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Friday, June 7, 2024

Chareidie Lady Esti Reiner Volunteers in the Israeli Police Force


 Esti Reiner's recruitment into the police

 Esti Reiner, resident of Ramat Dalet  in Beit Shemesh, wife of  municipality's spokesperson for the Chareidie sector, Yossi Reiner, in a fascinating and inspiring interview about the combination of life as an Chareidie and her new role as a police volunteer.

The video follows Rainer from the moment she left her house until the middle of her shift, and was broadcast last night on Khan 11 and seems to have gone viral on the networks.

馃幀 *讛讞专讚讬讜转 讘讘讬转 砖诪砖 诪诪砖讬讻讜转 诇讛注住讬拽 讗转 讛转拽砖讜专转 讛讗专爪讬转 ▪︎ 讛转讙讬讬住讜转 讗住转讬 专讬讬谞专 诇诪砖讟专讛* 馃摙

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