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Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Conservative Drag Queen educates Queers for Palestine activist



Gay Aveck said...

No such thing as an oxymoronic Tranny freak who is "Conservative".

He's just being practical.

Anonymous said...

"Conservative "?about what?
Those devils with media collusion will forever subvert every term & expression

Anonymous said...

So confused!!!

Anonymous said...

The woman being interviewed is so incredibly stupid! She's unaware that the Israel is Jewish and that 'P#lestine' is Muslim! She also does not know that she would be dead meat in any Muslim country. Certainly representative of the idiot pro-'P#lestinian' demonstrators and supporters, who are so hopelessly dumb and uninformed.

Very possible that the interviewer is undercover and not really a gay, drag queen. That would be the only way to get an idiot like that woman (and company) to speak with him.