in a community in the greater NYC area. He will screw you for a few cents if he gets the chance. He did end up in State Supreme Court for helping the other side in a house sale defraud his own client. He harasses you like crazy if you don't give in to his strong arm ridiculous demands. His ex-wife left him shortly after the first child & became Modern Orthodox. The only daughter married a Mulatto who became an Open Orthodox "rabbi". His father is a Lubav BT & mother a Shvartza ger. This daughter had gone to Hollywood to become a movie producer. She produced a series about Orthodox shidduchim which was actually entertaining for the first season. But then she blew it & turned everyone off with her Woke, in your face Open Orthodox meshugassen to promote toieveh by showcasing "frum" faggots dating each other! The toieveh series is dedicated lezeicher the zeydie who was gabbai of the alter Boyaner Rebbe!

LES AYM said...

@"Nuch a Boyaner Shanda"
Why are you blaming Boyan in this story?
Yes, he may have been the English principal there, but none of the events took place there. Nor does it appear that Boyan had any involvement in this!
Perhaps you want to be blame the grocery store he shopped in too!

LES AYM said...

@Sitorsky is not even a Boyaner! He has no shaiches to them except for having been employed by them.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

An eidel real estate agent who doesn't say a bad word about people makes an exception for that Boyaner broker. She cringes at his mention & says he's not right in the head.