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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Harold Tischler in a huge Pickle for offering to buy FDNY inspector ‘best pastrami sandwich’

Hershey Goldberger and Abe and Rivka Friedman (far left to right) watch Harold “Heshy” Tischler yell at a New York Post reporter

A notorious political firebrand running for City Council in Brooklyn is being probed by the city after being caught on video offering to treat an FDNY inspector to “the best-corned beef and pastrami sandwiches on the planet.”

Harold “Heshy” Tischler tendered the tasty proposal on April 17 after the FDNY inspector arrived at 960 East Third Street in Midwood to investigate complaints of alleged misuse of a propane tank.

The exchange was caught in a nearly three-minute video filmed by Hershey Goldberger, whose family owns the home and is currently embroiled in a bitter, property-line dispute with their next-door neighbors, the Onefater family, over alleged illegal construction.

Tischler — who runs a nearby Foster Avenue business specializing in helping construction contractors score city permits and beat fines — is helping the Onefaters in their property fight.

Goldberger turned the video over to the city Department of Investigation and asked it to determine whether Tischler’s nosh proffer to Fire Safety Inspector Mateo Galloza constituted a bribe.

The DOI requested additional information from Goldberger, according to an email chain examined by The Post.

Tischler, a self-described “expediter” for Brooklyn’s Orthodox Jewish community, said he is helping the Onefaters for free.

In the videotaped exchange, he told Galloza he hopes the dispute between Goldberger’s stepfather Abe Friedman and the Onefaters is resolved soon.

He said once that happens they’ll celebrate – his treat – at Essen New York Deli on Coney Island Avenue.

“The best corned beef and pastrami sandwiches on the planet,” Tischler gushes.

“If you’re paying, I’m there, whatever. So it don’t matter to me,” responds Galloza, who started working his $52,070-a-year job in October.

“I’ll even throw in a soda,” says Tischler.

“That’s it!” shouts Galloza.

“Pickles and cucumbers and Coke will come with it, so we have no problem,” adds Tischler.

Corned beef and pastrami sandwiches at Essen run $24 a pop, plus tax, and soda is $3.

Extra lean pastrami is another buck.

Under city rules, offering someone lunch is “something of value” and could be considered a bribe. 

If DOI determines wrongdoing, it could turn the case over to local prosecutors and also refer the matter to the city’s Conflicts of Interest Board.

Penalties could include fines of up to $25,000, and Galloza could face suspension or be fired.

DOI said it is “aware of the matter and declines further comment.” An FDNY spokesperson said “the incident is under investigation” but declined further comment.

Ken Fisher, a lawyer representing the Onefaters, said his clients had nothing to do with Tischler’s meal offer.

Tischler — who is planning to run as a Republican next year to replace term-limited Councilman Kalman Yeger in the 44th District representing Borough Park, Midwood and other parts of southwest Brooklyn – erupted Thursday when confronted by a Post reporter about the video.

He pulled out his smartphone and began recording while asking repeatedly, “are you an idiot?” — and if the reporter was “homosexual” — during a nearly eight-minute rant.

He then threatened to air the footage of the confrontation on a conservative radio show he hosts on Facebook and YouTube.

“You’re here for a corned beef sandwich? You’re a sick guy!” fumed Tischler, surrounded by retired cops working security for the Onefaters.

However, a more solemn Tischler called the reporter Friday and apologized for his remarks.

He insisted he wasn’t bribing Galloza but has a long history of buying pizza and other food regularly for local cops and other city workers to show appreciation for their service.

He also said he welcomes any DOI investigation.

Tischler, 60, pleaded guilty to inciting a riot during an October 2020 protest in Borough Park over COVID-19 mandates by urging supporters to attack a reporter from the Jewish Insider.

In 2013, Tischler was convicted and sentenced to a year behind bars for being part of a fraud scheme involving promising jobs to immigrants at bogus companies.

Goldberger said to see the exchange between Tischler and the inspector was “really disappointing.”

Messages left for Galloza through the Fire Department were not returned.

1 comment:

Boor-o Park said...

The rotten eppel doesn't fall far from the tree. This immature twerp's parents were shysters in the nursing home industry.